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Making bedrooms, interior photos

Оформление спальной комнаты, фото интерьера спальниIn any house or apartment, Bedroom - a special room. Bedroom - it's an intimate space, in which a person should be comfortable, outsiders are not allowed here. The interior and style of the bedroom can be different from the rest of the interior space. In the bedroom, you need to feel peacefully, so the design of this room - it is very personal and very important. Appropriate to be quiet, bedding tone. Here people go to bed, and therefore, atmosphere should be relaxed, allows to distract from the urgent problems of.

When you make a bedroom, our site repair of the apartment with his hands recommends to remember, that each color has its energy. For example, red - excites, and is not suitable for the bedroom is best. It is preferable to issue a bedroom in bright, adjusts to tranquil mood, colors. If needed, in the selection of colors can help psychologists. They recommend greens, known, that this color, associated with the freshness of the meadows and produces a calming effect. Nice and blue, He has a positive effect on the psyche, as it is the color of the sky. Specialists in design and has also recommended and yellow - the color of the sun, heat. And of course white - the color of purity.

Making bedroom furniture

Making bedroom, know mayor, and not too make her furniture. Clutter negatively affects a person, room becomes smaller and darker visually. The furniture itself should be in harmony with the general background of the bedroom, otherwise fragmentation will cause a feeling of confusion, that in the bedroom is particularly undesirable. The mirrors in the bedroom - it is effectively. The mirror can also be part of the interior decor, and functional part of it, eg, door cupboard. Well, the main piece of furniture in the bedroom is, of course, bed. Today offers bed almost all types and sizes, and any customer can find something, what does he want. Important, bed to fit into the interior of a bedroom, While many designers prefer, so it is somewhat stood out from the rest of the furniture and the interior has been a central part. It is better to choose a large bed, when more space man better relaxes.

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elements of decor can be paintings, Photo, Wall lights and so on, choosing their, remember for a room they. It is better, if landscapes and portraits, undesirable reproduction of natural disasters and with scenes of violence. Curtains and drapes should be suitable to the interior of the bedroom in color. Good lightweight materials - Chiffon, silk. Any items must be well combined. The wall at the head of the bed, you can paste over the soft tones of the walls, can be painted. Above the bed a good idea to hang pictures, on which you enjoy watching and remember something good. TV remote, or other personal items, to order, hide in the bedside tables. Selection of lighting in interior rooms as an important point.

Just great, When the bedroom is where to put a separate dressing table, if the room is too small, then the role of the dressing table and chest of drawers fit, on which you can hang mirrors of different shapes, that will look unusual and will create an additional volume. Be sure to get a table or tray, and in bad weather day, you can have breakfast, without getting out of bed. If the bed does not have any branches, buy basket with low walls, in which you can fold the excess under the bed and shove.

Chair with rounded shapes and a coffee table does not occupy much space, putting them in his bedroom, you will have a wonderful corner for reading and phone calls.

Selection of pillows and blankets

Подбор подушек и одеяла для спальниSleep quality also depends on, what is your pillow and blanket. Pad should be such, to the neck and shoulder girdle completely relaxed. Height it should be 6 – 14 cm, Although some people physique. Basically, the height of pillows - 10 cm, broad-shouldered people sleep better on pillows higher.

Doctors recommend the use of orthopedic pillows form, with one or two under your neck fillet. This shape provides better support. Orthopedic pillows Latex is recommended for pain in the neck and shoulders. Bags for foam-based (polyurethane, latex) Memory effect, responsive to pressure and heat of the human body, adjust to its shape. These pillows are useful, but not cheap. To check the quality of the pillows filled with classic - down, roll it into a roll and look, how quickly it will recover form.

Blanket should keep warm, but also to "breathe". cotton, and down blankets meet this condition. In winter, a good shelter easy and very warm woolen blanket sheep. Such a blanket can absorb sweat, which then erode. But in the summer, enough to hide an ordinary cotton blanket.

See also a good article what colors are combined in the interior of the room, to make it look harmonious.

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