the main / design apartment / What colors are combined in the interior of the room

What colors are combined in the interior of the room

Какие цвета сочетаются в интерьере фотоUnsuccessful color combinations. The combination of purple and black colors make the space oppressive and compressed. Brown leads to melancholy and depression. Reds cause aggression and irritate. Gray background brings a person into depression, sadness and depression. From blue breathes a sense of cold and moisture.

The magic of color

Colors in the interior play an important role. The most important thing - it is to know the psychological characteristics of residents: needs, habits, Lifestyle. Most people choose the medium, in which they are going to live up to their color tastes, rather than trends fashion trends. Any combination of colors in the interior must be beautiful, comfortable and high-quality, and all this must be in harmony. The most important, they should approach a particular family.

Each color in the color palette has its own plus, which makes the interior bright, stylish and fantastic. To create a contrasting combination in the interior, you need to pick colors antipodes. Marengo and orange. Yellow and blue. Lime and purple color. Light green and pink color. Bright red and green.

If you want something original and elegant, but you think about, to avoid sharp contrasts, then give preference to a classic combination. Now we shall understand what colors are combined in the interior, site renovated apartment with his hands leads below their good combination.

Selection of colors in the interior of the apartment

  • Gray with blue, pink, blue, green, red, black, yellow.
  • Violet orange, light green, yellow, golden.
  • Purple with light purple, gray, kashtanovыm.
  • Pink gray, brown, maroon.
  • Green yellow, red, maroon, orange, gray, black.
  • Brown gray, golden, pink, beige, yellow.
  • Blue with purple, red, gray, golden.
  • Blue with blue, red, orange, light purple.

color imitation

Different colored composition is constantly in contact with our life and become a part of it. In keeping with the laws of color combination in the interior rooms of the apartment, different shades transmit their energy to man. colors soothe, help to escape from the troubles, relax. Color schemes like people: they saturate the senses at home, They have their own temperament, cause apathy and sympathy, imitate the master. It is in harmony combination of colors is all manifested.

Sand and white colors bring a sense of coolness in the house. By design "patio" style will suit the color of bamboo furniture. Rooms in a striped blue color or red shades can close the world inside the house, absorbing the bright lights. The most important thing, select combination to fit their psychological characteristics. And do not forget selection of lighting in the interior, too much depends on it.

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