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As defined by the choice of blinds

When buying an apartment or after repair is often necessary to replace the protective curtains on windows. According to many designers, the best option for new processing facilities is the installation of blinds, that meet many requirements: practical, a wide choice of colors, use of diverse materials for the manufacture of protective fabric and the individual elements, a variety of design solutions fastening devices, ease of maintenance and cleaning, operation durability. there are companies providing services for the proper installation of shutters blinds service, including project design and all kinds of mounting structures.

What materials are used for the manufacture of blinds

Blinds - a special device designed to protect the premises of the internal space from the sun, light streetlamps coming through the window, doorways, and also deprived of the possibility of unauthorized persons to view the outside of the building indoor environment.
For the manufacture of blinds, where the main element is the lamella, used materials:

  • plastic, having a different texture, Colour;
  • aluminum;
  • wood;
  • Various lightfast tissue;
  • jacquard fabric;
  • bamboo.

Plastic It is the most common, cheap and practical material. Painted in different colors or by using special technologies covered by special designs of different themes. plastic surface well washed from impurities, It has a small weight, sunproof. The disadvantages of insufficient strength, which can lead to damage to the slats.
aluminum blinds are highly resistant to mechanical stress, well cleaned from dust, are inert to the influence of low and high temperature and high humidity. Prolonged exposure to sunlight on the aluminum fins of heating occurs with the transfer of part of the heat to the surrounding air, What is required to reduce the ventilation of the room temperature. This type of blinds is recommended for use in training, preschool and medical institutions.
Wood, kotyruyu, Venetian blinds typically used for, harvested in countries equatorial belt and has high strength and low weight (corkwood). Shutters from wood is the most environmentally friendly, but they should not be installed in rooms, where there is a constant change in temperature and humidity (food, cabins).
blinds They have a variety of colors, resistant to sunlight. They have a small weight, well cleaned, but due to the selection of fabrics resistant to the sun belong to the middle or the higher price group.
Venetian blind using a Jacquard fabric - the material is dense, stable structure impervious to light, environmentally neutral. Recommended for children's institutions equipping.
bamboo - exotic, durable material resistant to moisture and sun. Easy to clean and wash, It meets all environmental standards.

Apparatus and design features

Shutters depending on the structure consists of basic elements:

  • cornice, wherein the control mechanism is mounted lamellas movement;
  • rollers connecting the eaves and slats;
  • counterweight for vertical lamella structure;
  • guide roll used in constructs;
  • Six of plastic or chain allowing slats to rotate 180*;
  • the chain of command necessary to fully offset slats.

The main types of blinds

Industrial enterprises to equip residential, production, administrative, medical institutions from the effects of sunlight and protection from penetration into the premises by unauthorized persons using blinds made of different material and design, are functional, ease of use.

Shutters are manufactured using the design features of several types of:

  • horizontal.
  • pleated.
  • Rolling.
  • arched.
  • vertical.
  • With the installation of mezhramnoy.
  • Skylights.
  • With the application of the photographic coating.
  • devices, equipped with motorized.
  • Roman.
  • Special protection,each, of which has its own characteristics - advantages and disadvantages.

space for blinds

horizontal - the most common type of blinds, lamella strip with a width of 1 cm 5 cm. They can be installed inside the window opening, or directly to the wall.
pleated - thanks to the special design of the device the protective cloth look like accordion bellows. To increase the protective properties of the web is pretreated with a special protective structure.
Rolling - installed inside the window openings. When disclosing and twisting the blade moves 2 guide. Easy to use, But it is difficult for cleaning and washing of linen.
arched - used for installation on the window arch type with special refinement construction and forms of blinds.
vertical - This type of blinds is used primarily for installation in offices. The strip lamella has a width 127 mm or 89 mm.
blinds built - with the installation in the space between the panes.
Skylights - blinds, intended for mounting in rooms located in the attic, and the attic.
Photography - a technology using a method of applying to the fabric pattern or graphic design project corresponding.
Multifacture - blinds "multilayer" special design allow you to create an original design, combining elements of different colors and.
Roman - blinds, where the web when minimized form a broad fold. Recommended for the use of any premises.
Special protection (Blinds) - are made of aluminum to prevent the entry of unauthorized persons in residential or office space. The protective structure has a rigid structure, where the slats (horizontal) interconnected using cables for heavy-duty metallic four guide. Equipped with electric blinds have a high level of automation to control with the remote.popular options blinds

A few tips

Before you buy blinds in the trading network, you must determine the color, shape, and installing the necessary size of the outer perimeter design shutters.

mounting options blinds
To do this you must take into account the basic rules:

When installing inside of window blinds receiving structure size should be at 2 cm smaller opening width, and when mounted on the wall - 10 See more in width and height.

Fastening the cornice to the plastic frame is best done with the help of a universal glue, to wood - glue or screws, and to the wall with dowels. detail about embodiments shutters anchorages.

To make better use of the kitchen equipped with blinds slats from non-combustible material (aluminum, fiberglass).
Buying a certain design of the blinds without fail be taken into account, which way will be opened sipes, which greatly simplify the use of the product.
The correct choice of the necessary model blinds will help to implement design apartments to meet modern design standards. Find out what the best blinds, aluminum or plastic shutters.



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