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How to get rid of the odor in the apartment

If the apartment has proper ventilation, in the house will never be present unpleasant musty smell, the windows will be collected condensate, and after cooking does not have to open windows for ventilation. It is therefore important to understand, what a natural ventilation and forced, as well as how they can be combined.

Natural ventilation in the room

The natural flow of air is created in the apartment with the help of the slits in the window and door frames, gap under the door leaf, and, of course, due to air vents. There are several ways to create natural air flow:

  • Windows old sample. In this case, refers to the old wooden windows. In winter, it is desirable to finish the window openings foam strips, on one side of which has an adhesive tape. It is not necessary to insulate the frame by means of a tightly compacted wool, over which an additional paper tape adhered. Foam despite, that closes the gap, It is actually quite "breathable" material, important to choose a loose structure, only outside air will flow into the room.
  • But there is a very important point! Climatic conditions in the street (wind and temperature differences) create pressure, which will push the foam, so narrow and curved slits, which causes the throttling effect. He appears because, that the air mass in constant motion warmed themselves.
  • Double-glazed windows. As for modern windows, their design means a tight fit to the frame folds. Accordingly in this variant insulation does not need, but windows can create natural ventilation. In this case, it is possible to open the door to airing, and its width can be adjusted independently at their own discretion. According to the laws of physics, warm air always rises upward, cool down and lowered. Therefore, the location of the gap at the top right of the window constructively.
  • fresh air natural inflow system is designed to be, that the radiator will be located under the window.
  • supply valve. This device is installed in cases, when the ordinary is not enough ventilation, so often it can be found not in the apartments, and at public institutions kitchens.
    Such a valve can be straight or angular shape, while both models always have a flap, which allow for regulation of the air mass. The first embodiment can have an element of forced discharge stream, such, eg, as a coil or have an internal structure, similar to the maze, that allows you to artificially create a throttling effect. As for the second, they have a similar operating principle Fiberglass, when they are on the ventilation. Their construction has a bias towards preview, then the room will not be exposed to precipitation.

operation system of natural ventilation in the apartment
operation system of natural ventilation in the apartment

Forced ventilation in the room

This type of system is established in those cases, when the natural air flow can not cope with the function of ventilation apartment. This option has two ways to solve the problem - the installation of a pumping device (fan) in vents or mounted to a separate section already embedded inside the electric fan.
But depending on where exactly the system will be installed, you need to know about some of the operational features:

• Kitchen. For these premises are special drawing, which have a special flare, installed over the stove. The quality models are special odor neutralizer, so the flavors do not spread throughout the apartment. Typically, such devices are presented in the form of UV lamps. But once it is worth noting, they run on electricity, and therefore, account number will increase electricity. But their service life is very long, and they are completely safe for human health;

Individual attention, those hoods system, that come with converters on chemicals. Some models may contain carcinogens, even, despite, that their manufacturers are well-known European companies.

• A bathroom. The most optimum one for, and the cost, It is the one system, which is activated simultaneously with the light on in the room. Since in modern apartments have a common duct, from which each housing is a separate outlet, it is best to install the valves, flappers. They represent a flap, which has free rotation in 75-80 degrees and it is set on the vertical axis. It is designed for, to block air flow from the outside, which is very advisable in winter.

Since the bathroom - it's premises, where most accumulated vapors, and therefore, and the condensate formed on the surfaces, the right fan is a must. While many skimp on this part, relying on natural ventilation, that is, when the door is left completely open. And here is the main mistake! A sharp temperature drop (in the bathroom - hot, and in the corridor - cold) causes, that the premises finishing materials can be easily damaged. Therefore it is better not to save, and immediately put the quality ventilation system.

How to choose the device under the hood

To date, among the experts more credible uses this fan model, as the HV - 2. It has the best size, which are best suited to apartment it to the hoods, wherein the average power consumption it is 22W, per hour and it is able to drive around 2,5kub. m. air flow.
These designs can be found in metalworking and foundries, as they are able to withstand heavy loads. Although in fairness it is worth noting that moment: during operation they produce little noise.

If someone is a significant lack of, it is possible to draw attention to the silent model.
If noise is an important criterion, you should pay attention to the fans, which have low turnover and blades, resembling swords. But here it is necessary to know, that if you do not take care of them and to allow dust to accumulate, they will just make noise, as well as industrial models. It is also worth to be prepared and to, that silent analogues require for their operation a few more electricity, than other counterparts.
Not the last role as operation and wins back the material itself, from which holds the product. From economy class, you should choose those fans, which are made of acrylic or polypropylene. If the device is selected for bathrooms, it is important to choose a material, to be resistant to moisture, as it is set on the outside of the room.


How to check and arrange domestic ventilation

The first step is to check the serviceability of the air duct, to which port to tray paper strip (10 cm) and check its fluctuations. Many paper set on fire, but it is not always safe, since in some cases, these mines accumulates gas, and therefore, there is a risk of explosion. If problems with the air supply is not, it is possible to proceed.

You must know the number of air changes, for which calculation is carried out feed and waste air masses. To do this, you need to know square the square, how many people live in the apartment, which is taken into account, smokes someone or not. according to the standards, on one living person is the air flow rate in an hour 70kub.m.
If you have a preference for a cool atmosphere, the air exchange rate should be increased to 300 m3\no. Installing proper ventilation is supported by the, how in the apartment fresh air, and drafts should not be.
An important nuance is the fact, the volume of supply and exhaust air are equal masses.

In this way, eliminating the effect of drafts. But here, you should know, that every room, depending on your destination requires a certain balance. for example, Bathing room and kitchen, You must be lower than the inflow, than the air outlet. It is worth remembering and about, cold air, always heavier than warm.
Therefore, for good ventilation is necessary to use the apartment and natural ventilation, and forced the type of system, since only one slit and a valve designed for natural current air mass. And with fans, will occur and the outflow of "dirty" air. And thus, the house will always stay fresh and neat.

Online calculator ventilation

type of lodging
area m2
Height cm.

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2 Comments to the post "How to get rid of the odor in the apartment

  1. When we moved to a safe place, the smell would not be the best. Show the smell of the room had a long. First wash every crevice, all the walls and even the ceiling using a variety of detergents. But it all helped, only a little. natural ventilation, ie the gap, windows, etc.. did not help, Yes, and it was winter, and in the house of a young child, open the window did not work. eventually helped us extractor, set-in-law in the kitchen. From an old drawing he made, modern ventilation hood. And I knew, that the extract in the house, and especially in the kitchen is very important. We plan to install another extractor in the bathroom, thanks to the online calculator ventilation will make it even easier, because he calculated all of us)

  2. We put new windows in view of comfort and safety. In addition to the necessary characteristics set, We paid attention to ventilation function. The apartment with a small child, often need to ventilate, but in the winter window will not be in the presence of the child's possible to open wide open. To do this, select the window with micro-ventilation system. The window opens up as in conventional ventilation, only formed very small gap for air infiltration. Freeze or "catch a draft" with such ventilation is impossible and no unpleasant odors.

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