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How to scrub the grout with a tile

Grout is one of the most important stages in the tiling. When conducting qualitative and proper grouting removed all defects, and if the poor performance of exterior walls may be damaged. Below is a video article, on how to remove grout from the tile folk and chemicals.

Grout from the tile is removed 3 phase: dry cleaning, and wet cleaning using special tools.

  1. When all seams are filled in and you need to get rid of excess cement grout, Take a grater and, keeping it at right angles to the tile, carefully clean the remains of grout, at the same time try not to hurt the joints. If you still have damaged any of the grout from the joint, add it again and carefully spread with the help of the same trowel.
  2. After completion of the dry cleaning proceed to damp. To do this, take a bucket of water and sponge with rounded edges. Now carefully using a circular motion with a wet sponge remove the remaining cement and mud from the tile surface. Do everything carefully, so that the joints are not formed pits and dents. Sponge as needed, rinse well. Try as the water can be changed more often in a bucket. Removing all traces of grout, let the seams dry for 20-30 minutes. During this time all the moisture, remaining on the surface of the tile, evaporates, and the cement settles and brightens.Как оттереть затирку с плитки
  3. Now, When the grout is completely dry, proceed to the removal of plaque on tile light using an acid cleaner cement, which can be bought in a specialty store. At this stage it is important not to overdo it with cleaner, otherwise you can ruin the seam.
  4. Excellent alternative cement grout is a grout based on epoxy resin and hardener, since it is composed of elements, providing strength and high chemical resistance to acids and household cleaners. Its main advantage: smooth and easy care. But a disadvantage is the viscosity epoxy grout, difficult to use and to remove it from the tile surface after curing, therefore it is desirable to produce grout piecemeal. To begin, treat small area and see how fast the grout hardens. Remove it should be no later than 24 hours using a special cleaner. In that case, if you do not have time to do it, and the time passed much more, then remove the grout from the tile can only be mechanically. But in this case,, usually, spoil nerves, floor and spend the extra cash.






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