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Methods ventilation device in a room without windows

Ventilation in a room without windows is an urgent problem, because, if you do not organize automatic air purification, the room will be uncomfortable. It becomes stuffy, it is wet, starts to form fungus, such air elementary harmful to breathe. In order to avoid many problems, You need to consider ventilation system.

How to check if no window space is ventilated?

Most often in houses, especially the multi, builder provides natural ventilation system. It is arranged as follows:: air exchange takes place by vertically extending channels, which extend from the roof of the house to the basement. Special taps unventilated room apartments are connected to the ventilation system. For many reasons, the ventilation in the room may not work.

In order to check the efficiency of the ventilation system, you need to burn rolled in a tube sheet of paper and bring to the grid. Keep it should be at a distance 2 cm, If the paper is pressed against the grate, the ventilation is working properly, and air circulation nothing prevents. If the smoke goes into the room or sheet will not be pressed under the influence of air flow, the drawing is not.

Council: checking, how the system, Do not use an open flame. Newsprint must smoke, but not burn. An open fire can be dangerous, since the carcass exhaust pipe may form flammable and flammable substance different.

Ventilation in the room

The role of systems for air circulation

Ventilation in the room plays a big role with no windows. Even if the room is used infrequently, it collects carbon dioxide. If the room is always more than one person, heat is generated in the amount of 60 W in time, it creates excess moisture, which in the absence of natural or artificial ventilation will settle on the walls. As a result, inside will be very hot, on the walls of the fungus forms, disputes which breathe is dangerous for health.

Clean air ducts can not always provide fresh air flow in the right amount, even if the room has a window. The fact, that deaf plastic products reliably isolate the room. This has positive aspects, but there are also cons, eg, the room is not ventilated itself. With the help of special equipment problem can be solved: the system will be forced to ventilate the room.

Construction of mechanical ventilation

knowing, how to make the ventilation in the room without windows or with blind structures, you can do the work yourself. two fans will need to, having approximately the same power. Besides, You need to purchase a heater and filter; one device will suffice for the system.

To the air where it was taken, punched in the walls for ventilation channels. There are inserted pipe: everything for holes they need to use a hammer.

How to make the ventilation in the room

The diameter of the channels for ventilation

It is not enough to pierce a through hole of any size: we must act, based on the calculation, What's on 1 m2 hole diameter should be 1,5 cm; if the room 20 m, You need to punch a hole 20 cm.

DA to ventilation worked well and it does not interfere, positioning hole must be slightly above floor level. On the street duct should go 40 mm. It should be up to direct: This will ensure optimal air intake, the impact of polluted air from the room. In order for the pipe does not enter the trash, it protects the awning and a special grid.

Ventilation in a room without windows is performed in a duct with perforations on the walls, it can be positioned vertically or, either horizontally. You need this device in order, so that the air is distributed evenly in the room. To ensure extract stale air, mounted hood. It is located in the upper part of the wall, approximately at 50 cm from the ceiling, if the house is private, pipe must be raised above the roof to a height of not less than 30 cm. The apartment can put it against the wall at the same height. In both cases the tube should be facing up.Ventilation in a room without windows

ATentilyatsiya in a room without windows would be more effective, if extract pipe also equipped with a visor by depositing and mesh. It would not let her hide various waste.

In order to efficiently inhale the air into the air duct, you want to use enough power fan. Outdoor air enters the room, previously passed through a filter.

Calculator for ventilation

type of lodging
area m2
Height cm.

The choice of ready-made solutions

Ventilation in a room without windowsIf the bedroom without a window, ventilation may be undeveloped using factory devices, feed fresh air: they are called aerogiverami. Most often, such a device is installed outside the window. The system will not spoil the appearance of the facade, because it has a small size, placed in a special box, whose color can be chosen, outer side closed a practical and attractive appearance bars, through which the air intake.

The average cost of imported aerogivera 25 thousand. rubles. The device is suitable for indoor use, the area of ​​which does not exceed 35 m. Some aerogivery have the function of heating: it is convenient in the winter, because the room will go hot air, It will not feel a draft, the room will not cool. As a result, operation of the system reduces heat loss and save on heating.

Depending on the model and manufacturer aerogivery can operate in different modes: eg, You can set the desired fan speed. More expensive devices show, how the filter is dirty and when it's time to change it, which greatly facilitates maintenance, avoids loss of productivity and damage. Details of ventilation systems.

Conclusion: If you have a room without a window, ventilation it is necessary. It will make the room comfortable and safe for health. What type of ventilation to choose, It depends on your preferences and financial capabilities of the landlord.



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