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Acrylic coating and especially the use of

To carry out the construction work on the outside, and inside the building premises, applied acrylic plaster. As already clear from the title material, base filler is acrylic, whereby the filler has high plasticity. After application to the surface to be treated, acrylic coat layer forms a very durable. A mixture as for sealing small lesions on the walls.

On the composition and characteristics of acrylic fillers

Acrylic filler may be used to perform alignment surfaces, and also be used for finishing putty before painting the walls. This type of filler perfectly protects the surface from various external influences. This material has excellent moisture resistance and excellent lies virtually any surface, among which:

  • Concrete;
  • tree.

The film-forming material for putty - talc
The film-forming material for filler - talc

As the coating material for the preparation of acrylic putty often used talc, and to impart color to the different White. Purchase acrylic filler can be in dry form, and is ready for use in a sealed bag. It is not subject to shrinkage, and after drying it does not crack.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of acrylic plaster before the plaster? Perhaps, the disadvantages of acrylic include putty fast drying time after application (usually, less than 30 minutes), as well as difficulties in sanding and grinding. But its benefits include:

  • excellent protection of the treated surfaces from external influences;
  • acrylic plaster is very elastic. After drying forms a sufficiently strong protective coating;
  • dried plaster prevents the penetration of water, but, It has good vapor permeability capacity;
  • building material is pure and absolutely harmless product, besides it refractory;
  • easily applied to the surface, forming a single solid structure.

A short video on how to come up with what acrylic plaster

How to efficiently use acrylic plaster

Acrylic plaster based on an aqueous dispersion used for the treatment of wooden surfaces, and concrete products, because it has a high resistance to moisture. Targeted acrylic facade exterior coat has good insulating properties, therefore, it is applicable to processing any of the walls and external surfaces. But a universal acrylic putty can be used for interior decoration and other types of work.

It is important to know, that for walls in rooms used vodnodispersnaya acrylic plaster for walls, bonding agents and the mixture should be thicker for ceiling work, so you should choose a universal acrylic putty. At the same time many are interested in the question of putty flow for surface finishing, because high-quality putty not cheap.

so, for decorating indoors average consumption of acrylic fillings will be 1.1-1.2 kg for the application of millimeter layer 1 m² wall. Such a thickness of the applied layer sufficiently, to prepare the wall for painting or wallpapering.

For exterior façade filler consumption will be around 1,5 kg. It should be remembered, that this type of material is highly resistant to moisture, so it can also be used for interior work in very wet areas. To find out how much filler is needed for repair, will help online calculator.

What else you need to know about acrylic putty

First of all, acrylic plaster is on sale in ready-to-use and requires no training to use. This saves time, moreover, does not require special knowledge, to treat the walls and ceiling with his hands.

It happens, that sellers may offer to buy instead of acrylic latex putty. to determine, What better plaster, latex or acrylic, should be aware of some features of putty with latex-based. note, that the composition and many features are identical. In addition, the latex fillers are also used for all kinds of finishing works.

Putty with latex basis also produce ready-to-use. If necessary, you can give the putty any shade. Due to the plasticizers contained in the putty, latex mixture after drying, easily processed and do not crack. Another important difference between these types of fillers is not.

note, that the treatment of the surfaces of acrylic sealer is quick enough. In this case, after drying them visible all the flaws, so you can quickly fix the defects if necessary. The slits and defects larger than 5 mm is recommended to seal the, because after drying may cause cracks in these places. The answer to the question, how to get rid of cracks?
On the negative side in the acrylic filler include difficulty in sanding and grinding surfaces. Also formed is grinding dust is harmful to lung mucosa, it is recommended that this type of work is carried out in a respirator.

On the rules of plastering work

In this article, we looked at all the main characteristics, inherent acrylic Putties. Applying putty on the work surface is not too much difficulty, so it can be done without problems with his own hands. If you do not have any idea, how to work with a spatula, and perform finishing work, you can see the instructional video below the article.

before putty, on the wall, a layer of primer, after drying, which can start to finish.

Also, all the conditions of temperature should be observed clearly (indoor and outdoor), which appear on the container by the manufacturer.

Then check, completed if all the rough work on finishing the ceiling and walls, and make sure the insulation reliability of the wiring in order to avoid injuries. Usually start fine finish from the ceiling. After processing proceed to plastered walls.

Applying putty on the walls is carried out in several stages.

  1. Initially, you need to mix the putty.
  2. Then take a trowel, which will be applied to the solution of a wall or ceiling, and small, which should be applied putty evenly over the entire length of the finishing place.
  3. Putty is applied evenly to the desired surface by means of vertical and horizontal movements of circular.
  4. After drying proshpaklevat surface should be roughened by sanding and. For this purpose, use a fine abrasive paper.

Working mixture dries up during the day, and after polishing will place visible defects, that need to be corrected. In order to achieve the ideal state, We need to eliminate the flaws, and then clean up these places.

It is necessary to adhere to the following rules when applying putty to the surface:

  1. Layer, greater than the thickness 5 mm, be sure to crack. Therefore, such places are processed in a number of approaches.
  2. It is not recommended to bring the walls to perfection with the appearance of stripes and waves. This saves time, and moreover these defects can be easily removed by grinding.

How to work with a spatula and conduct plaster ceiling and walls. phased work.

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