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How to choose a chainsaw in the parameters

Modern chainsaw successfully combining such qualities, as mobility, safety and comfort at work, durability, He became a valuable assistant in the garden. In this article we will give advice on the proper selection of a chainsaw and learn to efficiently use it for their own purposes, while ensuring its own security.

Popular brands

Как выбрать бензопилу фотоThe modern market offers a wide selection of different tools, but you can not say, that the quality is always at the right level.

Low prices for Chinese-made tools are the reason for their popularity among buyers, providing a high demand. However, you should always remember that, that chainsaw - a source of increased danger. And the problem is not only, or rather, not so much, it may malfunction during operation, much more serious consequence of this failure can be a personal injury.

We hope, that reasonable consumers understand the absurdity of the situation, when the price of such a complex instrument is equivalent to the price of a few kilograms of sausage. Therefore, we will not even discuss the model chainsaws low price category, and advise popular models.

Widely known trademarks, producing tools for both professional, and domestic use:

  • SOLO;
  • STIHL;

Of these, you can choose a good chainsaw for home and garden. The leaders in this list can rightly be called a well-known brands STIHL, HUSQVARNA и JONSERED. The latter is a division of the company HUSQVARNA, specializing in the production of professional saws.

All of these companies have a long history and many years of experience in manufacturing high quality chainsaws.


The founder of the company STIHL German engineer Andreas calm for the first time 1929 year, two-handled chainsaw with the engine capacity has been created 6 Horse power, which enjoyed while in great demand.

for the period, passed since the, the company numerous developments have been carried out, the results of which are introduced into production (Chains for saws, automatic lubrication system saws, centrifugal clutch, and others.).

In addition the company is the author of the invention, a manual chain saw powered by a gasoline engine.


Swedish company for production of powered products HUSQVARNA, STIHL company's nearest competitor, now is a recognized manufacturer of powered products, including chainsaws.

Interesting fact from the history of the company: it was founded in 1689 year and at the time was known as a producer of weapons. Now professionals, choosing benzoinstrument, prefer products company is HUSQVARNA.

Note also another Swedish manufacturer - the company JONSERED, which produces high-quality powered tools for more than half a century.


Products SHINDAIWA Japanese firm little known to our customers, because it does not have such a long history as a STIHL and HUSQVARNA. However, professionals respect the trademark for high quality, reliability, practicality and durability of a tool manufactured by it.

Faced with such a variety of firms and having ample opportunity to select, part of potential buyers is lost. And even if the, before you make a purchase, he received information from books, magazines, the Internet, or simply listening to the advice of friends, then hitting a modern supermarket, he usually hears only praise. How to choose the instrument under these conditions correctly?

Choosing a petrol chainsaw

When choosing a tool of the upper price segment of the market, we can well afford to lightly abandon the trademark names, focusing on the features and benefits of specific models.Choosing a petrol chainsaw

To begin to solve, for what purpose needed Saw. Very important amount of work, to be operated:

  1. If you need a saw for use in the household and to use it you will not often, than once a week (eg, for firewood for bath or pruning garden), it is necessary to choose among a small drink.
  2. If you saw a similar exploit frequently and intensively, the result could be spoiled impression Manufacturer, although, in fact, just the wrong choice was made saws model. Limited resource such saws, and they are not designed to carry large volumes of work.

choosing a saw, be sure to hold it in your hands. It is not necessary to make a purchase, based solely on advertising products and standard product specifications. maybe, You know the expression "self lies at hand". When choosing a blade it not be more appropriate.

At the same characteristics of the ergonomics of power each blade models can be different. And people differ in their anatomy. Therefore, it is necessary to choose correctly saw this, where you will be comfortable to use, paying attention to the location and shape of the control levers.

A very important detail is the chainsaw handle inertia chain brake. With the help of inertia brakes work even at high speeds chainsaw can be stopped almost instantly, which helps prevent injury to the operator in case of any emergency.

All chainsaws, regardless of the model and manufacturer, Inertial brake lever is located in one place - in front of the front handle, but the shape and size of the lever, an effort, wherein the brake is activated - are different. So you should choose a saw, that will fit your anatomy.

Because of, how to choose and set up the instrument, It depends not only on the quality and speed of work, but also your safety.

Let's, we chose several models of saws, which not only meet all of our technical requirements, but also useful during operation and have a high quality of production:

  • STIHL MS 180 WITH;
  • ZENOAH GZ 400;
  • JONSERED СS 2137.

Бензопила ZENOAH GZ400 фото

All of them are about the same size and weight, except ZENOAH GZ400, bus length, a little more. Leaving aside the technical characteristics of these models, We try to choose the most convenient. And who better than you understands themselves, that it is a convenience for you? Therefore, the step of selecting you have to go without our help.

All of these saws have such a huge advantage, like a small weight.

