Correctly tiles laid on the foam block or gazoblok allows to increase the strength and water resistance structure. And perform such work often on the walls of bathrooms and kitchens, providing more and decoration of interior.
Foam blocks are building material, wherein the high heat- and soundproof, easily and relatively affordable price. That is why they are increasingly being used for housing. but, apart from the merits, and the material has a small disadvantage - the need for finishing, able to maintain its performance and increase the service life. The inner surfaces in living rooms blocks require plastering and painting. And sometimes there is a need to put the tiles on the foam block - and to protect the building envelope from moisture, and interior decoration.
Can be laid
The owners of the property, Foam concrete to make repairs in house, often the question arises, whether you can put tile on the foam block. The answer to it positive - but, due to increased brittleness over time of a base material pieces may start to fall off with the tile. Prevent such a situation, using a first primer, and then plaster or special tile adhesive.
Most often, the need for laying tiles on concrete blocks occurs when finishing walling bathrooms and kitchens. After all, except that the moisture content is significantly higher, than in the other rooms, there is a possibility contact with water and foam, Consequently, fracture blocks and mold. It is worth noting, ceramics that can be placed in these areas and even on the floor, but working with foam blocks are conducted only in the finishing of the walls.
The choice of tiles
Important thing when laying tiles on concrete blocks in the bathroom or in the kitchen - the right choice of finishing materials and finishing area. So, giving preference to the version with ceramic tiling up to the ceiling, you can visually reduce the room, creating the illusion of a lower ceiling. Therefore, in small bathrooms or kitchens desirable to lay tile, leaving to the ceiling is not less than 30-40 cm. And choose in this sleek materials in cold tones. For a large bathroom and kitchen facilities excellent option for facing the foam block tile will tile in warm colors.
The dimensions of the tiles have to depend on the filling of spaces furniture and other objects (appliances and fixtures), their size and height:
- if the elements of the interior are many, you should choose a large tile or mosaic monochromatic light;
- for a small bath in a minimalist style (installing only the bare necessities, no washing machine and hanging lockers) perfect - a small square tiles of size 100 x 100 mm;
- for smaller premises suitable vertical rectangular tile located, for low rooms - square-shaped products.
The choice of adhesive
Before buying a tile adhesive should pay attention to its increased elasticity. BUT, choose how, how to put the tiles on the concrete blocks in the bathroom, paying attention to such a characteristic as a resistance to elevated moisture. For working wall tiles should give preference to the kitchen stove, operation is possible at elevated temperatures.
As materials, which are finished dry rooms (corridors, living rooms or offices) suitable formulations based on conventional cement-sand mixture type CN.9. And among the specific embodiments of tile adhesive separately allocated mosaic, designed for on mosaic wall stickers. Due to the presence in the composition of white cement, this material has no own hue and provides increased lining durability.
Preparation for installation
Before, how to prepare concrete blocks under tiles, should assess the smoothness of the wall surface. If foam concrete masonry was carried out correctly, additional finishing is practically not required. In the presence of significant irregularities the executor serious work on the preparation of the base and plaster foam block.
Since the foam block strongly absorbs moisture in an ideal for wet areas produce walls and ceiling.

The next stage - blocks primer. For this purpose, special materials, a wide range of primers. Catching finished bathrooms, worth the extra run waterproofing of walls, in the kitchen, such work is not required. When finished with the preparation, go directly to the question, Do you need to plaster the foam block under the tile - usually, option is selected from the plaster, more expensive, but also provides improved wall strength. For these purposes, it is quite suitable tile adhesive. plastered surface, which will be laid tiles, go to the main part of the work.
The first stage of laying tile on the foam block or gazoblok (principle ceramic labels on both the same material) It is to prepare a solution. For this purpose, previously prepared dry container adhesive mixture was added water and, mixing them with a punch with a special nozzle. Mixing ratio is usually indicated on the packaging glue.
Despite the instructions for preparing the adhesive mixture, desirable to independently control the mixing process. The finished material should not be too liquid and without lumps, but not too hard, so as not to impair the adhesion of tiles and walls.
continuing, must be:
- Apply the finished adhesive mixture with a notched trowel;
- Attach the first tile to the wall and press firmly;
- Check horizontality material layer and, if necessary, align the tiles. On the tile alignment is given no more than 10-15 minutes after adhesive application. If this time is over, the adhesive should be removed and put again;
- Repeat the same steps for the next tile. In order to leave the same thickness tile joints use plastic crosses;
- If necessary, apply circumcision tile Tile, conducting surface of the marked tile cutting part of the tool;
- In the corners of the room stacked plastic corners, by which provides smooth seams. A bypass pipeline for water, gazo- and heat in the tiles are cut openings.
After laying all tiles and dry material (about 24 no), crosses removed, and performed grout. The material for this work is selected in tone tiles. Removes excess grout with a sponge. And after 2-3 hours again facing wipe, removing traces mixture trowel. In this foam block facing tile finishes.
solving, whether it is possible to glue the tiles on the concrete blocks, and opting for this option, receive quality finished wall, repairs that can not do much more years. The surface walling reliably protected from external influences and with the help of plaster, and thanks to the tiles. And to achieve such a result is possible only with the help of a responsible attitude to work and accurate compliance with all requirements.
Now I am engaged choice of colors for the tiles in the bathroom. I tend to warmer tones, though the room small area. I tend to favor large square articles. Installation of tiles in rooms only trust specialists. You can do it yourself, but it will require more time and skill. Since the tiles in our time not cheap, better to stack the person with experience in the field of painting and decorating.