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Reviews of semi-dry screed

When the apartment bare walls, I want to have to start doing repairs. But many doubt, where to start and how to better perform. The most optimal option - take the floor. To begin to produce semi-dry floor screed device method. This layer is intermediate, between the future and the flooring base (ceiling). He needs to give enough attention to, that the floor was smooth and at the same time meet all the quality requirements. It has a semi-dry screed positive reviews, and negative. All of them will depend on the quality of the work and the precision of technology. Some decide to do it yourself, and someone has resorted to the help of construction companies. In a particular case, there are both pros and cons, and the company does not always fulfill all from start to finish.

Screed for a warm floor water

when a semi-dry floor screed, ratings will depend primarily on the desired result. Reviews of semi-dry screedIt is difficult to determine exactly which version of the tie will be more optimal, if such, arrange warm floor under the floor. For water floor is perfect semi-dry screed due to its qualities and characteristics. It is important to observe the technology implementation "rough" sex. As the reinforcing agent should be used fibrovolokno, which is a modern tool, gaining special popularity. In addition, it has an excellent thermal conductivity, necessary for this embodiment sex device.

According to the reviews, you can understand, that consumers choose exactly semi-dry screed floor to warm embodiment of the device due to the fact, that there is efficiency, combined with high quality. But if you pour water into the dry mixture, the result will be the opposite, and all the "chain" the quality will be reduced to the minimum threshold. After all, for underfloor heating and high quality flooring flooring should adhere to all the proportions of components. It is not superfluous to use the additional additives, and fibrovolokno. The latter increases the quality of the final solution, It is making it more elastic and viscous. Reviews of semi-dry screed

As for the drying period for such a device, as a semi-dry floor screed feedback on the forums indicate, it is better to wait a bit more, than to deal with the consequences. That the base is completely dried, it will take some time. It will vary depending on various external factors, whether the temperature or humidity in the room. When a semi-dry screed floor in warm water, reviews say, that drying should not use a heat gun. They do not always remove moisture evenly around the perimeter. With long-term presence in the room of such equipment, Conversely screed to get rid of a large amount of moisture and the result will be disastrous - cracking, chipped, subsidence etc.

Appeal to firms

In certain situations, people tend to shift the entire burden of responsibility for the execution of works on construction firms. After signing the contract, experts Getting Started, bringing everything to its logical conclusion. Reviews of semi-dry screedBut there should be very careful with the choice of a particular organization. They are there a large number of, but they all relate differently to perform installation "rough" sex. This is due to the size of payment, with the desire to get as much money and with virtually nothing to do. If you make a deal with such careless artists, then later not only, that would have to sue firms, so also independently carry out all kinds of work to the flooring floor covering. Such actions cause the waste of funds, a huge amount of time, which do not have enough people.

The best option to perform semi-dry screeds by reviews of companies - conclusion of the contract and the rejection of the prepayment.

Reviews of semi-dry screed
Approximate sample contract

In this case, the money transfer is carried out after the adoption of the work. When the quality will not satisfy the customer, the experts will have to redo everything. In most cases, there are suitable performers from all over the share of responsibility. Firms value their reputation and try to do all quality at a decent level. That is what should be taken into account when choosing a particular firm, engaged in construction work. There is no doubt, that the result will make you happy.

Some always say, that you should wait a certain time before the start of work. Reviews of semi-dry screedIt is of course natural, since there is not a sufficient number of specialists, they will work at other sites. But if it is repeated continuously, you can even think about, and that work on the device of a semi-dry screed will also be delayed. much nicer, when the artist arrived on the scene, examined the scope of work, He told about plans, I put the preliminary cost. For everything usually takes about one day. This is the approximate amount of work is 200-250 square meters.

Especially all proceeds rapidly, if they are available in the appropriate equipment. Yes, in principle it should be mandatory, if the firm is permanently engaged in their work. According to the reviews, you can only say one thing, where experts are trying to find cheaper option to make a semi-dry screed and thus find the means at hand, instead of special tools, then get the desired result unlikely to succeed.

When there is no personal experience of the work, and the customer does not know about, how and in what order to do, it is better not to waste your nerves and strength, and apply to the specialized organizations. Reviews of semi-dry screedWhen the semi-dry screeds on their own, It can get expensive due to low-quality mixing solution, adding more water, uniform distribution of the mixture on the premises, etc.. It is focused on the technology of the device of this embodiment of the floor. Company is doing everything for a long time and know the ins and outs, the nuances of the installation "rough" sex. Even if it will have to pay a certain sum of money. In certain situations, it even will be cheaper, than independent work.

In this case, you can turn to experts for help in choosing the right tie options, and subsequent flooring planks. the main thing, so that everything is combined and did not contradict each other. No harm will be personally present during the works. This would eliminate the proportional mixing solution, compliance device technology semi floor screed. It is important to, It was added to a solution of the raw materials, which is purchased by the customer, or pay attention to the use of materials from the representatives of the company. They can save money and instead of expensive pour poor-quality raw materials.


Can be summed up vyshenapisannogo, highlighting some of the semi-dry floor screed about the pros and cons of consumer reviews.

Little of, the firm, the Executive has made all the work and in time, so even after itself removed all the debris after the order. trifle, but nice. Kirill, 32 of the year, Moscow.

In words construction company indicated the minimum time of the order, It provided a five-year warranty period for the final result, Only use the high quality material. In fact,, if you read the contract carefully, spelled year warranty, dirty sand with clay from the quarry, and the terms are not always followed. We agreed on one day, and an hour after the appointed time, They called back and talked about different date. Arseny, 43 of the year, Nizhny Novgorod.

Turning to the construction company, they will not only be consulted about the choice of a specific material to work, told about the possible pitfalls, and subsequently commenced works. The result were more than satisfied. Svetlana, 29 years old, Noginsk.

In carrying out finishing works in the cottage, I had to resort to the help of the company, dedicated device semi-dry screeds. They turned out in the presence of all required equipment, due to which they did efficiently and quickly. After them, we could only continue the work and to carry out the required flooring flooring (laminate, tile). A team of builders. Shchelkovo.





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