Loggia glazing PVC - enough popular solution, for apartments, and for country houses, despite the higher cost of this material as compared with aluminum analog. This is explained by the ability of a plastic profile qualitatively retain heat and leak-proof rooms. PVC material is durable, does not require any specific care, you can select a form design.
The useful glazed loggias?

Glazing of loggias PVC will transform open space into useful, well protected from the environment area, which can be used for different purposes. Warming hinged design using PVC will provide an opportunity to turn it into a heated space, suitable for use in any weather. The construction will not freeze, you save the apartment from drafts, condensate, make it more quiet, will add to the room a few meters of space. Inside is no dust, mud, garbage, which may fall from the other floors, You will no longer disturb the rainfall and wind.
PVC glazing will help to create a comfortable environment. With the additional buffer space own microclimate is formed indoors, the room will be warmer, especially if you get a balcony heating battery.
What profile to choose to work?
glazing PVC windows, first of all, It puts the buyer to choose the structure itself, in fact they differ not only the profiles, but the double-glazed windows, inserted in them. Glazing is divided into the following types:
- Full and partial.
- Warm and cold.
Council: selecting a material for glazing, Pay attention on the plastic profiles: they have no flaws, Besides, It includes all the advantages of other materials, used for structural glazing.
With the help of glass, you can adjust the light enters the room. You can darken the windows, make a dead leaf or, in front of, employ the large glass, making the space bright and airy.
A comfortable temperature can be achieved, using triple-pane windows. Such PVC glazing of balconies perfectly cope with the heat insulation, in this case will not have too much weight, that for many structures is critical.
Profile selection system
The system selects whichever, a glazing. If you have a cool design, you can take a nice solution and install frameless glazing panoramic. It can not insulate a room, but it looks quite interesting and can be protected from wind and rain. Warm glazing has a hermetically sealed construction elements, do not miss the cold thanks to the profile features. Frameless glazing is not the case.

opening methods may be any. Most often used to save space sliding option, as in this case, the flap does not require additional space for opening. Another plus sliding design - it does not open by the wind.
Advantages and disadvantages
Glazing of loggias PVC has its own characteristics, that must be considered when selecting a material for glazing. Advantages of PVC is enough:
- Durability. The construction will last more 50 years old, without losing the external characteristics, It does not become dilapidated, not require extensive repair.
- PVC is not afraid of changes in temperature, the heat profile is not deformed, He does not respond to low temperatures.
- Ramu not Skew, since plastic does not have the ability to freeze.
- PVC glazing does not rust, does not rot, it does not spoil the harmful insects, rodents and birds.
- The structure consists of a special plastic material, thanks to which it is not lit, even at high temperatures.
- Quality windows are well insulated to cope with the internal space of the external factors.
- You do not need to serve the glazing, obkladyvat its wool in the winter. The design does not require additional insulation.
- Wash PVC glazing is very simple. For this purpose, any suitable detergents. Many manufacturers produce profiles, capable of repelling dust and dirt.
- PVC balcony, loggia can protect premises. There are special reinforced windows, as well as accessories, prevents cracking. Such products are not only good protection from the external environment, but will not allow the criminal to get into the house through the balcony.
- On Windows, you can install a special net from cats or protection of children. The cat will not fall out of the window, hanging on a solid grid, and the child can not independently open flap.
Design deficiencies of PVC as such has. However, the high cost of the material can be attributed to the bad moment and a large mass of some windows, because of which they can be installed on each balcony slab.
Council: before installing the plastic glazing, necessary to find out, which is able to withstand a lot of balconies base. it can be strengthened, if necessary.
Conclusion: glazed PVC windows – convenient and cost-effective solution, through which you can make a comfortable balcony.