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Selecting comfortable spatula

Every master knows that it is important to choose the right tool, It depends on the quality and speed of work. How to choose a spatula for easy application of putty on the wall and do not forget about convenience in work? Our video review of the spatula can help choose the best solution for material quality and comfort grip. Most artists use spatulas Anza they are organically sit in the hand. But the final choice depends on the application method and habits. Recently, a lot of new products but the video review.

Spatula large and wide blade is designed for plaster works, and with a small cloth is for putties. The optimal length 35-40 cm.

The choice of trowel on preferences



Video selection spatula by property


Video Review shitrok nonstick spatula


Overview trowel application PARFAITLISS( France)


Comparison spatulas for machine application PARFAIT LISS(France), Storch (Germany)



Tips on choosing masters instruchenta


How do spatula


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