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How to choose the interior doors for a small apartment?

Spacious apartment with high ceilings - a dream for many people, but the majority of people in our country live in small apartments. That is why it is so crucial issue, How to choose the interior doors for a small apartment, to make it look more spacious.

Type of door opening

Traditional hinged doors require too much space when opened. Therefore, the best one for small apartment will sliding structures, which visually increase the space and save precious square centimeters. Another plus sliding interior doors - safety of use, which is especially true for small apartments, where few people live. Indeed, traditional designs hinged able at sharp opening quite injure man, who is behind them. Besides, hinged doors is easy to pinch your fingers on the hand. With the sliding design of such problems do not arise.


The most common type of sliding interior doors - construction on the rail-rollersOm pendant mechanism. The cloth smoothly moves along the wall of the upper guide, which provides an aesthetic appearance of the door opening. To door did not stop jumping up and down at the end of the opening, Choose machines with backlash-free carriage. Sliding doors with upper rail is best to use veneered leaf. They weigh relatively little and are characterized by excellent appearance.

Another variant of door designs for narrow corridors, hallways and cramped - the door with a rotary mechanism. Such doors can be opened in either direction, simply swiveling around an axis perpendicular to the plane of the door opening, and moving it to the left or to the right.razdvizhnye-dveri

As rail, and rotary doors fit well into any contemporary or minimalist avant-garde style. They not only save space, but also create a unique atmosphere in the apartment. Installation of roller or rotary door designs - quite a challenge. There are many subtleties, in which only professionals well versed. So it's best to order doors with installation of turnkey Specialtyth company, having mounting experience similar door systems. Pre-need to properly prepare for opening, so that the walls do not have a vertical deviation, and the top opening positioned horizontally.

color solution

Making repairs in a small apartment, Many people lose and sometimes can not understand, what color of interior doors prefer. The question of choice of colors of door panels is one of the most important, because the door is always on the mind and draws attention. For small rooms the best choice will be bright interior doors with glass. They optically widen the space and lift the ceiling, filling the room with light and air. Besides, fabric light shades blend with any color scheme of the walls and the floor, making it a versatile solution. So, on Porta Prima official site represented by a plurality of webs in color and smoky bleached oak, Champagne, maple and other light shades. The collection of products has a huge selection of classic and contemporary light fabrics, so you can easily pick up the door to any style of decoration.dveri-vidy

To light fabric harmoniously they fit into the interior, they must be "tied" to any of the design elements. For example, shade door can match the color of flooring or furniture. Acceptable, that the painting was a few shades darker or lighter than the selected room decor. Bright door can be supplemented with skirting boards of the same color.

Doors in dark shades, conversely, will clearly delineate the boundaries of a small room. This solution is only suitable for spacious apartments.

practical glazing

The larger area of ​​the glass insert, all the better! These elegant air doors add a small amount of the room and create an airy atmosphere. Fans of decoration in the Empire style, and other classic styles will be to the liking of the Siena doors collections Porta Prima. These webs in the color white or beige ash enamel graceful three glass inserts, decorated initials, become spectacular interior accent. Strict laconic Felicia leaf with glass from top to bottom will decorate the interior in the style of minimalism. A graceful door Pianta maple in color with floral ornaments on a huge glass insert conquer lovers of Art Nouveau.


Many people do not want to install interior doors with large glass, afraid to break them. This situation occurs especially often, if a family has young children. But do not give up gracefully glazed paintings, just buy a door with glass triplex, is not scratched and is not afraid of even a fairly strong shocks.

Door with large glass insert advisable to install in the living room and the kitchen. bedroom, bathroom and choose the best fabric is completely deaf or model with a small glass, because it is important to ensure a high level of privacy. The choice of door type for the children depends on the child's age. The kid's room is better to put the canvas with glass, to be able to control the actions of the baby, without going into the room. But in the teen room, probably, You need to install a blank door constructions, because at this age children appreciate privacy.

Of great importance for convenient use in a small apartment rooms and increasing the visual space has an arrangement doorway. In the process of repair of the opening is best to move on a wall of greater length, otherwise it should move as close as possible to the corner.

For the material thank the administration of the site www.portaprima.rin.



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One comment on the record "How to choose the interior doors for a small apartment?

  1. I am going to change the doors in the apartment, especially those, are open not inside rooms, and in the corridor, Explaining his decision. In the house lives a child the age of one and a half years, girl is already being run on an apartment, and when it is in the hallway, there is a risk to hit her door from the bathroom or kitchen. There were already such unpleasant incidents. Change the door will be on a sliding without glass and mirror inserts, tk. this, in my opinion, the most secure option, if the house has a small child.

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