Fairly elegant and prestigious one coating is natural tile krodli. But it can be damaged over time due to environmental stress, and then you want to try to repair roofing. Sometimes a number of factors, that affect the state of the roof, and for its repair is necessary to know the cause of problems, and ways to overcome them.
Causes of faults
First, let's consider, why the roof loses its characteristics. In particular, note, that properly laid shingles can last for more 100 years old. Directly problems with the roof starts for the following reasons:
- Due correctly held masonry and due to the long lifetime of the coating is damaged roofing tiles: individual bricks are split or crack.
- When laying may damage the waterproofing.
- Wrong for surface care.
- An unsuitable material for certain climatic conditions.
And this is not all the factors, which may affect the operation of a quick exit from the whole roof or individual sections. But this problem must be addressed, and in order, to perform the repair of the roof tile is necessary to understand the main types of damage.
Types of roof damage
Quite often, a coating of tiles is subjected to cracking, fractures and delamination. The reason for this can be both natural factors, and violation of stacking technology. In particular, you can select several factors:
- With strong temperature changes, Shingles first sharply shrinks, then quickly expands, as a result may appear cracks and fissures. In particular, such injuries are relevant to the connection points with the pipes, skate, antenna mounting and other similar sites.
- Also plays a strong role and compliance with stacking technology, any violations, such as the wrong calculation, errors in the design of ramps, small distance between the laths or insufficiently large gap. All this creates extreme conditions, whereby a strong tension between the elements. These factors significantly reduce the operational period of the material, and in addition makes it more susceptible to damage.
- Also there is a mechanical damage and, that occurs when falling branches on the roof, as well as snow clearing from her.
- And the latter can be the root cause of damage to the waterproofing, crumbling mortar material and obsolescence.
Most of the roof can be fixed, replacing all or covering the entire, or its individual sections. But before, as a break to action, you must identify the cause of failure, then held for an initial inspection on coating.
Inspection and analysis of the tiled roof
Before, embarking on full-scale repair is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the coating, to identify the causes of damage.
- First of all check the inside coating, in the attic: please make sure that the state of truss system, beams. When, if there are leaks (wet spots) mark the fault location.
- When, If a leak is only one place, the reason probably lies in the crack or damaged shingles waterproofing in a certain place.
If such places are quite a few, it is the main indicator of violations stacking technology, or low-quality coating.
note, that check is recommended immediately after, as the rain will pass, or during it.
The next step is the external diagnostics. Check the condition of shingles, after examining it for signs of cracks and chips. It is also worth pay attention to the joints and places of contiguity tile to other elements.
When the cause of failure is detected, you can begin to eliminate it. Next we look at how to solve the most common problems with the roof.
Replacing individual tiles sites
If a problem is detected on a single section of the roof, it must be replaced. The process itself is fairly simple.
- Individual sections of the tile covering with your hands should be replaced by the attic.
- First of all it is necessary to remove the underlying top and right of the damaged tiles.
- For their removal wreck wooden wedges into the gaps between the upper and adjacent tiles. This is done, not to remove them completely, but only temporarily lifted.
- Now you need to hook the damaged tile with a trowel and remove it, pulling the, then moving to the left.
- In its place, insert a new one. It is important to take an item from the same batch, so he went to the castle and is clearly caught on a guide rail.
- Now remove the pegs.
- The final step, apply mortar to the docking location.
note, it is easier to work together to perform. Thus one person lift the entire sections, and the other at this time to replace the damaged tiles.
Also do not forget, that with a large slope of the roof, it can be fixed with screws or wire, which will need to unscrew, otherwise even with this replacement is similar to fixing.
In addition, it is worth saying, that small cracks and crevices, formed with tile, can be repaired, preparing a special solution, giving compounds of elasticity. Subsequently, it will protect the tiles from damage. Rapid-cement solution is not recommended for this purpose.
This solution can be prepared from 1 of the lime, 3 parts fine sand and shredded tow. All of the above ingredients to be mixed and used for sutures promazyvaniya tiled roof (in finishing all the horizontal joints).
Replacing the solution at the joints
Another problem, which can meet, It becomes obsolescence on joints of the roof tile mortar. Over time he begins to crumble, and washed out, because of what is happening and leakage.
