Currently, there is no need to prepare their own mix for floor screed. They were in the range can be purchased in various shops of building materials. In addition, they have a huge range of applications, whether it be leveling floor, concealments underfloor, communications systems, and more. Installation work because, that is used to dry mix the screed, performed with reduced terms. But it is very important to know the, how to choose the right mix of work, based on the stated requirements.
properties of mixtures
Dry mixtures for floor screeds are far superior to the characteristics of the screed from the cement slurry. The base gives a very strong and reliable, able to serve for a long time. Finished screed floor mounted without cracking, important to comply with the process of technology. Use it is very simple and does not require any high-knowledge. Just add the required amount of water and get to work.
In any case, the manufacturer points for preparatory activities and rules for the use of ready mix. There are appropriate recommendations, to be followed, all properties have been saved. This is very important in terms of the addition of water. With a large number of its, Quality and durability becomes lower surface.
Qualitative mixture characterized by a lack of cement "milk". There should be no precipitation of impurities and. The structure of the final solution should be uniform.
The work can be performed sequentially and, in several stages. In this case filling the dry mixture floors must be carried out without the formation of the space between the seams. Shrinkage in the end will not be any, if you select the best dry mixes for floor screed, as well as all the requirements of the manufacturer.
When performing work must be observed and temperature conditions. For each option, and form a mixture, they will differ among themselves. If we take, generally, the minimum limit should be +5 degrees.
select the Features
in stores a huge selection of, but everyone wants to get the answer to the question of, What formula for floor screed better. Here it is necessary to adhere to certain criteria, before, how to make a purchase. Any mixture suitable for concrete subfloors. It is here that its properties will be shown at maximum efficiency. Thus premixed floor screeds have their own requirements and to the maximum thickness during casting. The thickness of the floor will affect the evenness, availability of communications, device additional systems, Heated floor such as.
When will be additional and significant load on the floor itself, and the coupler should be prepared on the basis of these parameters,. I.e, selected dry cement mixture screed certain here. Each solution for this particular time will gain strength, that should be considered. So, e.g. gaining strength cementitious mixture considerably greater, than gypsum. So after doing the work they should be given a specific time for solidification.
When the device is underfloor limit the choice of solution under the floor. Dry cement mixture for floor screed must be selected individually. Not all of them carry a base. Packaging with a mixture will give an answer to the question. the main thing, that there was compatibility between them.
In case of violation of communications interoperability, mixture, and floor covering, no decent result will not work. drop thermal conductivity, may cause cracks and other flaws. Especially here it is important to pay attention to a particular room, having the features. They should also be taken into account when selecting the final dry screed.
To each mortar must be acquired and related components. For concrete surface useful primer formulations, to improve the adhesion level. Waterproofing primer suitable for bathrooms, toilets. Priming is also necessary in the case, when used as a floor covering linoleum, carpet or other soft material. In all other cases, primed surface is not necessary.
Certain dry mixtures can be used when working in cold. This will go to the package. You can also purchase and special antifreeze additives, allowing to obtain this result.
Experts advise perform work using different mixtures, that is, to combine them together. for example, Semi-dry cement mixture used as planarizing, and smoothness to the base - anhydrite rovniteli. But each layer should completely dry, to be able to proceed to the next.
Advantages of ready solutions
Ready-mix dry screed has a sufficient number of positive aspects, and which distinguish it from the rest of options. These include:
- The composition is a fully optimal, and there is no need to independently component dosing.
- Ready layer can reach and 5 mm, that can not be done, eg, using concrete mortar.
- Less weight with traditional solutions. This item allows you to reduce transportation costs, delivery, when performing installation work.
- The execution of works without the use of special equipment. Will be sufficient construction mixer.
- If the supplement mixture of additives, It increases the strength, quality, durability and usage options (temperature, humidity).
- The range of products allows you to choose a mixture of a particular room, floor coatings, based on the technical data.
- Less time pour the solution. Reduced turnaround time.
- Special knowledge is not useful. Just enough to fulfill all the instructions and fill exercise.
types of materials
To align the concrete surface using dry mixtures (ready-mix), peskobeton (independent preparation of grout) or "dry screed», where there is no need for the use of water. They all differ among themselves on the technology of the installation work, features of use, Areas of use.
