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Choosing adhesives for Styrofoam

Pasting the exterior walls of polystyrene foam boards at home - a reliable way to insulate houses. Currently fixing polystyrene to the wall in two ways: application of the one-component polyurethane adhesive (Packaging - bottle) or the use of dry mixes (they are usually packed in bags).

Application of polyurethane adhesive

One-component polyurethane adhesive is used for bonding of the foam slab, and extruded polystyrene. Mounting Adhesive for expanded polystyrene used in the work on the outer insulation of the walls of houses. The composition of the adhesive comprises isocyanate polymers, which are of high viscosity level, which promotes rapid primary settable. As a result of the reaction of moisture, located in the atmosphere, and isocyanate adhesive hardens.

Polyurethane adhesive for expanded polystyrene, advantages:

  • a high level of adhesion (clutch) to the expanded polystyrene and the base;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • Foam polystyrene fastening allows to work at lower temperatures, than with the dry adhesive mixture;
  • the use of adhesive contributes to a significant reduction in terms of works of walls insulation.

Consumption of this type of adhesive: one cylinder will suffice for gluing styrofoam slab area 5-6 m2.

How to prepare a base for laminating polystyrene?

  • The substrate must be cleaned of contaminants and substances, which reduce adhesion: fats, oils, coatings. To remove the solvents used or a pressurized water. After exposure to water surface should be dried.
  • The base should be strong, that is determined by the tapping.
  • If on the surface there is a fungus or moss - we clean with a steel brush, then treat fungicidal agents.
  • If the substrate is composed of an absorbent material well (silicate blocks, foam concrete, aerated), necessary to make the surface of the primer and allow to dry.

Operations with foam for fixing polystyrene

  1. Apply the adhesive, retreating from styrofoam edge 20 mm, on the perimeter and a line diagonally.
  2. Putting a plate of expanded polystyrene, gently pressed.
  3. During 20 minute arrangement plate can be adjusted.
  4. The gaps between the plates should not be more 2 mm, boards need to stick to the same plane.
  5. on expiry 2 hours can be attached polystyrene wall plugs.

Preparation of dry mixtures

This type of adhesive for bonding polystyrene consists of a mixture of polymer-, comprising mineral fillers. Glue, prepared from dry mixes, It has plasticity, hardens quickly, It has a high level of adhesion to the surface (adhesion), easy to use.

To prepare the glue will be needed:

  • bucket of water;
  • adhesive capacity;
  • blade, to stir the glue (You can use a drill, but rather specifically designed for this tool);
  • hooting mixture.

How to cook the glue

Consider as an example the preparation of an adhesive for polystyrene plates. To do this, follow the sequence of certain actions:

Pour into a bucket of water. The water volume calculated by the formula based on the amount of glue (on 1 kg of dry - 0,24 liters of water). for example, for 6 kg of a mixture - 1,44 liters of water.

Mete out the desired amount of dry mixture, in our example - 6 kg.

Slowly add the mixture into water, mix thoroughly. Should stir until, until no lumps.

Dye mixtures to stand 5-10 minutes.

Stir the resulting mixture was again. Glue for bonding polystyrene prepared.

Consumption of adhesive dry mixture when attaching to the wall polystyrene - about 6 kg 1 m2.

Preparing a dry mixture of glue - tips

  • Water and all the used containers for the preparation of glue must be clean.
  • We should not mix the glue from the previous batch, remaining in the tank, the new Vice - this can lead to premature adhesive grasp.
  • blade rotation speed using a drill or a special mixer can not exceed 300 rpm.
  • The blade should be fully immersed in the mixture, otherwise air bubbles may form, which reduces the adhesive cohesive twice.
  • Adhesive from a dry blend must be used within 2 hours.

Popular brand of glue for styrofoam

- Penosil - adhesive foam, It has excellent sealing, adhesive qualities.
- Knauf Sevener - dry mixture, a lime-cement base, It contains special additives and fibers, providing a high level of adhesion and treschinostroykost.
- Tehnonikol - adhesive foam, used for expanded polystyrene and extruded polystyrene, resistant to humidity, aging, mold.
- Cerezit - adhesive foam, It has good water resistance, insulating properties.
- Bitumast - adhesive extruded polystyrene, It is made on the basis of bitumen, solvent, a filler and a plasticizer. Not afraid of low temperatures, It creates an additional waterproof surface.

Video on working with expanded polystyrene

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