Among the huge number of devices to be painted surfaces of different types should be allocated particularly rollers. These simple tools are quite large list of benefits and enjoy the sheer popularity. They are known for a long time, but not everyone knows, how to choose a roller for the walls of apartment right. But it will depend on the quality of the work performed.
Types of paint rollers
Classification modern rollers may be formed on different grounds. Besides, should know, that Russian producers do it quite differently, than their foreign partners. for example, for domestic goods is possible to see such characteristics, as the name, material and purpose. With the title clear. On the use of the material to coat the rollers are classified either to products made of natural fur coat, or on the products of artificial turf. they are divided by the method of appointment:
- Universal;
- special;
- For simple jobs;
- For a certain type of paint.
That is, with this all clear and difficulties, how to choose paint roller from the Russian manufacturer, does not cause. But with foreign goods confusion, as most countries have their own, taken separately classification. Let's, picking roller, from Finland, You will have to choose from the seven types of goods.
A completely different approach to the classification of its products using Swedish company ANZA, one of the leading companies in this field, highlighting only three: mini, midi, maxi.
What is important in the selection of roller
Among all the known parameters, the main feature of the tool is its coating. It will depend on the quality of his painting performed and finished appearance of any surface. coat material - this is an extremely important aspect, and before, how to choose a roller to paint the ceiling, you need to get acquainted with useful information. Of course, can be relied upon for consultation seller in the store, but whether it is true, no confidence.
The greater the surface roughness has, the longer bristles should be.
For the manufacture of "clothing" for the roller, modern manufacturers use the following materials:
- artificial (foam rubber, polyamide, acrylic);
- natural (rubber, velours, felt, animal fur)
The variety of materials used points to another important feature of the tool - the choice of the length of the pile. There are certain length standards, and on the basis of which the roller is applied with a nap:
- to 5 mm are used usually for coating,parquet, wood, metal;
- from 5 mm 10 mm is used for painting shpaklovannyh walls and ceilings in the apartment ;
- from 5 mm 20 mm are used for coloring porous concrete surfaces, untreated wood and plaster with a rough surface;
- from 20 mm 30 mm use, if the surface is made of concrete blocks, brick and plaster with a strong roughness.
Experts say easier: smooth and flat walls and ceilings paint roller with short nap, a rough and highly porous surface - with a long nap roller.
To doubt the usefulness of the roller hard. With it, the repair process is much faster and more comfortable. But this is only the correct choice of instrument. Thus, you should not neglect the information.
Choosing a roller with a long nap is necessary to remember, it will absorb a large amount of paint. It's not quite sparingly, but, the other hand, the surface is covered with a thick layer thorough. The disadvantage is, that the long pile is greatly deformed, bends, villi glued, leaving bald spots at painting. Modern technologies allow to avoid most manufacturers use special metal threads. They are woven into the pile and make it more stable and durable. The tool is much longer, Although it costs more.
Important! when painting the ceiling are well primed surface that you will be able to save the paint and will cause unnecessary extra layers.
Based disadvantage with long pile roller is, that if they paint the ceiling a thick helmet, then the surface is a more rough. Dignity is, that is gaining more paint roller and paint them quickly. Especially if the area is large, and the paint dries quickly.

Short nap roller has small own thread and creates a thin layer of paint. It absorbs a smaller amount of ink, which is enough economically. This allows you to use it for decorative surfaces, painted wallpaper and smooth plaster. It can be used with a glossy paint, which is very capricious.
The hardest thing to paint ceiling, so choose the right roller for painting the ceiling is very important. It does not fit any tool with a long nap, or short. Better to stay in the middle. AND, respectively, pay attention to the manufacturer's.
Roller with rounded edges with a high performance. Suitable for interior ceilings. Creates coating average roughness.

Thick rope roll with excellent covering power. Suitable for interior works with walls and ceilings in rooms, where a smooth and low-maintenance coating of care. Creates coating with fine texture.

Judging by the reviews, this cushion is the leader. It is ideal for painting the walls and ceiling of the apartment.
Important! The smaller roughness wall you want to get the shorter the nap should be perfect for the ceilings of the 5- 10 mm.
To determine which manufacturer can only roll better tasting tool in action. The leader among the producers of paint products and tools has long been a company ANZA. Swedish rollers very high quality and are very popular. They have undoubted advantages over other brands.
In this way, correctly choosing roll can save yourself a lot of problems and a very high quality to perform coloring of different surfaces. About tom, how to choose the roller video tells the story very accessible and clearly.
Preparation roller to work