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The drying time of the semi-dry screeds

After that, configured as a "rough" variant of a floor, until the flooring planks should take some time. But few people know about, as drying floor screed. If the surface is wet, the facing materials will be damaged. This will require additional financial costs. It is important to know, that a sufficient base dryness, so you can even walk on it. Drying time semi-ties are influenced by various factors, which should talk more.

What affects drying?

It's hard to say for sure that, as dry semi-dry screed. Even the experts here will not give a categorical answer. There will be a huge role to play external factors, as well as the process of preparation of the solution and its installation.

  1. The choice of base. Wooden base allows concrete solution to dry much faster, than, if this is done on a film waterproofing.
  2. solution Food Technology. From the amount of water used during the preparation for the mixture, will increase and the drying period. But it is very important, to comply with all requirements of the manufacturer, which are set for each final mixture. It is especially important when the amount of water semi screed. screed drying time
  3. Moisture characteristics. Their will also depend on the period of drying floor screed.
  4. Usage flooring. The particular topcoat will require a certain level of humidity. If you do not give enough to dry the solution, and subsequently to carry out laying tile, then apply glue will not be able to show all his qualities, Adhesion will be greatly reduced. As a result, ceramic starts to flake off, all kinds of works need to be carried out from the beginning.
  5. The number of layers of solution. The more, the longer the drying floor screed.
  6. The liquid formulation, having a greater thickness, will dry some more, than the usual thin screed.
  7. temperature readings. Evaporation is carried out at high temperatures. This reduces the number of days, during which the semi-dry screed is ready to be used under the flooring floor covering.

Embodiments floor device

After pouring the solution will take time, to dry completely and was ready for the subsequent execution of works. But much will depend on the most dry blend, which is used as the main constituent. It will have an impact on the very "rough" version of the floor.screed drying time

  • from peskobeton. The solution is not as liquid, such as cement, which reduces the time prior to complete drying, approximately equal 6-8 days.
  • Anhydrite screed is laid very easily and can harden even after 6 hours. But this time will not be enough, to carry decking flooring. complete drying period also is approximately 6-8 days.
  • The base under the tile. Much will depend on the securing member. When using tile adhesive, framework should dry for at least two weeks. If it is water-resistant adhesive, the semi-dry to dry screed will be sufficient and 5-6 days.
  • For laminate base maximum moisture content must be 5%. What matters here, and the substrate. If it is made of non-hygroscopic material, the floor covering flooring can be done immediately, as semi-dry floor screed zatverdeet. It is about a 3-4 day. As a result, we get the answer to, as semi-dry drying floor screed under the laminate.
  • The floor screed can be used not only dry, semi-solutions, but also so-called "self-leveling" floor. "Wet" mix will be the longest of drying, and it comes in time to 25-30 days.

Drying semi tie

The composition of the semi-dry screed is not quite liquid, but dense enough. With it, the alignment is performed sexes, and to give high resistance to wear. Due to the small specific weight of water application, these solutions dry very quickly, compared to the "wet" embodiment. But in any case it is important to dry the base to the limit.

In the process of drying screeds, All binders are experiencing severe strain. If any external mechanical impact will be at this time, it is very easy to appear cracks and chips. It is very important for semi-dry screeds, because it occurs on the basis of laying strips. Existing compensation gaps created in order, that the material can expand under the effect of temperature gradients, and the shrinkage was carried out. No separation is not happening.

The average term drying screed is semi 10-13 days. When it is at least the layer 40-50 mm - just over two weeks, and three weeks will have to wait, If confronted with a layer of a 70-80 mm. screed drying timeWhen the layer reaches 10 cm, it is not much different from the conventional layer, performed by means of a "wet" version. The drying time of the semi-dry floor screed in this case will be up to four weeks.

after about 6-10 hours is obtained is ground under the floor, when you can walk on the screed after casting. Of course, then you can not have a strong impact on him, but you can just move.

It is important to create a microclimate in the room, where carrying fill. This will provide an opportunity to get an answer to that, as dry screed in the apartment with maximum efficiency. Temperature stability within 22-24 degrees allows uniformly dry "rough" sex. Use a heat gun is not necessary, as this will damage the tie layer. At low temperatures in the cold time of year is contrary to maintain the temperature within the minimum 5 degrees. If the floor screed is not frozen, the main thing it does not promorozit.

Besides protecting the coating should be carried out on the possible occurrence of cracks. screed drying timeNo harm will cover the base film of polyethylene. This item is registered even in the building regulations 3.04.01-87. Independently can establish and maintain the moisture level 60-65 percent.

It is worth noting, that summer drying semi-dry screed is faster, than in the winter. Even you can roughly calculate, as drying floor screed in the apartment. It should be remembered, that any haste in the subsequent ruin any floor.

Measurement of moisture

To learn about, which has a moisture content of the finished screed, There is one simple way to national. Enough to take a napkin, put it on the "rough" sex, covering for example tiles. After one day to look at her condition. When the napkin remains dry, we can say with confidence, that you are ready to deck flooring.

There are special devices, allowing to produce such manipulations on the measurement of the moisture level. screed drying timeThey will help us to answer the question of whether, how dry dry screed. Among the equipment emit a carbide hygrometer. The accuracy of the results is very high. The truth is it does not make sense to purchase, when it carried tie device in one room. The price is not justified by the results. Besides, when used violated the integrity drenched screed.

Among the devices can be identified electronic hygrometer. This is where the integrity of the screed remains in place and does not have to make any violations, to determine the moisture content. true, the accuracy of the device several smaller, than carbide hygrometer. Before buying a particular equipment, We should think about, whether this order. One room definitely does not require. According to the readings, they must not be more than 2 % Or CM- 3.4% mass moisture.

acceleration of the process

Some try to find the maximum number of ways, not to think about, how dry concrete floor screed, and perform them very quickly. It is not always rational. To direct the warm air flows on the screed can not be due to the fact, that around the perimeter of it will not be dried equally. screed drying timeThe uniformity will be completely absent. Subsequently, there will be such sites, which will be empty, or as they are called experts - "bay". Even ventilation is not optimal for this. The temperature of the window can differ significantly from that, which is in the room. Maximum, it is possible in this situation - to include a gun and direct them towards the ceiling. In this way, rises around the room temperature.

The main thing in this or that case, do not overdo it. If you leave the gun in this position for a long time, the coupler can generally lose water, dry to the extreme. The strength of the cement stone in this case remains at a minimum value. This all suggests that, it is best to leave the finished version of the screed to dry under natural performance space. Where you will spend some more time, but the result will be only positive and no surface changes during operation will not happen.



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