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Key trends in the direction of the design of ceramic tiles

Ceramic tile includes exceptional properties and firsthand includes a group of the quality materials for finishing the floor surface. Perhaps, there is no such surface, on which it would be impossible to put floor tiles.

It is recommended for laying flooring in the bathroom, hall, the kitchen, dining room, living room, and even in the bedroom. It is not surprising, Today the mass of design projects provides the ideal choice of tiles for all of the above facilities. And the reason is not only in the uniqueness and originality of design. It is necessary to immediately clarify, that no other floor covering can not on its strength, aesthetic design, undemanding in maintenance replace ceramic tiles. In this article we take a closer look at the moments, which is necessary to pay attention at choice of floor tiles.

Ceramic tile

tile (ceramic) Tile - the most well-known and common type of tile. It's kind of a mixture of sand, and clay minerals, burned and then coated with a glaze. Products of any texture, color and texture, with a variety of ornaments and figures, matt and gloss are obtained thanks to the glaze.

Before embarking on the choice of floor tiles, You need to determine the purpose of the premises of its future styling: bathroom, kitchen, public building or corridor. As in all these areas of operation conditions are different, then claims for durability will also differ. therefore, before purchasing floor tiles, special attention should be paid to its strength, uniformity, thickness, coefficient of water absorption and resistance to abrasion.

As for the design. The main thing - well-matched floor tiles. Ideal - floor tiles Revigres, in this collection, you can choose a tile, which will be in harmony with furniture and other home furnishings.

Naturally, the choice is up to the buyer, but still there are some general criteria, that need to be based, choosing tile.

special council! choosing tile, carefully read all the necessary information, which it is possible to get to the icons placed on a hot plate. Usually, ceramic tile Italy points to the full information packs, which would be sufficient for, to make the right choice.

Season collection
Collection Season tone and texture mimic tissue effect and produce fascinating atmosphere

Ceramic tile is the most collective name of a group of materials for finishing, distinguished by the way of manufacturing. What kinds of tiles meant by ceramic?

Collection Baltic Grey
Collection Baltic Grey

Ceramic tiles can be completely different sizes and shapes. Often the surface is decorated with intricate patterns, Deemed manually or by machine.

With what goes ceramic tile

If you want to create a harmonious and at the same time stylish interior, tile, of course, should be combined not only with the wallpaper and painted walls, but also with the general concept of all of your interior. If you take a multi-colored tiles, walls should be painted in the color pattern is present. Important, that they are not the same colored, as well as slabs. The important point is selected tile size.

Collection plate CityZen transmitted organic cement naturalness in colors and textures, creating an atmosphere of calm and serenity.

With contrasting colors need to be especially careful. Nor should it be a white wall to pick up black-and-white tile. Better not to take as a basis pure white shade. Tile, cotto, clinker, granite - all these kinds of tiles belong to a large group, which is called tiles.

Baltic Grey gloss
Collection Baltic Grey imitation slices of natural stone creates a precious space without bombast, but with exceptional elegance.

What to choose and what's the difference

Gres is the common name for materials, made of ceramics and having a near zero water absorption. It is for this reason that it has high frost resistance. Raw materials in their composition is similar to that, which is used for manufacturing porcelain. In this case, in appearance it is like a stone. Ceramic granite tile made by dry pressing, and then subjected to single firing. The result is a vitrified, sintered, characterized by excellent technical characteristics.

Unglazed porcelain different grain, granular structure throughout tile depth. It is similar to natural stone. Stoneware for resistance to temperature changes is also superior to natural stone, thanks to greater uniformity and density.

Wherein the surface of unglazed porcelain stoneware can be semi-polished, nepolirovannoй, polished or relief. It is worth noting, that the value of the polished porcelain tiles on 30 % more, than the unpolished.

But if you still you still have doubts, in addition to monitoring the technical characteristics, You can independently assess the level of quality floor tiles. originally, make, that the surface is not appreciable marriage, for example, ancestry, injury, grain. The edges should be free of cracks and potholes, absolutely flat.

If we consider this characteristic, abrasion, then it checks can only be done in the laboratory with the help of a special machine. But it is constructive to do only when you select the tile floor in the hallway and public space (office, business center, score).

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