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Enamelling baths with their own hands

Эмалирование ванны своими рукамиToday, most of the apartment owners have resorted to the restoration of the USSR production of cast-iron baths, rather than discarding them in a landfill, Excellent quality due enamelling plant Soviet, which provides a good basis for a new coating, as well as the reliability of the cast iron body.

Today, there are several ways bath restoration: acrylic insert "in the bath tub“, enamelling baths and covering old coating a layer of liquid acrylic (Technology 'bulk vanna "). In this article we will discuss how to paint a bath with his hands.

This is the most inexpensive way of restoration, which does not require disabling it from the sewer and dismantling. Perhaps you just need to remove the chipped bath how to do it you can read here.

At home,, Painting has a number of significant differences, from an industrial process this kind of restoration. So, factory-iron bath heated, whereupon the inner surface, evenly applied powder. Under the action of high temperature and spreads the powder enamel is transformed into.

If we talk about enamelling baths at home, in this case the enamel is applied on the basis of a flat brush of natural hair (rarely used sprayer).

Self-enamel bath

This process involves two stages. Preparing the bath. This is a very important step, as the enamel should be applied only to the well-defatted, smooth surface. For this purpose the surface is applied to the old cleaning powder, eg "Pemolyuks", which should not contain chlorine, longer directly on the surface of the powder is cleaned with an abrasive stone.

You can clean up, also using a grinding wheel or sandpaper. Thereafter, the abrasive grit is washed off with water, occurs dressing rust and irregularities, as well as thoroughly degreased surface.

After this, on the 5-10 minutes of hot water to fill the container, then drain and wipe dry surface.

Next comes a step of applying a new layer of enamel. The enamel should be applied very carefully and avoid bubbles and streaks, otherwise new enamel after it dries, flaked off.

Most of the private companies and artists, specializing in enamelling baths, enamel is applied in two layers. On average, it takes no more than 3-4 hours.

To achieve the best possible result, bath recommended Four enamel layer.

Especially for site apartment repair alone.

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One comment on the record "Enamelling baths with their own hands

  1. Before the restoration of the bath for a long time understood the materials, eventually I chose ekovannu not withheld, material goes smoothly and without blisters, hardens quickly, I advise everyone to

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