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Calculator for material on the partition plasterboard

Name consumption U. measurement
1 Sheet gypsum plasterboard Knauf(gypsum plasterboard) m
2. Profile Guide Mon 50/40 (75/40, 100/40)
running m
3 Profile Rack PS 50/50 (75/50, 100/50)
running m
4 Screw samonarezayuschyy TN25
5. Caulking "Фугенфюллер" ("Unflot")
6 reinforcing tape
running m
7 dowel "TO" 6/35
8. tape sealing
pog. m.
9. Primers, deep universal Knauf Tifengrund
10 Mineral wool slab
11profile corner
according to customer needs
running m

Calculator to calculate the partitions in the premises of the drywall Knauf technology. Calculation will determine how much will need to profile, sheets, screws and other materials in the construction of interior partitions in the apartment. Through our online calculator you calculate the required amount for the purchase of building materials in the construction market, or when ordering through the Internet.

baffle of the sheet
Structures Technology Knauf partitions
Elimenty partitions

types of profiles

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