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The calculation of the cable cross-section of the power and length

Learn section of the cable for power and length of the wire. Effective use online calculator wire diameter. Cables are major elements in the DC transmission and distribution. They play an important role in connecting the electricity, Here's why you need to accurately and efficiently do the calculation section of the cable length and load capacity, in order to create favorable conditions for the smooth passage of electricity and avoid the negative consequences of the accident.

If the design and development of an electric network is selected incorrect wiring diameter, the possibility of overheating and failure of various electrical. And also broken cable insulation, which will lead to the closure and fire. There will be a significant cost of restoring not only the electrical wiring, but all appliances in the room. To avoid this, We need to competently make a choice of cable cross-section of the power and length.

Online calculator selection of power cable

enter power: kW
Select the rated voltage:
Enter the number of phases:
Select the core material:
Enter the length of the cable line: m
Specify the type of line:
Calculated conductor section mm2 :
Recommended sectional mm2 :

Attention! Calculator type an incorrect data may provide inaccurate values, for clarity, use the table below values.

On our site you can freely make the necessary calculation of the diameter of the wire for a few seconds, using ready-made program to obtain data on the cross section of the cable conductors.
To do this, you need to enter into the finished table a number of individual settings:

  • Power intended object (the total load of all parameters used in electrical appliances);
  • select the rated voltage (mostly single-phase, 220 AT, but there is also a three-phase - 380 AT);
  • specify the number of phases;
  • core material (Technical characteristics of the wire, isolated two compounds - copper and aluminum);
  • length and type of line.

Be sure to specify all values. After that, click on the "Calculate" button and get ready to result.

This value ensures that, that when calculating the power cable section along line wire will not overheat when workload. In the end, it is important to take into account the voltage drop across the wire veins, picking up the parameters for a particular line.

Table on the selection of wire cross-section, depending on the power (W)

The calculation of the cable cross-section of the power and length

How to make your own cable section length calculation?

such data in a domestic environment are necessary in the manufacture of a long distance extenders. but, even if the exact results obtained should be left in the reserve 10-15 see wires and switching connection (by welding, soldering or crimping).

In industry, the formula for calculating the cross section of the cable length and power is applied at the stage of designing networks. It is important to accurately determine such data, if the cable will have additional and heavy loads.

Example of calculation in the home: I = P/U·cosφ, Where

I - the force flow, (BUT);

P - Power, (W);

U - voltage network, (AT);

cosφ - factor, equal 1.

By using such calculation formula can be found correct the wiring length, and the cable cross-section parameters can be accessed using the online calculator, or manually. To convert watts to amps - use the online converter.

Program to calculate the cable cross-section of power

To know the power of equipment or appliance, you need to look on the label, which indicated their main characteristics. After the fold data, eg, 20 000 W, this 20 kW. This evidence suggests that, how much energy appliances consume all. If the percentage difference would be used at a time of about 80%, then the coefficient is equal to 0,8. cable cross-section calculation power: 20 x 0,8 = 16 kW. This conductor cross-section for copper wire size 10 mm. For three-phase circuit - 2,5 mm at a voltage 380 AT.

Better to choose the largest wire section, in the event of an unplanned connection techniques or devices. It is better to add money today and do everything qualitatively, than change cable tomorrow and buy a new kettle.

For a more detailed calculator that takes into account various factors here.

professional advice

Standard wiring apartment is designed for a maximum current consumption during continuous load - 25 ampere (used copper wire 5 mm and a diameter 2,5 mm). The greater amount of current consumption is planned, the greater must be lived in the cable. If the wire diameter 2 mm, its cross section can be readily determined by the following formula: 2 mm × 2 mm × 0,785 = 3,14 mm2. If the rounded value, it turns out - 3 mm square.

To make a selection section of the power cable need to independently determine the total current of all electrical appliances, fold and divide the result on 220.

Choice for the cable depends on its shape, round better wiring routed through walls, and the flat cable is best suited for interior works, which is easily installed and does not create obstacles to the operation of. Their specifications are identical.

Other useful online construction calculators on the calculation of materials and naguzok.

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One comment on the record "The calculation of the cable cross-section of the power and length

  1. There are errors in the calculation of Cos-f – ➢ The equal 1, write…
    Even if it is equal to one then why should it be administered? And since when ➢ The power is unity became?

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