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What is better to choose acrylic paint for ceiling

Recently painted ceiling has become a common and effective way to trim premises. Paint products on the market represented a huge range. Therefore, you should consider, how to choose paint for ceiling, not only to be beautiful, but also the reliability and durability. And this is the right approach, as the painting of the ceiling does not require large expenditures, and it has the ability to change the look of the room quickly and efficiently. so, how to choose paint for ceiling? In the first place it should be affordable, environmental, easy to apply and sufficiently resistant. These criteria are suitable latex (acrylic) Ceiling paints. It consists of an aqueous emulsion acrylic resin. Benefits: - dries quickly; - it covers the surface well and is easy to apply; - it does not fade with time and does not tarnish; - white tone becomes yellowed; - a large range of colors, allowing tinted different shades; - water-resistant; - easy to clean, but not too often; - it does not form mold.

Types of water-based paint for ceiling surfaces

when deciding, some acrylic paint to choose, should determine the color of the ceiling, you want to do and in what room will be painted. Today, the customer is provided a large selection of colors, differing composition and consistency, designed for dry interiors, and for rooms with high humidity, eg, bath or harvesting. Most often in stores offered a snow-white matte acrylic paint for ceiling. Also, the color of the ceiling sometimes make the usual white or milky white. but, optional, you can add a special color scheme, To get the desired color(by tinting paints Group B). And sometimes sold finished in shades of a certain brand of acrylic paints. Distinguish glossy and matt paints to ceiling surfaces. The first type is best to use under the conditions, that the ceiling will color. If the choice fell on the white surface, the dullness of the ceiling allow to hide defects, give creaminess. Paint of course not be able to hide the rough ceiling defects. Glossy paints are more resistant to abrasion and to clean better, than matte. However, glossy paints are used more for walls. If you want to combine these two types of, choose a semi-matt or semi-gloss paint. Well established latex paint, the main difference between viscosity material, it is very necessary for ceilings made of plasterboard or slabs progress.

Manufacturers of acrylic paints

The main rule when choosing a paint brand - is its coating properties and wear resistance, each manufacturer makes their gradation of groups and classes. Important point consumption per square mater paint as budget savings.

Ceiling paint is not necessary to buy a large class of abrasion, better pay attention to the crack-resistance (paint viscosity)

It can be difficult to determine when a huge range of paint manufacturer to buy, to accept the price and quality. Known brands are considered "Dulux" and "Tex", Paint «Tikkurila» - Country Finland, «Sniezka» - Polish factory and «Caparol» - Germany. Although the majority of paints made already in Russia.


A special feature of this paint is its vapor permeability, allowing the ceiling surface, so to speak, "breathe". characteristics of its, true, not impressed: consumption of one layer - 4 square meters per liter of paint. But fast drying time: about 40 minutes. Price Universal acrylic paint for the brand 'Tex' ceiling varies from 500 to 600 rubles for 7 liters. This is a relatively cost-effective option.


paint advantages include its anti bactericidal capacity, as well as a wide range of colors and shades. Therefore it is well suited for painting the ceiling a child's room. Feature «Dulux» acrylic: consumption is 14 square meters 1 liter, It is used for dry rooms, It dries within two - four hours. The price of this paint: 500 rubles. Very good price for quality products. Wonderful shades belezny.


This paint is resistant matte, which allows a good cover even one layer of the entire surface of the ceiling, concealing irregularities. Main characteristics: consumption - 6-10 square meters per liter, dries within 2 hours. its price for 0,9 liter - about 300 rubles. Very popular Euro 2 and Euro 7.


One of the most popular colors. The advantage is its durability and color fastness. Characteristics of water-based paint for the ceiling «Caparol»: consumption - 0,12 liters / square meter, Drying time at room temperature - up 6 hours. Its price is very high - in the range 800 rubles per liter. Not everyone can afford to buy this paint, but the quality and durability of the stand.


Consumers have long appreciated the quality of the paint. The distinctive ability of it is water-resistant, as well as «Sniezka» well kept on all surfaces and retains the texture color. This acrylic paint is hypoallergenic and eco-friendly structure. Flow it is 1 kg 6 square meters, and dry for four hours. The price of this wonderful paint for 1,4 kg - approximately 400-500 rubles. If you still can not determine, some acrylic paint to choose, it is better to stop on the Polish producer «Sniezka» factory. First of all, she became the leader among the other colors, Secondly, reasonable price and, third, It meets all the criteria for the selection of acrylic paint for ceiling surfaces.


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