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Warming of the balcony with his hands and glazing

Утепление балкона своими руками и остекление фотоIf your apartment has a loggia, then it is a huge plus. Unattractive bulges outward concrete pad with lattice fences - an accurate description of most of the balconies. To remedy this state of affairs, will need to glaze a balcony and warm, possible to do this and with his own hands. Upon completion of all the work you will have a kind of "pantry", where it will be possible to put the vacuum cleaner, which prevents all in a room or other household objects ... Simply put, consider the case of the conversion of a loggia in a small apartment and useful site ... By the way, we looked at the way expansion due to kitchen balcony, very interesting option.

Warming of the balcony of foam blocks

Do not immediately rush to buy window. At first, decide, what they will be put. Naturally, railing. You must remove all grilles and other metal fences and prepare a site for masonry parapet. Brick - perhaps the, the worst and bad material for the construction of the balcony. He was too heavy (especially red), and to lay down "sideways" at the height of more than a meter can not be. Otherwise you will lose precious square decimeter balcony area. Ideal foam blocks wide and ten centimeters. The main advantage of concrete Foam concrete - blistering, that is, lightness and increased strength. External Properties foam blocks below, than that of bricks, therefore, outside the parapet can upholster panels, tin, yes anything ...

glazing of loggias (balcony)

Having finished concrete and masonry work, you zametete, as your loggia gradually transformed into a mini-room. However, we must also make interior trim and, the most important thing, window installation. When choosing window design, Many look at the low cost of aluminum and wood options. It is not right, because the heat capacity is important for balcony, which will provide full PVC windows.

After installing windows and embedding of seams you can do from the inside insulation. Decide on the climatic conditions of its latitude. If the winter cold, the trim is held under heating. He is electronic and steam (connected to the heating system). You can make warming mineral wool or some other fiber. understandably, that rests on top of the insulation padding. If your plans originally was to upholster panels, you know, what plaster - not the best thermal insulator. radiator holding onto the balcony will result in a strong condensation and can lead to increased vlagoobrazovaniyu throughout the apartment. As an option, can install floor heating.

The most correct decision for self-warming and improve the balcony, You can pick up after careful analysis of the suggested materials. The following articles will deal with this issue in more detail.

Repair of apartments with their own hands.

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