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What kind of support to choose a warm floor right

Currently heated floors are very popular for this additional heating. Firstly, in private homes and apartments on the first floors of apartment buildings, which are located above unheated basements. For their quality packing quite often stacked substrate under floor heating foil.

The market today offers heated floors in the three embodiments,:

  • Water;
  • electrical;
  • infrared (Membrane).

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into consideration when choosing a. The difference in the design and function of flooring causes the fact, that their installation is carried out by different technologies. One of the few conditions in the regeneration of these floors, regardless of the type, It is, the substrate for the floor heating pre-fit in all cases, on which it is mounted.

To support working it should have a thickness of the aluminum foil is not less 30 microns, and have a protective film.

The substrate for warm water floors

before, than to consider the requirements for the substrate material and technology of its styling, should understand, what it is and for what purposes it is used.

Substrate under floor heating water is a material, sandwiched between the foundation (so-called "rough sex") and proper water floor system. Its main purpose is to keep the heat and increase the heat transfer coefficient inside the room.


This is achieved due to the fact, the substrate under floor heating, in fact, is a material with high thermal insulation properties. Its presence does not allow the heat expended on heating floor, all of it is directed into the heated space. realized TN. "Thermos effect". Qualitative substrate combines the properties of the insulator with high waterproofing capabilities. What is particularly important, tk. coolant.

detail learn about choosing pipes for water floor and system mounting.

What material to choose?

Choosing a reflective material under floor heating, the main criterion, to which you should pay attention, consider the quality and thickness of the substrate. Quality product has the following specific set of operating properties:

  • It should have a high waterproofing properties and possess the required thermal insulation capacity;
  • Be environmentally friendly;
  • Have considerable ability to heat reflecting;
  • Characterized by significant resistance to extreme temperatures;
  • Have a certain sound-proof quality;
  • Resistance to possible deformations;
  • It is quite easy and convenient for installation.

The most optimal for those, who settles the water warm floor, a substrate made of foil material.


In addition, demand in the market are the following types of substrates:

  • Self-adhesive PE foil. The average thickness of the material - 8 mm. Material on surfaces claimed osoboslozhnyh. Characterized by a high heat reflecting ability, necessary waterproofing ability and great sound quality;
  • Sided laminated PE. Advantages - required waterproofness and high thermal insulation characteristics. Thickness - 8 mm;
  • PE foam. When the thickness in 2 mm possesses acceptable characteristics for heat and waterproofing;
  • foil PPP. The material is available with various thicknesses, and is characterized as a high quality thermal insulator with high reflectivity;
  • pads Tuplex. When the thickness in 3 mm exhibits the maximum heat reflecting characteristics and waterproofing properties. Significant plus - long life.

The cost of the substrate under the floor heating depends largely on the type of material, substrate thickness and its structure.

If you are going to lay the tiles you need to cut through to penofol had an affair with a floor screed.

stacking machinery

Clearly the desire specialist, depositing warm floor water, the thickness of the cake which eats a certain height of the room, as far as possible to minimize its. For this purpose, materials with a minimum acceptable thickness. The substrate is laid on a prepared surface such that, available to the reflective coating is directed upwards. The material is laid end to end. The joints between the webs are glued special tape (metallized). This allows you to achieve complete isolation laid the substrate.

Upon contact with the foil surface solution, solution destroys falgu, so it is important to use a laminated penofol .


Substrate under floor heating foil, as well as any other, when laying necessarily starts on walls of the room at a distance of not less than 50 mm. It will not allow, with floor heating pipe breakout, flood the lower space.


In those cases,, when the selected substrate is not possess the necessary waterproofing characteristics, settling the water warm floor pie:

  • Waterproofing layer is laid;
  • stacked substrate;
  • It actually settling floor heating;
  • Tubes filled floor screed;
  • Finish flooring is laid.

find out, how to choose floor, Bathroom.

A substrate for electric warm floors

The substrate for electric floor heating structurally resembles embodiments, described in the previous section. But almost all of these models underfloor not require pre-installation of waterproofing material for the substrate.

Surface pre-aligned. Then it is laid on the substrate, to which is attached a special mounting tape. The heating cable is attached to it with special straps.

Important! When installing under electric underfloor heating is not recommended for such material, foil as a substrate under floor heating. The reason is, that metal (foil) It is a guide, and the breach of contact in the system is very high probability of fault.

The most suitable material in this case is a substrate of the following materials:

  • PP (polypropylene);
  • Penofol (metallized film);
  • Bung;
  • foamed polymers.

Leader insulation for underfloor heating is Energofloor Compact.

What is recommended more

Permissible use of fiberboard panels and magnesite. In that case the substrate thickness under warm floor is obtained minimum. This material is given preference in cases, when to align the base or increase its sound insulation.

Popular substrates PES (foam), because of their low cost. However, this is not recommended, tk. when constantly running warm floors such substrate is deformed. Therefore, it can be used only to operate it full will not.

solving, what kinds of substrates for floor heating are the best choice for electric floor, often choose penofol. Despite, that its foundation is the foam PES (foam), inherent lack of this material has been neutralized by laminating. For what is used a polymer film with a piercing metallic threads. It allows you to avoid heat loss and does not allow the PES to overheat to the point of deformation.

The substrate of film for IR underfloor

If you plan on improvement of infrared warm floors, the basic parameters, determining their proper functioning, are:

  • proper erection (in strict compliance with instructions);
  • Piling up the substrate heat reflecting surface.

The substrate membrane under floor heating is performed in the following materials and taking into account the recommendations listed below.

  1. Magnesite plates or sheets of fiberboard. Before stacking them directly with the pre-requisite infrastructure screed is laid aluminum foil. A proper substrate is put on him. Substrate foil can be used under warm floor.
  2. If used as a substrate metallized polymer film, it should be to lay reflective side up (towards membrane floor having IR resistors). The result is a subtle, very flexible, sufficiently flexible and environmentally friendly solution.
  3. The insulation is laid over the entire area, which it is planned in the future to lay Infrared Film floor. Flooring substrate webs butt, and the resultant seams are glued metallic tape. Which creates a vapor barrier and gives the necessary support required waterproofing qualities.

learn more about choosing the right floor warm IR.

Error selection irregular substrate

There is another situation, when the substrate is used for floor heating. The price of it is much lower than those, are set for the options previously discussed. This substrate, which is laid under a flooring finishing, in particular, laminated floor. Substrate under floor heating laminate prevents warping when overheated and promotes sound insulation floor coverings. Learn about the substrate of choice errors help video.



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