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How to sharpen tools

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Grinding is carried out using such tools, as the bar, sharpener, whetstone and file.

In order to get the job done efficiently and did not require considerable physical effort, it is important to monitor the status of all instruments. The first thing to keep track of their sharpening, which is carried out using such tools, as the bar, sharpener, whetstone and file.

tool Sharpening Stone

The tool is intended for sharpening blades of cutting tools. Issued sharpener various shapes and graininess. Using coarse sharpening causes, that sharpened tools are scratches and nicks. Fine-grained winepress are removed, making blade smooth and sharp. When sharpening chisels, teeth, planer with a round grindstone he was sent toward the blade. At work it is important to monitor the position of the tip. It should be on the whetstone fully. When avoid sharpening stone tool steel annealing regularly moistened with water. Once the tip is sharpened, it needs a little round with a view, so when working with the tool was able to avoid chipping on the treated surface.

Sharpening is carried out on a round axes winepress. Chamfer tool is pressed against the sharpening Tochilov and monitor, not to change the wedge angle. In this case, ax middle stick with one hand, and butt tools - other. Winepress shall be directed towards the ax. Occasionally ax winepress and must be cooled with water. Sharpening the ax is held on both sides. Blade circular motion is brought on fine-grained bar or touchstone.

The tool bar

Made of sandstone block used for coarse sharpening the blade tools. He fairly quickly removes metal because of large grains. Before sharpening block, like grindstone, moistened, and then fix. Then the bar is pressed against the chamfer tool and, exercising pressure, drive on it back and forth. After sharpening the blade bar is brought to the touchstone.

tool whetstone

Whetstone for grinding blades after sharpening. In addition, it is used to remove burrs from blades of tools. According to lubricate the machine oil or water soaked touchstone drive blade, performing a circular motion and turning the blade alternately one, the other side, until it is completely smooth and acquires a shiny mirror-like surface.

Tools files

There are several types of files, used for sharpening various tools. So, eg, triangular file for sharpening saws. The size of a file in this case is determined by the dimensions of the saw teeth. Prior to the beginning of sharpening the saw teeth are bred, in order to have the same height and the same width of divorce. This is accomplished or adjustable clamp, or special tool (wiring).

Before sharpening the saw is clamped in a vise so, to the teeth by about 20 mm performed on the jaws. Sharpen the saw blade on the right side toward the left. In this case at its teeth appear enhance cutting ability of the tool burrs. When you sharpen you must follow, so that all the teeth had the same number of a file motions. Before sawing damp wood saw teeth are sharpened on both sides. Properly and carefully sharpened drill conducive to making accurate and high-quality holes. Usually, drill grinds with the necessary specialist knowledge and experience. To this end, it uses the file or broach, and the final finishing performs on the touchstone.

intended drill bits for metal grind on corundum or sand bars and round grinding disc. In that case, if the drill bit blunted, it must erode having a shallow notch blade with a file. This is done by lightly counterclockwise.

Sharpening scissors blades carried at an angle 70-74 °. With the aim of significantly reducing the friction on the knife blades do equal to 2-3 ° relief angle. To extend the life of cutting tools, they should be protected from dust and moisture. Now you know how to sharpen tools - ax, dust, knife, blade cutting tools.

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