One of the best and most realistic way to renovate the interior of his house - to replace the old wallpaper with new. A huge variety of colors and textures of wallpaper, presented in today's market of construction materials, It can cause you to think seriously. To choose not only beautiful, but also high-quality wallpapers for home.
- When choosing wallpaper for home pay attention to the density of the material, from which they are made. Too thin fabrics often rumpled and torn when applied to these adhesive. Besides, a thin wallpaper is often clearly visible all the bumps, roughness and cracks, present on the walls. Dense wallpaper is able to hide many of the shortcomings of a pasted surface.
How to choose high-quality wallpapers for home - Look carefully at the rolls favorite paintings. At the edges of high-quality wallpaper no cracks, not zazubrin. These shortcomings show, usually, on duty or improperly stored material.
- Before purchasing the selected wallpaper do not forget to deploy each roll and to consider drawing attention. Paint it must lie evenly, ornament must be free of scuffs and smudges.
- When choosing a wallpaper, and pay attention to the weight of the roll. The more he, the denser material, and consequently, wallpaper qualitative.
- Gluing different types of space and better use Various types of wallpaper. If you want to change the wallpaper in the kitchen or in the hallway, environments with an increased degree of contamination, take a look at vinyl wallpaper or wallpaper for painting. Due to their special composition, such fabric is very easy to clean.
- For the living room ideal option is very attractive textile wall. Children's room okleyte vinyl canvases, which are easily washed clean by creative young artist Sculpture. bedroom, areas with the lowest levels of contamination, suit absolutely any wallpaper, even paper.
- Wallpaper color matched to the colors of curtains, blinds, carpet, furniture, fixtures. Try, to all parts of your home interior formed a harmonious ensemble coloristic.
- Imagine before you buy, will look like you favorite wallpaper after papering the walls of their homes. If arisen in your mind a picture you like - feel free to buy the selected paintings.
I would not risk to rely on your imagination, wallpaper will look like after gluing. Very funky time. But, possibly, the help of experts and designers, services that have become popular and are offered in many showrooms, very useful.