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Methods of restoration of furniture with his hands

If you look in the entire process, the restoration of furniture with his own hands - quite a simple exercise, and everything is much easier, than it seems. However, work will still have to. Old furniture can not only update, and turn into a beautiful and delicious part of any interior, give objects a second life, give them innovate and design elements to make a rarity.

Restoration of soft furniture with their hands

Upholstered furniture is one of the most rapidly aging, as it quickly loses its color, drawing becomes less noticeable, the fabric is torn, fades and overwritten. And when the time comes to freshen the interior, the best solution is to stock up on everything you need to start producing and restoration of old furniture yourself.

Most often, upholstered furniture needs only a waist cloth, for this to work you'll need a set of wrenches and screwdrivers, at least - hexagons, a sharp knife and a mounting stapler for fixing cloth and other utility tools.

In order to restore the furniture with their hands, I need to start to remove the cloth. To do this, perform the following steps:

  • disassemble furniture elements, of which it is composed;
  • remove large nuts and bolts;
  • remove the parts, retaining casing;
  • remove the cloth.

It recommended during disassembly to carefully monitor the details, are shot, because they have lost property. And then they find the original replacement, probably, it will be hard. Therefore, the old furniture should be exercised solicitude.

To update old furniture, you must choose a high quality material for skin replacement. It must be strong enough with a small, but fleece. Also you can use a substitute for leather or nubuck.

Remove the skin from upholstered furniture
Old upholstery can be used as template.

During the cutting of the new skin, remove the old cloth to be used as patterns. So it is possible to achieve maximum accuracy. But you must not forget about the gaps for the folds and seams.

Independently painting and varnishing wooden parts of furniture

When talking about the wooden parts of the product, the more often the restoration of old furniture with his hands is a repainting or varnishing. It all starts with the preparation. To do this, the subject should be dismantled, which will be the restoration of. With the individual parts will be easier to work. You can then proceed to the preparation of the surface.

Before restoring furniture, you need to prepare sandpaper coarse and fine fractions, a few rags and a flat brush.

It is necessary to remove all the old layers, that the furniture was covered with. For this:

  1. The surface is treated with sandpaper coarse fraction. It should be neat, not to damage the texture.
  2. With brush dust removed.
  3. Then comes nozhdachkoy processing again, but softer surface.
  4. At the end of the product should be wiped with a damp cloth and leave to dry.
Processing of furniture nozhdachnoy paper
Wooden furniture surface to be treated with sandpaper.

You should follow these recommendations in the treatment of wooden surfaces furniture:

  • Movement of sandpaper to do only with the grain;
  • Only remove dust dry brush, not cloth, not to score gap;
  • Work is carried out in a ventilated room.

Next, primed surface, using the acrylic impregnation. Apply the primer may be by brush or roller, depending on the shape and size of furniture. After coating the substrate and the product is completely dry, you can move on to the coloring.

Priming the surface of the furniture
Nozhdachkoy treated wood is primed before painting

If you want to be visible wood texture, it is necessary to apply a layer of paint divorced. And if it is necessary to achieve the effect of dyeing factory, It is required to apply several layers of uniform (depending on the thickness and nature of the selected colors).

after staining, Furniture should be left up to the drying.

To complete the self-renovation, details need to cover with varnish. The varnish is applied using a roller , but better paint sprayer. Typing in a sponge acrylic lacquer, I need a little squeeze foam and process them to the surface evenly. This procedure can be repeated several times.

More ideas to transform old furniture

There are many ideas handwritten furniture restoration, the best known techniques are:

  • Decoupage - simple and undemanding to the artist technique to independently restore wood furniture. Need napkins or paper with a picture, PVA glue, brush and acrylic paint. Figure cut, and then pasted on the surface of the product, and then opened paint.
decoupage furniture
Decoupage - gluing of cloth or paper for furniture
  • Shebbi chic, Equipment of artificial aging of wood surface. Tree cover dark paint and allowed to dry, paraffin and then rubbed with a brush applied layer of soap. Thereafter, a layer of light ink. Finally with the help of sandpaper made fray, furniture and varnished.
  • Craquelure - also gives the effect of aging, but is a simpler way. To do this we need a special varnish, that mimics the cracked wood. There are two types of craquelure: two-step and one-step. When one-step cracelures applied two coats of paint of different colors, and between them a layer of varnish with a special drying krakelyurnogo. When a two-step method, two kinds of varnish applied with intermediate drying.
Krakelyur furniture
Craquelure - the effect of antiquity

Finally, nothing prevents just take the brush, include fantasy and paint the furniture with acrylic paints, How to please all family members.

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One comment on the record "Methods of restoration of furniture with his hands

  1. I do not see anything difficult in the return of the furniture in a nice looking appearance. If you have sewing skills, you can update the upholstery, sew a cape. yet more skill required to update the cabinet furniture, tk. will work with emery, primer and paint. During the restoration of the furniture can be implemented and design solutions. for example, use decoupage technique, or just to make furniture in retro style, bit her grow old look with lacquer cracks or simply by rubbing the surface with sandpaper.

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