Take any of them in your hands and lift the front handle:

  1. you feel, saw how well balanced. When working with a chainsaw, you will be less tired, due to its proper distribution of weight.
  2. Diversion of the exhaust gases, formed in the course of work, all of these models are made in such a way, to protect the operator from falling into the stream of exhaust. of course, to fully protect themselves from unpleasant effects of the combustion products, when working with a saw will have to take into account the wind direction.

An additional advantage of the model ZENOAH GZ400 is the fact, that the opening of the exhaust outlet is provided with a protective mesh. This not only prevents sparks fly, formed in the combustion process, but also protects the muffler from being hit by foreign objects.

STIHL Chainsaw JONSERED and also have protection against sparks, despite, that their models are equipped with silencers drank without mesh. But accidental foreign objects in the muffler are not insured, and it threatens the failure of during operation.

Although such cases are rare, these saws should be handled especially carefully, to protect them from damage, and themselves - from injury.

We all drank from the recoil starter located refueling point fuel and lubricants. For the convenience of the customer are marked with special marking. Image of a gas station with a drop marks the fuel cap, and the oil tank is marked with the image of a chain with a drop.

Entanglement refueling points gasoline and oil inadmissible, as a consequence can be a serious failure. At STIHL chainsaws and JONSERED refueling points are as follows:: fuel tank is located near the back of the handle, a tank for oil - next to the front handle. Added convenience saws STIHL MS 180 C is the presence of the windows, which allow visual inspection of the oil level and gasoline during operation.

At the chainsaw ZENOAH both filling points are located near the rear handle. For the convenience of the consumer, they not only have a standard labeling, but differ in color and size. but, if you choose this particular chainsaw, at work you have to be very careful, not to confuse the refueling point.

need to operate a chainsaw properly prepared fuel mixture, since its design does not provide for a two-stroke engine self-mixing oil with fuel.

Service chainsaw - an important criterion for selecting

The most important factor when choosing a chainsaw - easy maintenance. There are designs saws dense arrangement of parts of the mechanism in close casing. agree, that in this case, the daily maintenance of the saw, comprising a chip removal and cleaning residues from lubricants, can become quite tedious and time-consuming process. Therefore, when choosing a chainsaw you should look inside the body.

To remove the cover with a chainsaw STIHL MS 180 Since the gas must first squeeze key and lowered into the lower position the throttle lever, otherwise you may damage the mechanism of chainsaws.

Further, by turning the special retainer, Cover easily removed. In this case, you get free access to the mechanism of chainsaws and space for maintenance.

The convenience of this model is the ability to carry out the dismantling of the carburettor, without disassembling the saw body is completely, that allows you to carry out maintenance as soon as possible and does not require any specialized tools.

Cover the chain saw ZENOAH GZ 400 also it can be easily removed. It's enough to just loosen the screw mounted in the lid.

Before proceeding to the maintenance of chain saws, should be possible accurately to dismantle the air filter. If dismantling of spending carelessly, the consequence of this may become clogged carburetor. The front housing portion slightly overlaps the free access to the spark plug, but it does not preclude the possibility of rapid replacement of candles, if necessary.

A significant disadvantage of this model is the fact, that the rapid dismantling of the carburetor is only possible with the use of tool, supplied with a saw.

Remove the top cover of the chainsaw JONSERED CS 2137 possible only with a special key. The reason is simple: US standards require restricting access to the mechanisms of such tools. A chance to unscrew three screws, and even those, which do not fit the standard keys, absolutely impossible.

But do not worry, removal of the cover is very simple process, and obtaining free access to the mechanism of the saw will not take more time, than we have spent on its description.

The distinguishing characteristic of this particular blade model is possible to perform cleaning of the cylinder cooling fins. To carry out such work should be regularly, insofar as, thereby providing adequate cooling during operation of the engine.


We hope, that the facts and recommendations, in the article, We gave you a basic idea of ​​the chainsaws, and you can decide which chainsaw choose and buy better, based on the objectives. Despite, that considered only the main points, to be aware of, sure, that the received knowledge will provide you with an informed approach to the selection of a chainsaw.

We deliberately did not consider additional options exist (chain tensioning device, the soft start saws and other), as they significantly affect the cost of, without changing the quality of work. Do not forget about personal protective equipment at work. Take care of your security!

On the rules of production work with chainsaws and chain replacement and drive sprocket on different types of chain saws, see the our following articles.

Also watch the video on selecting and operating rules of chainsaws:

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One comment on the record "How to choose a chainsaw in the parameters

  1. Something bothered every year in the country to cut by hand or borrow from friends chainsaw. I decided to buy a good, that can cope with any job. I have, In addition to working in the garden, We have to cut firewood for the winter for the stove and fireplace, as the house is not empty all year round. So I decided to check out the various articles about the models and opportunities, to make the right choice. Thank you for your article, All content and accessibility. Before you read an interesting article, too. Now, together I decided to take Articles “pro” and most likely it will Stihl.

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