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How to choose a disc (circular) dust

Выбираем дисковую (циркулярную) пилу фотоGiving useful tips on choosing a circular saw for home workshop will review popular models.

they, who deal with construction or plumbing tools, probably since childhood familiar with the circular, or disk, saw. This tool is necessarily present in the arsenal of house masters. Particularly appreciated are the model of circular saws, which is mounted on a table or work bench, to use it, both stationary saws. Today the site repairs on their own will review modern disk (circular) saws of various manufacturers - MAKITA (Makita), WORX, BOSCH (Bosch), Understand (Skil), TIME, Black&Decker and other models with different price categories. Recall, we have already told how to choose a chainsaw, drill and drill for home.

The creators of the saw blade are considered Mitchell and Sillivan, the founders of the world famous equipment manufacturer SKIL. Tool called Skilsaw - the prototype of the modern circular saw - was released into production in the mid 20-ies of the last century. For nearly a hundred years, passed since the release of the first "conveyers", kind of tool has completely changed. And leading manufacturers of screwdriving tools and constantly keep improving saws, always in great demand.

Working with the circular saw is very easy and convenient, but you should be careful and take into consideration the safety. Neglect tool usage rules may cause serious harm to health.

The design features a circular saw

As known, circular (circular) Saw - a hand-held power tools, designed for longitudinal and transverse cutting of wood, wood materials, plastic and soft non-ferrous metals. Work with the saw blade is characterized by high speed and precision, because this tool is literally irreplaceable in the performance of roofing works, the manufacture of furniture, laying floors and other woodwork. Saw, equipped with special discs, also applies when working on the cutting out of metal profiles, used in furniture design.

Actually circular saw design has not changed much since inception. Of course, tool has become more ergonomic and powerful, weight decreased, but the principal changes have occurred only saw blades. At present there are a lot of different saw blades, designed to work on a variety of materials, this, as tree and wood-based materials, aluminum and alloys, laminates, etc..

The main components of a circular saw:

  • Electrical engine;
  • gear housing;
  • protective shroud;
  • platform and guide.

Housing circular saw, usually, It is made of a durable heat-resistant plastic, at least - made of metal. Since working with the saw blade is often necessary to perform in dusty conditions, the development drank most of the manufacturers are paying particular attention to ventilation and cooling system, as well as the removal of chips. it is, Firstly, to protect the worker from dust, which has a negative effect on health. All modern circular saws can be connected to an industrial vacuum cleaner or a dust extraction system. For this purpose, special adapters. Some saws are equipped with stationary systems remove dust and shavings. for example, Circular Saw MAKITA 5017 RKB with the engine capacity 1.400 kW diametrom190 mmimeet saw blade in its design a container to collect sawdust, Allows you to delete more than 90% sawdust, that are inevitably formed when working with a saw. If no large volumes of work is practical, but if a lot of work, the circular saw Makita 5017 RKB creates some discomfort in cleaning sawdust collection.

Дисковая пила MAKITA 5017 RKB фото

Some manufacturers in order, to do the work with the tool more comfortable, resorted to a very original solutions. for example, Circular Saw Worx WT431KE from the company WORX (dyska185 mm diameter saw, engine power 1.5 kW,) equipped with a "revolving handle", which can change its angle of inclination to 60 degrees. This is a very useful innovation, since the operator is able to work as a saw, as it is convenient, depending on individual anatomical features. This engineering solution developed by WORX and realized only in the tools this manufacturer.

Дисковая пила Worx WT431KE фото

All modern power saws are equipped with the commutator motor of 500 to 2500 W. Engine power affects such parameters, the depth of cut and the number of revolutions of the saw blade. Still 10 years ago, circular saws had an average 3 000 vol. / min. for example, circular model (disk) Saw MAKITA 5143R power 2.2 to W (mm diameter diska355), not descended from the market during the 10 years old, It has 2700 vol. / min.

Дисковая пила MAKITA 5143R фото

Modern models have already drank up 5000 revolutions, as, eg, circular (circular) Saw BOSCH GKS 85 (power 2.2 kW, mm diameter diska235).

Дисковая пила BOSCH GKS 85 фото

Special mention deserves the new version of this tool - cordless circular saws. for example, a large range of cordless tools, among which is equipped with various types of batteries of circular saws, developed by BOSCH. One of the most interesting novelties - Circular Saw BOSCH GKS 36 V-LI Professional, operating at high lithium-ion batteries. The tool is equipped with a disk diametrom165 mm(4000 vol. / min) and weighs vsego4.8 kg.

Дисковая пила BOSCH GKS 36 V-LI Professional фото

Batteries can be equipped with not only the professional level tools, but a number of household tools. In contrast to such equipment, like drills, professional drill, circular saws, angle grinders, not equipped with a lock release button, which would allow to fix it in the switching position. This is due to the high safety requirements.

Modern electric saws often have another interesting and useful innovation - laser pointer. Even if the sawdust zasyplyut marked-cutting line, then in the presence of a laser pointer it will not interfere in the work of.

