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The use of tiles at the front door

Become an indisputable fact that, that the most exploited location is just an entrance. Its operation takes place on a daily basis, wherein with the greatest intensity. Exposure to dirt, dust and moisture, various types of shoes, which destroys the surface, and a host of diverse effects. That is why the choice of flooring for this room must be carried out as thoroughly as possible, taking into account all the nuances. note, the coating itself must not only be strong and durable, but also beautiful, such tiles can be at the front door. And it should be said at once, it is one of the best options, and then we will look at, why this is so.

Tiles at the front door photo

Advantages and disadvantages of the tiles in the hallway

To get started is accordingly consider the advantages and disadvantages of this type of coverage, start, perhaps, with the advantages of the material:

  1. First of all tiles before the door can help create the most practical and resistant coating, one might even say the most stable of all possible (without taking into account finishing of stone or marble for example).
  2. The material has mass species, Besides, due to its unique coating it allows you to create a unique interior solution. Flight of fancy in its creation is virtually limitless.
  3. Among the most popular materials for flooring tiles near the front door can resist the influence of an aggressive environment is much better, and in addition will last longer.
  4. The regeneration of the floor tiles is possible focusing on individual areas, and in addition hide some flaws premises(low ceiling, Small Area and t. d.).
  5. Making doors tiles will be the most durable coating, which can last for more than a decade, even under the most aggressive form and operation of the impact.
  6. The material itself is durable and wear resistant, because the coating is easily withstand the mechanical action, and will not lose its attractive appearance for many years at the same time.
  7. Tiles near the door in the hallway is usually heavily polluted, and among its advantages in this case, it should be noted easy care, protection from exposure to household chemicals, what is not less important.
  8. Due to the possibility of simulating the coating of other materials, you can pick up the tiles in the form of marble or wood, thereby impart certain static coating and elegance.
  9. The coating can be combined in various materials, Moreover and the tiles can be spread in different shades and patterns, to diversify the room.
  10. Use when selecting different sizes of tiles.

doors tile decoration

Now it should be noted and disadvantages of this type of coverage:

  1. first, that is to say, is the use of tiles in large spaces. In particular, the use of tiling in the rather large vestibules can make them too official premises, more like a hall or lobby any government agency. Because here it is necessary to combine the tiles with other materials, or decor items.
  2. Also, do not forget that, that the tile material is slippery. Because an important factor is the slip ratio. Hallway must be chosen to cover the minimum value, because otherwise there is a high risk of slip and fall. Besides, select tiles with matt coated necessary, especially, if a family has children, elderly and pets.
  3. Do not choose a textured tile, because in this case in the furrows will accumulate dirt and dust, what, respectively lead to loss of appeal of the coating. If the goal is worth to put a tile next to the door, the pick is worth the dark colors, while the main space of the hall to perform in bright colors.

Among the disadvantages especially nothing to add. And it must be said, that they can be completely eliminated with the right approach. A number of advantages in this time is virtually certain, and without thinking leads to the conclusion, that the tile is the best choice.

The combination of tiles with laminate

With the advantages and disadvantages of the sorted material, is now an important issue is the possibility to combine the tiles near the front door in the hallway with other materials. As I mentioned earlier, it can be done, in some cases, need to, if it is a large entrance hall.

A successful combination can serve as a kind of zoning space. For example, a good solution would be tile near the front door in the hallway, while the remaining area other finishing material. In this way, directly into the ceramic will be increased aggressive impact zone (in this case the door can not be laid pad feet), and at the same time, it will signal, what's next in the shoes can not go.

Zoning hallway tiles

Also, in some cases require additional zoning premises. For example, in a studio apartment or studio, can, in this way, unobtrusively show the general area of ​​apartment, and allocate space for the so-called hall, which at the same time it is part of the main room.

Another embodiment of the combination of execution becomes irregular masonry tiles of different shapes and framing pattern floorboard, and in particular such embodiment looks good in combination with natural stone tiles, which gives the room elegance. Besides, you can repeat the pattern of the ceiling in such a way (in cases, when configured suspended or suspended ceiling with the presence of bends).

tiles and flooring in the hallway

Also, tiles at the door in the hallway you can put a podium, that will help in zoning, and in addition will provide more clearly the distinction between materials. but note, that the hill should not do more than a few centimeters, otherwise there is a big risk of falling and injury.

Selection of tiles design

And no less important factor is the choice of design. It is imperative to tile the front door not only to match the design or its complement, but in addition, and in compliance with all rules and regulations of registration. If a, of course, you want your entrance hall had an attractive appearance, and not vice versa repelled visitors.

To begin, consider some tips, which should take into account when choosing a tile:

  1. In case of registration of the long, narrow hallway it is necessary to pay attention to the use of colored tiles, or light. The use in this case, the dark elements make the room dark and uncomfortable.
  2. For small rooms light colors help to expand the space of a few, visually enlarge the room, that will play into the hands of.
  3. In case of registration of a large entrance hall should pick up the tiles of different colors, invoicing solutions, and in addition, and forms. This will help to diversify the look, at the same time put some accents in the room and hide flaws. Tiles at the front door in the photo below demonstrates such an option, in particular the use of the picture and inserts mosaic.the use of mosaic in the entrance hall
  4. If you want to create a kind of pattern of tiles, it is necessary to adhere to the style of wallpaper, ceiling and furniture, and in addition, and to adhere to the general style. Another important factor will be the combination of tiles and doors.
  5. Speaking directly about, what style to make out the floor, worth noting, that the simple classic design of the room, well suited coating imitating marble, in the case of the oriental style, a good option would be metlahskoy tiles, in other cases, a good solution is to use colorful tiles, or light tones.

Design options adjacencies

Now we offer you a look, It might look like an entrance, which put the tiles around the front door. Next will be presented with photos of design options, and, perhaps, some of them you will like it, and will be able to decorate your home:

tiling around the doorTile front doorhall decoration PlitkoTiles near the front doortiles in the hallway on the floorbeautiful entrance hall designdoors tile decorationtiles in the hallway near the doorhall decoration options


So you can understand, what laying tiles around the door one of the best options to give the room a rather attractive appearance, and moreover to enjoy it in the future for many years. Besides, cover itself is almost universal, as can be understood from its advantages. In conclusion, except viewed in the photo options, see offer several thematic videos, where tiles in the hallway near the door fully opens its beauty.




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