The roof of each building, this is one of the most important structures, which protects the home from external factors. And along with this, roof and also becomes a kind of decoration. That is why, it is necessary to properly select and equip. A good option becomes assembly seam roof with his hands. But for the installation you need to know all the features of construction of the device.
Materials used
Seam roofing has been used for quite a long period of time. Initially, the galvanized steel was used as the base material, but to date a list of the materials used has expanded.
Today, the following materials are used for its care:
- The first course note galvanized steel, which is further coated with primers and protective compounds. These in turn improve the performance of the material, as well as its durability.
- Following becomes copper, which is produced in the form of web material. By its texture may be presented in pure form, as well as with a special textured and embossed patterns. Copper seam roofing differs significantly longer service life, which can reach 300 years old. Besides, it is worth noting, compound such sheets can also be performed by soldering, not just rebated by.
- Next is aluminum, Available also in rolls. Given the softness of the material, it allowed the pattern drawing, respectively imitation of other coatings, for example - shingles. Such a coating does not corrode, and furthermore unaffected by climate change.
- And it is worth noting the last zinc-titanium. This type of coating is produced in sheet form, and in strips. Such material is rather brittle during assembly, but at the same time it has a high level of resistance to corrosion effects. Also worth noting, that it is incompatible with certain materials and timbers, and furthermore invalid assembling at low temperatures.
At this permissible finished coating used, and now should consider the characteristics of this type of roof.
Advantages and disadvantages of metal roof
Of course, its popularity, this type of roofing has gained at the expense of a number of advantages over other types of, among them are marked:
- High tightness level.
- Additional insulation.
- Good adhesion between the elements.
- Durability, operational period depending on the material reaches a few hundred years.
- Ease, that allows installation without additional strengthening truss system.
- Resistance to chemical compositions.
- It is not subject to rust, mold and mildew.
- Increased resistance to mechanical stress.
- The ability to cover the roof of any configuration, even quite complex.
- The service life of such a roof is 18-25 years without major repairs, after which it requires extra care and Paint.
- And also worth noting the smoothness of the coating, which speeds up the gathering rain from the roof, and helps eliminate unnecessary strain on the structure.

But it is also worth paying attention to the shortcomings of the system:
- The disadvantages of the roof sheet metal can serve poor quality galvanized sheet (painted) this will lead to an increase in operating costs. So, for the first time after installation of galvanized steel roofs should be painted after 8-10 years. Subsequent painting should be carried out every 2-3 years.
- Roof, made of black steel, require painting every 2-3 years.
- Sloping roof is 18-30 °.
- Also worth noting noise cover. Thus in the house it becomes audible, pounding rain on the roof or a tree branch skrebot. Fortunately, such a disadvantage can be eliminated, to providing additional steam and acoustic insulation layer under the material itself.
Preparation for the installation of the system
Before, how to directly engage the roof of the device the metal sheets must prepare all materials, as well as the base for laying. As part of the preparation to be done:
- primer coating the surface.
- Preparing the roof system.
- Processing rafters protective structures.
- Preparation rebate.
Consider each step in more detail.
primer materials
One of the disadvantages of certain materials for the seam roof It is corrosion under adverse atmospheric and environmental conditions. To extend the service life of the roof, sheet material should be primed.
Priming is a simple operation, consists in the fact, that precleaned dust steel sheets on both sides are covered by natural drying oil. Linseed oil is applied to the entire surface of the sheet evenly. In order to avoid gaps, in a transparent and colorless varnish should add a little grated red lead in the ratio 10:1.
Composition may be applied by brush or roller. recommended, prestage cover all necessary segments, that is performed in accordance with the drawings and calculations.
Important! If you buy a ready-to-install material, which is in advance processed protective structures, it does not need to be primed.
the groundworks
Depending on the metal roof lath material selected may be performed in different ways. In particular, device depends on its design weight. In this way:
- For standard steel roof sheathing is set to step in 20-25 centimeters.
- for zinc, copper and aluminum provides solid crate.
Lathing under otsinkovannnuyu roof made of steel bars, having a cross-section 50 x 50 mm, and the step width, not exceeding 200 mm.
