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How to plaster solution correctly

Plastering works are carried out not only for surface leveling, but also to give it a different decorative properties.
Only important to know the, how to be plastered with cement mortar. Having studied the technology of preparation and plastering provides a high quality surface, and for years to come.

And what you need to know, to properly apply the plaster on the walls?
The work is divided into several stages.
Tier surface preparation, tools and materials.
installation beacons. About installing beacons written online article "How to align the wall of beacons using plaster".
Preparation of the composition and application of plaster on the surface.

The initial phase of work

Each surface must pass the preparation phase.
The surface preparation plaster includes cleaning of the surface of the old paint, Wallpaper, dirt and grease.

To facilitate the removal of old wallpaper, apply to the surface of a special solution, raising material. After a short exposure raises the old wallpaper spatula, setting the stage for it under wallpaper.
Old paint scraped off with a spatula or wire brush.

Cleaned and the dried surface should definitely primed.
It called liquid primer, which structure includes substance, increasing adhesion (adhesion) building materials.
Necessarily have to comply with the rule, apply the finishing materials from a single source.
If you bought a dry plaster mixture of a certain manufacturer, the primer and buy the same manufacturer.
Increased demand is a primer called Betokontakt, represents a polymer dispersion, with increased resistance to alkalis. The composition of the liquid included quartz sand, several times increases the adhesion primer.


The process of applying the plaster is produced under the following conditions:

  • indoor temperature should be in the range + 5... 30ºS, and the relative humidity in this case may not be more than 60%;
  • Use the special tool;
  • plaster is applied in stages special receptions.
    Of the tools are the most popular:
  • spatulas of various sizes and trowel;
  • bast broad brush;
  • duralumin or wooden falcon;
  • poluterok, tuples, rule.

How to prepare the solution for plaster

The selected mortar prepared according to certain rules and strictly according to the instructions.
In pure plastic bucket is necessary to pour the required amount of water according to the instructions, appended to the dry mixture of plaster. Then pour the mixture into dry relevant parts.
To the mixture was stirred using a special mixer.

Cooking should be a number of solution, you can recycle for the lifetime of the solution. It appears on the packaging of dry plaster and equals less 1 o'clock.

The mixer can be replaced with a drill with an attachment, intended for mixing plaster. Only nozzles should be used for solutions, rather than mixing colors.
The consistency of the finished solution reminiscent of cream on the cake. detail about preparation of plaster.

How to apply plaster

Before applying the solution, on the wall is necessary to fix a mesh or fill shingles. Be sure Burke seams on a brick, notching is applied on the concrete surface. Depth Burke joints of brick should be at least 5 mm. The concrete surface is moistened with water.

For applying putty to the wall using two spatula: long before the 50 cm and a width of the spatula 10 cm.
With small spatula solution was applied on a large, and has great applied to the wall.
The solution may be applied by trowel, trowel.

Sketching solution should be between beacons bottom, and go up. Leveled solution rule, continuously movable in a horizontal plane and moving up.
The remnants of putty remove a rule small spatula, applying to the desired location on the wall.
Always clean the residues from the solution tank after its production. The new solution is mixed only in a clean container without any traces of the previous solution.

The remaining defects are eliminated on the wall after drying solution. Formed nodules or furrows are best removed with a spatula.

Plastered ceiling first, and then the wall.

The classic way plastering

Plaster is applied in several layers.
The first layer is applied obryzga. second layer, this primer. Third layer - nakryvki. From the first layer depends on the strength of adhesion of plaster on the wall.
Obryzg applied liquid solution, filling the reinforcing mesh cell, Dranken, notches on the concrete, joints in masonry.
The layer thickness on the concrete and brick does not exceed 5 mm, the grid or drank to 10 mm.
For the rendering trowel applied.
Rough surface is obtained, does not require alignment.

Blot obryzga layer must after curing, but still wet layer. It is determined by the open palm, applied to the rough surface. Surface sufficiently firm, but also wet at the same time.
The primer solution is somewhat thicker solution obryzga, well smeared spatula.
At mid applied solution and the Falcon, using a wide spatula, composition pounces on the wall. Each portion of the solution should be smooth with a spatula. A solution snaps lapped and immediately smoothed.
Falcon called the square wooden board, which is superimposed on the middle plaster.
The primer layer closes topcoat and plaster is used to eliminate minute defects. The thickness of the finishing layer does not exceed 2 mm. The finishing layer is applied onto the wet primer layer at a wide spatula arc, pressing the lower edge to the primed layer.

To obtain a perfect surface, recommended grout, eliminating minor irregularities. Next, watch the video, how to be plastered with cement mortar.

Calculator number of plaster

The length of the wall m
The height of the wall m
Average thickness mm
Type plaster
Weight bag plaster kg

It is necessary to bags: total weight

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