In this case, or completely replace the solution, or strengthen the place where it damaged a special putty.
Complete replacement of the solution is carried out as follows::
- We clean completely dissolved with tiles tile joints.
- Knead standard sand-lime mortar (1 of the lime 2-3 parts sand). It is also recommended to it to add hemp linen, it will improve the properties of the formulation. You can also use a special sealer.
- If necessary,, when it is being replaced solution, you can immediately change and damaged tiles.
- If tiling is bad enters into the gap, you can with a hammer or mallet to fight off half a thorn. But they must very carefully, not to damage shingles, but only to remove the stud portion.
- Next, start applying the solution. Directly coating itself is carried out by the attic.
- Outside, she performed in the field joining with ridge, chimney, the ribs and t.d.
- Also daubed on the outside in the case of the whole ramp, When the solution is fixed over the entire plane itself shingles.
It is also necessary to consider the fact, that damage to the layer of solution may not only its obsolescence, but also deformation of the roof, which is due to the subsidence of the frame.
As a result of heavy loads roof vibrates, that leads to the destruction of the solution. Because may need additional strengthening truss system and strengthening the roof truss.
Allowed to use the foam but it must necessarily be covered by the top sealer. otherwise the foam collapses after a year of exposure to the sun.
Strengthening truss system
Another way to repair roofing is its strengthening. For him, used boards, whose thickness is not less than 4-5 centimeters and a width 15-20 centimeters.
Themselves under the board to tamp truss system. In this case, they need to knock out so, to connect each of 3-4 neighboring rafters.
It is recommended to remove the tiles from this site at the time of repair, because there is a risk to damage it, or to throw off the roof during installation of strengthening.
It is also recommended to provide additional struts, across the roof.

but note, that the best way to resolve this problem becomes a control frame of roof before laying shingles. It is recommended to reinforce it immediately, improve the design and make reliable crate. It will be much more effective, than later to improve the design after the first weatherproof.

replacement of waterproofing
Another problem may be the damaged waterproofing, which may occur both during installation, and during operation. Because in the event of leakage is very often necessary to change to a new waterproofing layer, which is as follows:
- Remove fixing tiles, if it is provided. In his role may be bolts, screws, etc..
- With the help of a trowel hook and remove the tiles tiles in the wrong place, where leakage has been detected. Is better to clean up and several adjacent tiles.
- Under the tiles are laid rails, which are secured with nails or screws to the roof system. They also need to remove the mount.
- Under slats cardboard insert plate (one side). These records will help remove the rack without damaging the tiles.
- Grinder or metal saw cut slats on the damaged area portion.
- Now, using a knife, cut the waterproofing building site, which was damaged. Now, using adhesive putty, apply a patch the size of a little more, than the damaged area. Apply adhesive cement to the edges of the patch.
- Now you need to measure the distance between the rails, to prepare a new segment. You can use the old snippet, if it is in good condition, but it is recommended to prepare a new.
- Cut exactly the same length of the rail of the same section. Saturate it with antiseptic compositions and then fasten the back nailed to the rafters. Nails is recommended anticorrosive.
- It now remains to replace the shingles. Perform inverse assembling recommended bottom-up, and from right to left. If necessary, you can replace the old roof areas, if not, then leave the same tile as was previously.
- After fixing mortar must be applied to the joints, and check the correctness of connections to the rebated tiles.
Also in the completion process, experts recommend covering the roof with special protective structures, created silicone resin. This composition is well protects the coating from exposure to moisture, UV rays, as well as the appearance of mold and mildew.
Replacing the cover
And the last option, the most expensive, long and arduous becomes a complete replacement cover, it also may be necessary, if the installation was carried out with errors.
When replacing the entire cover, remove the old tiles, since located on the ridge of the roof sections. Intact old bricks, pre-clearing them from dirt residues and mastics, can be reused.
Best of all, this process left to professionals, but if you do decide to do this work themselves, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material that, how to lay the tiles yourself.
How view, problems with the repair of the roof tile may be not enough, but most of them are easily removed. And now you know how to identify the cause of the problem and to repair the roof of tiles with their hands. And finally, we offer a few videos, which clearly shows the steps to eliminate various problems.