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Which comb lay tile: views and differences

those, who are new to tiling, especially, when it comes to ceramic materials, often there are questions about how, a trowel used for laying tiles. After all, in fact, there are quite a lot of them. And even if some think, that laying tiles on a continuous adhesive layer is more qualitative, Meanwhile, we consider the range of the instrument, and we will do the right thing, observing reasonable savings tile adhesive.

Why do I need a special spatula

To begin with we shall understand, why to comb for laying tile. It's simple enough. When applying the adhesive mixture, it is leveled with a notched trowel, resulting in formation of furrows. They also cause a uniform distribution of the adhesive mixture over the surface of the tile.

spatula tiling

As a result, we get the following benefits:

  1. High quality packing. This is due to the distribution of the glue mixture evenly across the tile area. Accordingly, the material itself will lie as straight as possible, of course, if base previously prepared and aligned.
  2. Also, this approach increases the operation speed, as in this case do not have to be pressed each time the tiles and to remove excess glue.
  3. Provided bond strength. In the case of deficiency or excess glue it decreases conversely, and use a spatula to apply the tiles helps clear the required amount of mixture.
  4. And the latter becomes economical, because the spatula will help eliminate overruns material, by applying precisely the required amount of.

A small recommendation on, a spatula to choose tiles. The most convenient work tool, in which the two sides gear, while the other two equal, that allows you to do all the work with one tool, without changing constantly one to another.

Characteristics when choosing a comb

Different types of combs can be determined by the shape of the teeth, because in different cases, it differs, and it is important to know what kind of spatula tiling needs.

The shape of the teeth

The difference caused in the form of directly thickness, and characterized as follows::

  1. When laying the tiles on the adhesive layer from 6 to 12 millimeters comb used with square teeth.
  2. At higher layer,, over 12 millimeters used tools with semicircular teeth. Since when using square, Track combed badly, and besides furrow subside. In the case of a circular shape this is not observed.
  3. Also, sometimes, meet spatula with triangular teeth, used when laying such tiles on the layer to 5 mm, in particular for PVC tiles.

Like any other tool spatulas also have their own labeling, which denotes the size and shape of the prongs. It is prescribed in a combination of letters and numbers. Examples of labels are indicated in the table below:

spatulas for marking tiles

And now a bit of deciphering:

  1. Triangular teeth of small size with small intervals are marked by the letter - A.
  2. Tool with large gaps between the triangles - In.
  3. With the absence of gaps - S.
  4. With square-shaped teeth - C.
  5. for rectangular, symbol becomes - R.
  6. And last, semicircular - M.

What is the comb for tile is understood, But that is not all.

The size of teeth

An important factor is also the size of the teeth, since he controls adhesive layer. Thus the, select how the comb for laying the tiles will depend directly on the intended thickness of the tile adhesive layer.

Let's look at approximate dimensions of the teeth, depending on the size of tiles, with the proviso that, that he will be the width of the spatula slightly larger tile width.

notched trowel for the tile size

In case of tile laying on the floor size must be chosen a little more of these. Now we can define, a spatula is needed for laying tile, depending on the material and thickness dimensions of the adhesive layer mixture. Flow Calculator tile adhesive.

How to apply adhesive

And the last question, which requires consideration when selecting, a comb lay tile, It becomes a distribution on the surface of the solution, rather its application technology.

  1. First we need to understand the behavior of the adhesive, depending on this level will be selected it is applied, to avoid voids.
  2. An important application of the mixture becomes a direct, the result must be obtained perfectly straight furrow, without any bloat.
  3. Self adhesive is applied to the base at an angle 30-40 degrees.
  4. After that the creation of a comb, which runs at an angle to the 75 degrees.
  5. Apply the mixture on the substrate must be immediately. Some, of course, Apply it on the tiles, thus greatly slow down the progress of work.
  6. After that, the mixture is applied, is applied and pressed against Tiles, for a more uniform distribution of the adhesive is compacted by a rubber hammer. Learn More the rapid deposition method tile adhesive.

both apply the adhesive to the surface

In some countries, this technique is only used for laying on semi-dry screed. In other cases, the tile is laid, and then moves to the tooth width, which allows to eliminate voids.

Another option to increase the adhesion becomes laying on Sdiri. This technology is expected to order, that the glue application is performed simultaneously at the base and on the tile itself, after which the tile is torn off and the solution was applied.

To avoid protrusions and provide a solution of pure sutures used spatula without extreme tooth, which helps reduce the amount of glue, that goes beyond the tiles. This technique is the way, can save adhesive for tiles.


the main thing, when choosing a comb to put the tiles on the floor or wall, do not buy rubber, because it is very inconvenient to use and significantly slows down the whole process works. Besides, do not forget to immediately clean up the building tool from the solution, because after hardening it can all go wrong. detail, how to choose the right tile adhesive.

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