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insulation windows technology

Технологии утепления оконIf you live in a climate of, It is dominated by cold winter, the main guarantee of coziness and comfort in the house - it's insulation windows. If you use an electric heater or any other devices and methods of heating homes, such as central heating, heaters, oven, the, of course, it's pretty good compensates cold outside. But the effect is not so, as you would expect, if the cracks in the windows will leak cold air from outside. It is hard to imagine, but the proper disposal of such gaps will help prevent cooling down 30% warm air is in your home. We have already told how to do repair of old wooden windows with their hands and a little touched warming, read.

For most people, this problem is very familiar, as well as ways, and materials for this, such as paste, paper, wadding, adhesive Tape. But do not stand on the site of modern technology, so the old ways of gradually began to be forgotten.

Currently, compliance with the modern standards of insulation technology is based on windows, the so-called, method oknadena. Here are the main ways, which includes the technology:

1. The need for complete replacement of the new multi-layer windows old windows.

2. And of course, insulation of existing windows from the cold and cold, applying the glazing effect.

The first method is not as efficient, as the first, but it can get rid of condensation. Also, this technology is also used for insulation doors.

The fastest flow of the process of warming seen in the windows of the big mountains Russia, such as St. Petersburg and Moscow. It happens, that the company may not always have time to fulfill all orders received. This all happens because, that people finally understood, than that every year and try to suffer, closing the newly emerging cracks and gaps in the old windows, better once the desired amount of money to save and invest in the process.

Especially for site apartment repair by own strength.

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