Before you select a disk (circular) dust, particular importance should be given to its design platform. Saw with stamped platform may be suitable for everyday use - usually, these saws have a lower cost, - but for professional use may have a better drink, equipped with aluminum die-cast platform. Such a platform is more resistant to deformation and therefore saw would be more accurate in the work. Many manufacturers have applied to the blade platform, mark, which can be used to more accurately perform sawing material.

Besides, you must pay attention to possibility of replacement of the saw blade. If the saw blade is no spindle lock, the replacement of the disc is possible only with the help of two keys, which is very difficult and takes a long time.

When you need to perform high-precision work, it is desirable to pay attention to the guide rail. All companies produce guide rails for its drinking, but it must be taken into account, that they are suitable only for instruments of the same manufacturer.

Special attention should be paid to saw blades. Today saw blades are available for almost all materials. High quality disc due tipped tungsten carbide, geometry and frequency of teeth on drive. There are wheels on wood, is - for laminate, after which the work material surface does not require processing. Using modern saw blades, you can not be afraid of, that saw, hit a left in the nail board, will break.


It should be noted, that the repair of the saw blade - a very expensive event. for example, the cost of replacing the anchor is almost equal to the cost of a new blade. The cause of wear on anchor slots can be such a thing, as the excessive pressure on the tool itself during operation, an error in the selection of the saw blade or damage or defect (no carbide solders, wrongly made sharpening).

Choosing a circular (disk) saw for home workshop

What kind of prefer the chainsaw for home workshop? Consider some models of circular saws (focus on saws powered from the mains, as saws on batteries have a limited field of application) - domestic and low-cost professional.

Circular saw Skil 5866 OF

Дисковая (циркулярная) пила Skil 5866 AF фото

This model stands out from a number of similar, stringent ergonomic design and superior performance. This saw is very easy to use thanks to a special rubber hilt, that make it easy to hold the instrument and reduce vibration. The saw is equipped with a powerful engine (1.5 kW) and universal 24-tooth saw blade diametrom190 mm(speed - 5500 vol. / min), allows you to make cuts deep do66 mm. An important feature of this model - Dual Laser Pointer, which allows not only to perform precise cuts, but showing a disc thickness, due to what can be seen, how much material will go to the rate at sawing. Complete with a saw provided plastic case and adapter for connection to an industrial vacuum cleaner. Also on the saw can be installed to collect a bag of sawdust and shavings. The cost of this circular saw - about 7000 rubles.

Circular Saw AEG HK 75 A

Дисковая (циркулярная) пила AEG HK 75 A фото

This model is a circular saw equipped with an engine capacity 1.4 kw and disk diametrom210 mm(5600 vol. / min). The front blade arm rigidly fastened to the extruded support platform, that provides stability during tool operation. Additional convenience for operation brings long (4 m) power cord, allowing to carry out the work, without using extensions.

For, to prevent spontaneous switching, manufacturers have supplied the model saw the emergency backstop the start button. Included with the saw comes lateral line for precise cutting of material and adapter for connection to an industrial vacuum cleaner. The cost of this model - order 7500 rubles.

Circular Saw Black&Decker XTS1660KA

Дисковая (циркулярная) пила Black&Decker XTS1660KA фото

It is very bright and ergonomic model. her weight -2.2 kg, and eye-catching design makes it similar to the classic saws on SKIL. The saw is equipped with a disc rotation speed diametrom190 MMCO 5000 vol. / min and engine capacity 1.6 to W. Cutting depth at this saw -65 mm. The saw is equipped with a laser pointer, which allows to make the most accurate cuts. At the heart of the design of this model - cast aluminum platform. Warranty from the manufacturer - 2 of the year, and the cost - about 7800 rubles.

All saws discussed above have approximately the same capacity. adjustment mechanisms provide an opportunity to change the depth and the cutting angle of inclination (to 45 degrees).

Circular Saw AEG HK75 Aprinadlezhit as a professional. However, special attention should be paid Model Skil 5866 OF. The laser pointer on it more conveniently located and, respectively, less susceptible to damage. The front handle is made in a more ergonomic shape, than saws AEG HK75 A, and easily maintained, Black handle than a straight blade&Decker XTS1660KA. And, Pointer saw Black&Decker XTS1660KA is not always possible to see directly place the cut, which can create problems during operation.

of course, tool selection - entirely individual matter, but we are most came to the liking it Skil circular saw 5866 OF.

Do not forget about safety measures when using a circular saw. You should carefully read the instructions, and during the work necessary to use protective eyewear.

We hope, that our material is brought to you the benefits and possible to obtain an idea of ​​the capabilities of such tools, as a circular saw. We wish you a pleasant choice and quality and safe operation.

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One comment on the record "How to choose a disc (circular) dust

  1. When paspile nailed iron rails,and everything goes rovno. The guide is a track from the boxes cabinets, after cutting THEIR unscrew from the boards and screwed to the following location sipped. Every time so, for accuracy.

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