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What are the dimensions of the tiles are and what to choose?

One of the most common and at the same time costly finishing options becomes tiling. But even in spite of its relatively high cost of such a renovation is very popular. And the first question, occurs in many people, becomes "What is the tile size to choose?».

tile size bath

The selected size of the material depends directly on appearance of the premises, and in addition, and care for different tiles are also different. For example, choice of floor tiles of large size allows to visually enlarge the space of the room. Besides, Using different sizes of decorative material can focus on specific areas of the room.

And the important factor is the, that the tile size depends on type of adhesive, its flow rate and consistency.

Various shapes and sizes of tiles

First, we should determine which tile size are all. Most of the standard sizes used (not taking into account individual projects and designs using materials of irregular shape).

Such a tile is made square or rectangular, at the same time it has the following dimensions:

  1. For square materials: 10*10, 15*15, 20*20, 30*30 centimeters.
  2. At the same time, for rectangular: 2,5*15; 20*15; 15*75; 20*10 and 15*10.

tile size

Talking about, What are the dimensions of wall tiles, it is possible to allocate such standards. While, thickness for any of the species of 3-4 mm.

Also, It can be a separate species highlight the tile-mosaic, which represents a single surface, collected from small cells. similar cell size can vary from 8 millimeters to several centimeters. While, should be considered, that uses a special adhesive for laying.

It is also necessary to mention that, what is the size of floor tiles. It may be noted, that the width and length dimension coincides (but also has a greater abundance of species), but at the same time, it has a higher level of strength, and somewhat greater thickness.

Several less veneer ceiling tile, because this material is quite heavy, and can severely injure the labels peeling off during, as well as damage to the floor covering.

What to look for when choosing a

When we are talking about, what size tile is best, should take into account a certain number of factors, in particular:

  1. method of laying (Simple parallel walls, diagonal, or with the creation of patterns).
  2. Application of additional decorative elements (that will make a unique design).
  3. room size (because most tile allows visually enlarge the room, while a little on the contrary give simplicity and elegance).

And it is not the whole number of features, to consider. Also here you can add the use of friezes and borders. Besides, as well as by laying it should be noted and direction (in the case of rectangular tiles). In this way, taking large rectangular tile and place it vertically, we visually expand the size of the walls, while the horizontal styling raises the ceiling.

methods for laying tile

Quite a few important factor is the space and, which will be held styling. For example, when it comes to the kitchen, the size of the floor tiles, and the wall must be chosen grow larger, because it is an area with a high risk of pollution, respectively will often clean the seams and grout.

Talking about, what size of tile to choose for a bath, here recommend a small tile. Quite often it is laid mosaic.

The advantage of selecting tile small size becomes easy creation of unique patterns, at the same time giving the room elegance. But note and the, that work with the material much more difficult, than with more dimensional analogues.

The optimal size of the tiles for laying with his hands

The first priority when choosing the size of matching tiles becomes purpose and parameters, which were considered earlier. But not everyone can decide for themselves in order, what size tiles to choose for themselves. And that's why, It becomes the optimal standard size of tiles 15 to 30 centimeters, which is the most popular today.

note, that the material of this size still see Soviet times can be found in almost every kitchen, and in addition in each bath.

Talking about, what size tiles for a small bathroom fits best, you can go back to the visualization rules. In particular, If you do not like the visual perception, it is recommended to take a lot of the tiles, that will help expand the space. But in the case of, when a small area does not bother, recommended arm with mosaic and make the most elegant room.

Features tile and its size

first, that must be considered, choosing the size of the tiles on the floor, is a professional human skills, who will do the work for laying.

As known, the smaller the tiles, the more difficult to work with it, that is why, decided independently to stack material, without having the proper experience, better to choose a tile more.

tile size

Also, It depends on the size and the required surface preparation. In particular:

  1. For more tiles unacceptable blow to the Old surface. In this case, the need to removal of dilapidated areas, alignment and primer.
  2. At the same time, small tile - it is quite possible (although undesirable)

Also, when of larger materials, They will greatly stand out seams, so any irregularity will be the most noticeable.

Besides, highly it is important to carefully check the tiles marked. Because in some cases, unscrupulous sellers try to get rid of residual material, combining several types of tiles of all sizes.

In details, for those, who knows. Tiles made from clay, since during firing the material shrinks a little, is made of one tile party still differ by a few millimeters.

That is why they packed in the packaging, depending on the caliber, Ideally extinct and folding.

When buying multiple boxes of tiles, you must carefully approach this issue and pay attention to the calibration, which is indicated on the packaging.


With the knowledge, derived from the article you will already be able to easily choose the size of the tiles for your home. But, if you suddenly have any further questions, Ask them in the comments and our experts will be happy to answer them. Besides, We offer to watch a few movies, which more clearly show and tell all about the features of different tile sizes.



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