Types of finished formulations
Ready-mix compositions can be of two basic types of:
- cement. Dry mixes screed in this case are different as a binder component of cement. In most cases it is used fine grade, with better indicators of quality. The filler is a natural component or components of the polymeric compositions. Everything will depend on the customer's requirements.
- gypsum. Gypsum is the principal component herein, is the link with all the other.
But here it is necessary to approach them with caution, since excess moisture only hurt. This indicates, it should be selected and suitable premises, wherein the moisture level corresponding (living rooms, dry rooms). But there is a huge advantage of them. This mixture is ready for pouring the floor has ecological. The resulting surface will not allocate space in any chemicals or dust. When this strength is very good for the use in the composition of the mineral fillers and polymer fibers. But here there are problems with thermal conductivity. Such mixtures for casting floor screed are excellent thermal insulators. In certain situations, it has the advantage of, but not in the case of underfloor heating.
Plaster options - the best mixture for floor screed made of wood. Dampness thus easily released, if present, and the humidity is kept under control.
Embodiments of cement mixes
Depending on the work performed, all available cement mixtures are divided into a kind of group:
- preliminaries. The filler selected keramzit with appropriate fraction, stone chippings. It's necessary, if you required to carry a large fill tie layer (subfloor can have a significant difference in height in the room). subsequently,, after the base layer is approximately 50 mm, executed finish filling.
- In casting finishing includes various fillers, plasticizers, and fine. The result is a surface, not only flat, but without cracking. After complete drying, is ready for any option deck flooring.
- formulations, capable of self-align after casting. Here, the contents are special components, small size, not exceeding 0.3 mm. And these demands are made not only to the elements of the binding of all components, but any of excipients. At the time of filling a potting mix screed, it automatically distributed around the perimeter and aligns all the required places. The base gives a very smooth. It will fully meet the result of horizontal surfaces, that allows you to immediately apply any kind of floor covering.
- Many people wonder about, some dry mix tie applicable, if there is a floor heating. Here stand out a special version of the solution, applicable not only to electric Device underfloor, but also water. Plasticity wherein all components significantly increases. During the floor heating, the solution remains the same and all components do not allow him to burst. Thermal conductivity is also increased, that allows you to transfer the heat energy with the best performance to the very room, where all is equipped.
Dry and concrete screed
to align, including wooden floors used dry screed, when all through the performance of work is not used water. It is important to make quality waterproofing, to be able to subsequently carry out the filling screed. It is composed of fine expanded clay or polystyrene granules are selected. All individually. After filling is carried ramming and coated sheeting.
Once made all the preparations for the construction and installation, You can proceed to the deck floor covering. Roof load is minimal, a backfill layer thickness amounts to 12 mm.
Cement sand dry mix for the screed is usually prepared yourself, by vymerennym proportions. But this method has lower strength values under the crude. the main thing, all properly cooked and add the right amount of water. But there is a ready option "peskobeton". But not everyone knows, what better one to choose it. Experts advise to take it on the strength of a minimum of M-75. It is also called "skinny" concrete. But should not buy higher grade M-300. Building material will be consumed unnecessarily. The proportions are regulated by building codes.

There is a certain consistency of the final mixture, which should not be thick, that complicate the process of leveling, and resemble thick cream. Composition, in any case brought to homogeneity. To increase the ductility is added a certain amount of water. But the rest of the proportions need to be revised, to the fortress was at the proper level.
When the proportion of all observed, taken into account screed technology, the base was not only strong, but also durable. Operate it will be for a long time.
correct calculation
It is important to know, the quantity of finished dry mixtures for floor screed should buy, it was enough to, there was no overspending. In this case, make calculations on the volume of the finished screed: vymeryat area, which should be multiplied by the required layer of the middle layer. After this result we divide by 0.1, then multiply by consumption figures dry mortar for floor screeds for 1 m2.
Since the packaging of dry mortar for floor screeds performed in bags 25 or 50 kg, it is precisely this value should be divided previous result. succeed, that will have to buy 2,3 or 5 bag, which will be spent on the entire room. Determined with the required amount of solution can help online calculator.
When choosing a mix should focus on the work plan, subfloor, the required parameters. Each specific variant selected individually. But you can be sure, it significantly reduces the time period needed, and the process is less expensive on the used work.