Before laying laminate flooring must be leveled, eg, make screed. Screed under the laminate floor can have gaps no more 3 mm, when laying a two-meter rack. unevenness in the floor under the rack depth of more than 3 mm need to be polished or putty.
Tools and materials for laying laminate:
- Polyethylene film thickness 0,2 mm (acts as a vapor barrier);
- proofing layer spoofed (thick substrate 2 mm);
- wedges;
- Saw (better and more convenient to use a jigsaw);
- Pencil, ruler;
- fixing adhesive laminate pieces have heating pipes (when a compound method castle);
- Hammer;
- Wooden bar (fashionable to use a piece of trimmed laminate boards);
- a coupling rod.
The required amount is calculated on the assumption, that one box of laminate boards on 2 sq.m. Following the acquisition of the material should be kept in a room in the boxes on the day - two, panel to become accustomed to the new temperature regime.
When the device of laminate flooring room temperature should not be below +18 degrees. Substrate Temperature - not below +15. And no more 70% Relative humidity in the room. Can not be nailed or glued laminated, t. to. This "floating" floor.
laminate stacking technology with video
By semi polyethylene film is spread with strips overlapping at least 200 mm. The film must go to the wall. Then decomposed noise-insulated substrate. layout direction (rolling) must coincide with the direction of installing laminate panels. When the length and width of the room more 8 m, when laying the floor must leave size expansion joints about 2 cm.
Immediately prior to laying laminate on the floor with their hands, you need to calculate the width of the final row of panels, it should not be less than 50 mm. If it does not work, the width is cut and the first panel. A distance between the first and the last panel of the wall should be within 10 mm - 15 mm. For fixing the distance from the wall panel to apply wedges fixed thickness (You can use small scraps laminate). wedges stacked 2 PC. one panel. After laying of the floor wedges are removed. The gaps are closed skirting. Skirting mounted to the wall with dowels or plugs.
Necessary to install the panel in strict sequence, with each successive even-number starts with half panel, so reliable bonded panels, and less than half will "walk". Laminated panels are connected to the comb into the groove. Customize panel with a piece of wood and a hammer. Near the heating pipes laminate glued.
Laying laminate your videos hands
Now look unusual laminate stacking technology from experts "SuperStroy".
We have already talked in detail how the laminate stacking technology own hands with video instructions and detailed process description, be sure to check this article. And now another video, where professionals got down to business.
Now video instruction from experts of the popular program "The School of repair", they give practical advice and recommendations on laying laminate on its own, look.
Oh, and for dessert, look step by step video instructions for laying laminate.
Link repair of apartments with his own hands is obligatory.
Author Kurochkin Svetlana