Crate of bars can replace solid flooring boards, which are placed on top of first insulating layer of roofing felt or roofing, and then coating the steel.
Besides, if further assumed drainage device, the stacking crates performed without gaps on the truss system. At the site of the future skate board devices are provided on each side. Additionally, if there razzhelobki, It provides a continuous boardwalk in its place.
Processing truss system
Also well worth prepare itself truss system. In particular, process protective structures, if earlier it was not done. Namely:
- Corrosion protection, mold and mildew.
- Protection against fire.
- Compositions for increasing the strength.
All kinds of formulations should be applied strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Preparing attachments
And just before, how to start installation, necessary to prepare sheets seamed fastening material. As mentioned, is pre-cut sheets to the desired size prepared in accordance with design and calculations.
The next step is the preparation of welts and creating paintings main plane and additional plots. Pre pattern bonded to each other folds, and form an integral coating for virtually all Skate.
In appearance rebate can be divided into standing and recumbent, and on the degree of compaction - on single and double.
Besides, when rabbits device can be combined if necessary.
note, that the use of a single seam is only permitted when the slope of the roof more 15 degrees. With less need to provide double vertical, The same method of coupling is used in the navigation field, gutters, etc..
The majority on the market today are sold already prepared material, with latching folds, but in their absence, will have to prepare yourself, which is as follows:
- Put a sheet on a special workbench.
- To perform single fold lying on a bench placed on the steel sheet prescriber scheduled bending line seam edge.
- Then risk aligned with edge and corner using mallets make two majachnyh bending at the corners of the sheet.
- After that, on the whole risk folded edge, sheet inverted and dump bent onto the plane edge.
- On the second sheet do the same workpiece. The first and second sheets are combined in a lock and compacted using mallets.
This creates a picture, which will later be mounted on a truss system. And now proceed directly to an analysis technology metal roofing assembly.
The device seam roof with his hands
Installation of a metal roof with his hands is quite simple. Consider the whole process as a step by step guide, which will not miss something and make a mistake.
- After preparation of starting sheets directly mounting process itself. First of all set the fixing profiles. they are mounted at the bottom of the ramp, and top, there, which will continue to be provided for horse.
- Directly binding itself is performed with screws for metal, or special bolts.
- After starting to mount them directly fixing the roofing sheets.
- First laid strip, device Kona strip carried inside the upper profile, and the top of the bottom. Consolidation starts at the top. Two bolts fasten it to the guide profile.
- Next, we are moving down and the anchoring sheet perimeter (in place of the rebate also have special cells for fixing.
- Now set the second band. Attachment to the guides is carried out in the same manner. But now, one side of the sheet with a first fastening seam, The second fix screw mount.
- Likewise Equips all subsequent sheets.
- The last step is fixing the ridge, which is made of the same material, as the roof itself. Sheet bent at an angle of no more, than the angle of the roof itself, then fixed manner on the threaded guide profiles.
- Rabbits in this coating installation can be considered complete. Everything, that now is, if necessary, mount the drainage system, o tom, how to do this in a separate article.
installation completed, and now you can enjoy the works of their work. note, that the important factor is the qualitative consolidation, because that it causes roof leaks.
additional recommendations
And we should also give some advice on work and training.
- The first is to say, desirable that before laying provide a vapor barrier layer is hydro and. Use recommended rolled materials, for instance roofing felt or roofing felt. This step will not only help to insulate the roof, but also increase the noise insulation, which is quite important for this type of coverage.
- When the device of the roof with a slight slope is recommended to mount double standing seam.
- Work perform better with assistants, taking further 2-3 man, as properly align and secure the material itself is quite difficult.
- It is recommended to purchase coverage with finished seams, because it may need special equipment for their self-training, and that the extra costs.
That's all, consider all advice, and then the device metal roof alone is pretty simple.
Now that you know about, how to perform the installation of standing seam roof with his hands. As you can see the metal sheet arrangement technology is quite simple, but one does not deal with it. For, to you more clearly learned, how to carry out this kind of work, we offer you to view several videos on their conduct.