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Features Tile choice for granite

When it comes to self-facing walls or floor tiles, It is the question of the need to use tools, which quickly and precisely cuts the tile. Tile helps to divide the tile into several parts, and cut out shapes, which are necessary for laying. Features Tile choice for cutting granite, different from cutting tiles.

The principle of operation manual tile

This type of tile cutter is suitable for a small amount of work, so it is a manual tile cutter is the most popular among consumers. His device consists of:

  • platform, which should be placed tiles;
  • carriages, which is located above the roller;
  • cutting wheel, which produces tiles and cut;
  • handles, which presses the tiles to the platform;
  • guide rails, which moves the cutting roller;
  • Supports for guides;
  • Foot tile fracture.

The principle of operation is similar to a manual tile cutter device stekloreza work. Passing over the surface of the tiles, the cutting roller carries incision glaze. special foot, located beneath the roller breaks the tile in half, resulting in a clean cut. Manual tile cutter is used to work up with the tile thickness 15 mm.

When laying the tiles there are moments, when it is necessary to use a tile elements of irregular shape, e.g. circle - outlets for lining or pipe-laying. To do this, use the manual tile cutter with "Ballerina". At the heart of such a device is installed circular rezak.Diametr next round piece of tile can be adjusted.

Regarding the type of construction, manual tile cutters are:

  • roller. As the name implies, tiles section performs a special roller, which is made from hard metal alloys, thus it has a high service life;

  • Bearing. Such types of device intended for cutting slab material is not thicker 1,5 cm. Due to the bearings on sleeves, the tool has a poavny course;plitkorez-ruchnoy-s-vtulkoj
  • mechanical. This type of device allows you to accurately cut as a solid, and soft tile. Usually it is the cheapest models Tile with low platform and sliding bushings.plitkorez-ruchoi

In operation, manual tile cutter is simple enough, so it is used as the experienced masters, and people, producing repairs yourself. The whole process of working with a manual tile consists of the following stages:

  1. It is necessary to check the status of the instrument: whether it is OK, I do not blunt roller, whether all the elements of the device are in proper condition;
  2. Mark the tile using a pencil;
  3. Arrange tiles on manual tile platform, marked line should coincide with the cutting roller. Note, that the distance between the trailing edge and the edge of the tile should not be less than 1 cm. Otherwise slice may get uneven and sloppy;
  4. By holding the handle there is a cut roller. It should not be much pressure on him, otherwise the tiles could crack. Enough force, by which the roller makes an incision in the glaze;
  5. Thereafter, the handle is pressed and there is tile breakdown into two parts.

In order to cut the material is easier to give in, allowed to wet the tiles with water. In detail how to lay tile, you can learn by looking video. additionally learn such as drilling tile.

What to look for when buying

The manual tile cutter, note the following characteristics:

  • the strength of the frame. Tile platform must be made of metal and have a good thickness. If the bed will look fragile, the Tile may not be enough even for the small amount of work;
  • tool length. If there is a choice between short and long tool, Choose the second option. With such Tile, always it can be processed not only in length but also on the diagonal;
  • smooth running. Before you buy a tool, check it is running smoothly. it's desirable, to its present design bearings, which provide softness to the device.

Cutting manual tile roll grinds and blunts with time. He is not subject to sharpening, so if you have this problem,, You have to buy a new roller member.

During operation, it should be lubricated regularly it will prolong tool life.

Apparatus electric Tile

Besides manual tile, also widespread electric models this tool to supply water to the diamond blade. By design, an electric tile cutter differs, that under the working platform it is equipped with the electric drive, which is mounted on the diamond wheel for cutting tiles.

Also, some modern models of electric tile cutter equipped with additional functions. for example, the presence of the rotary mechanism allows to cut the tiles at an angle 45 degrees, a water tank mounted under the cutting disk ensures a minimum of dust formation during operation. Also tile cutters electrical device may be equipped with a marking, by which to measure the desired portion of the tiles can be directly on the platform.

Electric tile can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Tile fixed cutting blade. In this case, the work of cutting tiles have to carry arms, what is the main flaw?. Tile is necessary to move independently under the cutting blade. One wrong move and you can harm themselves;
  2. Tile a moving disk. More accurate and safe tool. In this construction, the mechanism with the disk itself moves along the said line.

The algorithm works with electric Tile quite complicated and looks:

  1. Draw the cutting line on the tile;
  2. Place the tiles on the platform parallel to the track;
  3. Turn on the device: wherein the actuator is activated and starts RECIRCULATION supplying water from the reservoir;
  4. Bring the tiles under the cutting blade and let him carefully cut the tile. This step requires increased care. If you do not follow the process, you can not just cut the tiles crooked, but also cause damage to your health;
  5. After performing cutoff, you must turn off the appliance.

Note, that tile cutting should take place on a perfectly clean platform, residues material, which was cut the last time. Tiles at the same time should be possible to push the frame. If you do not, will be a strong vibration, and tiles can be simply pulled out disc.

It is also necessary to regularly change the water in the pan, material to prevent ingress of particles back onto the tile. When working with an electric tile cutter is important to use protective eyewear.

Before you start, check the appliance repair: diamond blade should be clean and smooth, not deviate from the surface Tile. When, If the disc is damaged or bent, it is necessary to replace.

Features cutting tiles of granite

Porcelain tiles - a sufficiently durable and wear resistant lining material. Because of this,, consumers often choose it for laying on the floor surface. To cut granite, you need to use an electric tile cutter wet rezom.

Cutting granite and can be manually but it is very difficult especially small elements. But Electric tile porcelain stoneware tiles . Both of these tools will cope well with the job, but there are some nuances in their work:

  • manual tile cutter will not allow cut granite width of less than 3-7 cm. Concerning, the edges of the cut slab of material will be further processed by grinding;
  • often broken tiles out of line;
  • impossible to cut on the diagonal;
  • can not be used when traversing obstacles.

Electric Tile cope with the task better, but do not forget to change the water in the tank.

The main advantage of Tile with water is that there is no dust when cutting tiles. It really helps in the repair of the apartment.

This method of cutting the granite is more favorable for its accuracy and speed. It will also cut the lining material to the desired angle, wherein, not putting a lot of effort.

Additional tools for cutting tiles

Besides Tile to work with tile materials can also be used, and other tools. The main means for cutting tiles can be considered:

  • steklorez. Such a tool will approach, when there is no desire to purchase expensive equipment, and cut a few tiles still necessary. When working with glass cutter, tiles need to briefly moisten in water, that it is better to give in cutting. Next outline pencil line, and pressed to the tile line, hold a clear cut along the line. Followed by a little knock all along the cut and bring the tiles to the edge of the table. Next you need to abruptly fracture the tile and it will split into two parts, but this method will not work stoneware tiles;
  • Bulgarian. Using electric grinder equivalent application Tile, Only in the absence of a water reservoir. Bulgarian accurately and quickly cut any tile. The main drawback of this tool - the creation of large quantities of dust. Cutting of stoneware tiles need to pick up a special diamond blade for dry cutting;
  • fretsaw. To use a jigsaw requires a special nail file for tiles. Jigsaw to cut out the necessary forms will allow the tiles. For cutting granite is not necessary, but with ceramic tiles copes though colitis glaze.

Conclusion. Tile manual is the most economical tool for cutting tiles, but if you seriously got down to business we recommend you to buy an electric car. Even inexpensive models from 3000 rub. will be better than the Bulgarian. Master his work simply, and such a device will always be necessary if you need to make some repairs in the apartment on tile replacement. It will be interesting to know, how to spend less expensive repairs.





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