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Finishing plastic panels kitchen wall, bathroom, the toilet, a photo

Отделка пластиковыми панелями. Пластиковые панели фотоNowadays it is very popular to do was finish the premises of PVC panels. This means that, their installation pretty simple. The material is high-quality and durable. And also quite adequate price. If you have a desire to save money, then finish the ceiling or walls of plastic - the solution for you. For a clearer perception of the information, we as always show in the photo as it looks on video, how it's done. Site renovated apartment with his hands glad to disassemble the whole process "on the shelves".

How to install plastic panels. Decorating the bathroom, the toilet, the kitchen

This versatile material can be used in any room. That is no place, where it would not be recommended to decorate the ceiling and walls of PVC panels. In a full opportunity to do so and bathroom, in the toilet, on the kitchen, in the hall…

You can also determine the color scheme ,she's a very diverse. If you want helpful advice, that in your place I would not arrange the bedroom and the living room of this material. But it is everyone's business.

Let's get down to business. Firstly, You need to determine how much material you need. PVC sheets in length are coming from 2, 6 to 3 m, and the width of the 250 to 500 mm. But this is not the limit. can be found and, if desired, 6 - meter. And remember, Always take stock, or when not interfere.

Стыковочные профиля (молдинги) фото. Пластиковые панелиAnd do not forget to buy a low profile (molding) how a photo with lev. They are intended to, that would be a smooth transition between the panels. They, too, it is desirable to buy a little more (of stock).

In progress, You will need these tools: Roulette, mounting level, drill, Cordless, scissors, elbow, hacksaw, stationery knife (desirably sharp), pencil, guides made of wood.

Installation of plastic panels on the ceiling and walls with his own hands

If the room is dry and smooth surface, then you can start to be mounted directly on the ceiling or another plane. If you want to make plastic walls and ceiling in the bathroom, it is desirable to mount the panel on a metal or wooden frame of the guide. If you do not have a smooth surface and no desire to align its, the frame is needed all the more. for toilet, food, balcony and other rooms, PVC panel mount technology remains unchanged.

Монтаж пластиковых панелей на стену или потолок фотоso, let's start and finish the installation of plastic panels. To begin, make a frame. It requires rail 10 – 20 mm. In fact, do wooden structure under the PVC is very easy. Attach to the wall uprights and anchors, steps 50 – 70 cm, on the screws. They are the three horizontal (up, in the center, from below). In the photo to the left and to the bottom of the video, It shows how it looks.

The most important thing - it would be that the horizontal rails were kept on the level of. In short, They should be parallel to each other and at the same level.

To achieve this, You need a mounting level. It's simple, make the frame assembly, and then adjust it, see how it looks on the same photo.

How to fix the plastic panel on the right wall

Как крепить пластиковые панели фото крепижейThat would attach to the frame of PVC, essential metal holders, how a photo with lev. They are inserted into the docking panel edge. Then, nailed with nails to the horizontal bar frame.

Now insert the sheet material, presses them close to each other and nail holder. Then all similar. You can use so - the staple gun, for securing each panel or small screws. Do not forget moldings. Use at the corners of the outer and inner joint profile, and on each side - finishing moldings. For more details on the video at the end of the article.

You should be aware of, that when you do the installation of plastic panels in the kitchen, do not forget the thermal expansion of the material. Fastening them together with a small gap.

When it carried out the ceiling trim plastic panels, then remember the fillet on the perimeter of the ceiling. How to glue the ceiling moldings and cut the inner and outer corners - we have already dealt in detail.

And if you want to attach the panels to the wall, this process is similar to the Laying tiles on the wall. At first, take the rail (the longer one is desirable) and attach it to the wall at the same level. This material is perfectly glued to the liquid nails. Now, armed with this instruction can install them on any surface, in any desired room - kitchen, bathroom, the balcony, the toilet, corridor. The photo below shows examples of colors, of which there are more, this example and see an interesting video. Read what new kinds of panels can be used in the interior can be found in the article here.

Installation and finishing plastic panels Video

Photo coloring PVC panels

Пластиковые панели фото. Виды расцветок пластиковых панелей картинки

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One comment on the record "Finishing plastic panels kitchen wall, bathroom, the toilet, a photo

  1. Plastic panels are easy to install, They have a huge range of colors, They have different characteristics. Proper selection of the primary task of panels. If you need to put in the kitchen, Choose fire resistant and do not emit heat when the chemical elements. If plastic is in bath, then the choice will be in favor of water resistant material. Well Nursery focus more on the design of the panels.

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