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How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint the ceiling

At least once in life, each of us is wondering - do repairs in the apartment with his hands, or invite specialists? If you have to scale redevelopment, complete wiring and replacement installation of wall or ceiling plasterboard, that without skilled craftsmen with all the necessary equipment you can not do. If we are talking about the plywood wallpaper, painting the ceiling and linoleum replacement, then such work under the force of each, who is not afraid of physical labor. In this article we will talk about painting the ceiling vodoemulsionkoy or acrylic paint.

you will need: ladder, basin Painter, brush, putty knife, masking tape and the right roller. Take care of yourself and do not forget the goggles, headgear and clothing. The work begins in the pre-prepared room, all the excess shall be made out of the room and covered with a protective film. Cover the floor with newspapers, so as not to spoil the cover.

How to mix paint correctly

The product label contains information and recommendations for its breeding.. This is an important point because, what is the consistency of the paint, the final result depends. Too thick mass is more difficult to distribute with a roller on the ceiling, and the joints of the layers will be noticeable.

There are acrylic paints, which have an inscription - "mix". It does not require breeding. Stir the composition well enough before painting.. Adding water at the rate is possible no more 5-10%. film, which formed on the surface should not be mixed with the bulk, otherwise it will turn into lumps. Better to gently peel off this layer, and pass all the paint through a sieve.

More about roller selection

Before painting ceilings with a roller, you have to pick up the basic tool, while the consumer should take into account some of the recommendations.

First of all, the working surface of the tool must be fluffy, because the pile will allow you to paint all the irregularities. Secondly, when buying, you need to pull the pile and check, does it fall out. After all, if this happens when staining, the villi will stick to the surface and the work will be ruined.

Before painting ceilings with a roller, you should check the joint seams, which should not be noticeable. If it is true, then the layer will be uneven, and you will have to cover the surface in several layers or completely redo the work. And the first, and the second case entails additional costs.

Another important nuance when choosing a roller is its density.. You can check this feature, holding the tool in hand. If it deforms, then you should refuse to purchase this staining device, because you cannot grind the paint as smoothly as possible.

The procedure works

The first step is to prepare the surface of the ceiling. Wipe it dry with a clean cloth, we clean the old paint with a spatula, places affected mold or fungus handles alkaline rastvorom.Chtoby ceiling looked neat and well full colored , when they dry up, need proshpaklevat and fine sandpaper to smooth ceiling.

The next step - the primer ceiling. For this case is perfectly suited acrylic primer.

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The next stage - a water-dispersive latex paint solution, which will benefit. Walk around the ceiling wide roll, dipped in this solution, and you will notice the weaknesses, which will pay particular attention needs to be at the ceiling painting. More Learn more about choosing paint for the ceiling.

Now you can paint. The first coat of water-based paint must be applied from edge to edge of the wall. .

Working with a foam roller or a wide paint brush, layers are applied perpendicular to each other. The paint should dry completely, before applying the next coat. In a warm room, this will take no more than 5 hours.. If you do not know, how many layers of paint can be applied to a ceiling or wall, the optimal amount is three layers.

Using a roller, it should be thoroughly impregnated with the coloring compound and rolled well in a tray. This will avoid smudges., streaking and droplet formation. You can also use a roller with a fur work surface. In this case, the renewal of the ceiling painting will be of higher quality.. Fur distributes paint more evenly, pushing her to the most inaccessible places.

The paint is applied in longitudinal movements.. The first and last layer is directed perpendicular to the window. In this case, minor streaks, left by the brush, will be less noticeable. Worst of all, when there are unpainted places. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to create bright lighting in the room. When working, you should periodically move in different directions and inspect, treated surface. This will allow you to notice gaps and stripes.. The final layer is applied only roller having a nap of short length, and in one direction from the window.

In addition to complete staining, you can refresh the ceiling painted with water-based paint. In this case, it is not deleted., and several new layers are applied on top. Painting decorative elements, which are ceiling plinths, requires more accurate work. You can't use a roller and a spray here.. In this case, use a small brush.. If necessary,, it can be equipped with a long handle. Then you don't have to climb on a table or a ladder..

Often the ceilings in kitchens are covered in soot. It must be washed off, and prime the surface. If you do not, then the paint will not last long and will begin to flake off after a few months. Besides, blackness will show through the coloring composition, making the appearance of the ceiling completely unattractive.

Important! When painting a ceiling or wall, Finishing move the roller in one direction, as it were structuring the paint in one direction. Due to this ceiling does not glare and the paint falls more clearly without promiscuity.



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One comment on the record "How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint the ceiling

  1. On the drywall ceiling plaster is applied to the start or finish once held three layers if it is flat?

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