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Diamond drilling technology, drilling

Технология алмазного сверленияOn the modernization and development of the commission recently held meeting of the Economy of the Russian Federation President said : "Internet to every house!"To achieve this goal as soon as possible, compliance with quality and ensuring reliability, possible using diamond drilling technology.

This statement prompted the president to revitalize not only the ISPs, but also construction companies, who began the struggle for obtaining the state order. This is understandable, after carrying out the Internet - a task, including, and for construction firms (especially at the initial stage of its implementation), requiring the use of modern technologies.

Posed an interesting challenge - and as a result found least interesting and innovative solution. This refers to, that diamond drilling technology, is actively gaining leadership in the field of construction and the displacing conventional methods (use of rotary and demolition hammers), It will now be used when laying Internet cables in residential, administrative and industrial buildings.

Diamond - a modern and most effective method, used for making holes in stone, concrete, bricks and other high-strength materials, due to its obvious advantages as follows.

  • The ability to perform the work with high speed and performance.
  • The resulting holes are perfectly precise dimensions and a smooth surface, eliminating the need for additional processing.
  • The absence of dust the work area and the low level of vibration in the process of work.
  • Hard to reach areas and tight spaces - are not a problem in the application of diamond drilling technology. The works can be carried out close to the wall surface, gender, ceiling, and at an angle to the surface.
  • When drilling do not cause damage to the supporting structure of the building, no cracks and chips.

It is because of these indisputable advantages, Diamond drilling technology has long been successfully used in laying various communications systems (ventilation, heating and other) in residential buildings. And it only began in recent years actively used for the development of telecommunication networks, and in particular, one of the priorities in the application of diamond drilling was laying internet cables.

Алмазные коронки (кольцевые сверла)Usually cabling for the Internet in homes includes the following steps: drilling holes in the floor decks on common grounds and laying cables in them with special plastic pipe. For making holes in the floor decks there is specialized equipment, Use the diamond drilling technology and designed to run holes in concrete, armirovannom reinforced concrete, masonry.

Engine, frame and a cutting tool (diamond core bit) - the basic elements of any installation for diamond drilling. Since power and configuration settings depend strongly on whether, what work is planned to perform, Technical experts advise when selecting the type of installation guide following specifications:

1) Engine power and mobility.

Drilling installation with an engine capacity 1,6 – 2,0 kW are small, weight up 17 kg and, what is not less important, affordable. Such a relatively small capacity is enough to drill holes in the floor decks, small size and weight determine the mobility. these factors, combined with an affordable price, allow us to conclude, that such installations are most effective for laying Internet cables.

2) The method of fastening the frame

The frame is a supporting stand for the motor, and by means of which the drilling rig attached to the surface, wherein holes will be performed. The main common ways of fastening a drilling installation are mounted using a spacer and anchoring rod.

Using plants to anchor fastening method when working in residential areas is limited due to the fact, that they require the performance of additional holes specifically for mounting. Therefore, in such cases generally used with installation by means of fastening said brace bar, configured as a pin, one end of which rests on the floor, and the other - on the ceiling. This method is particularly useful when working, carried out in residential areas, precisely because there is no need to drill additional holes. There are other ways of fixing - Vacuum, through fastening pin, as well as by means of special platforms, but they are less common.

3) accessories.

In carrying out drilling work it is very important to take all measures in homes for, to minimize noise and to protect the surrounding area from dust generation. To do this, some models of drilling rigs are equipped with accessories - water pumps (manual or electric), through which water is fed during drilling, as well as industrial vacuum cleaners, that collect dust from the drilling zone. The use of plants for drilling, equipped with such additional units, ensures that drilling operations without contaminating the surrounding area.

4) Diamond crown

Diamond crown - a cutting element of the drilling installation, formed as a cylinder with diamond segments embodied therein. parameters holes, you can do with them, vary widely: diameter - by 12 mm 600 mm, and depth - up 4 m. The Russian market offers a wide range of diamond bits, so it is very important to choose an instrument not only of high quality, but also corresponding to that carried out works. HA experts "Adele" recommend to take into account when selecting the following parameters:

  • drilling speed. drilling speed crown can vary in the range from 10 mm / min to 60 mm / min. A significant influence on it have the properties of the material being processed and the power of the drilling equipment.
  • Quality of holes. This rate is usually higher for all diamond drill bits from any manufacturer. The shape and surface quality of holes, made diamond crowns, are, what, usually, no further processing is required.
  • crowns resource. Source bits depends on the material, which is subjected to drilling. Crowns production GK "Adele" have a high resource efficiency.
  • price. The price of the diamond crown depends on its size (diameter and length) and can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer.
  • Availability. An important factor in the performance of urgent work - a permanent presence of diamond bits in warehouses, the possibility of urgent acquisition and replacement, It is also important when performing non-standard orders the presence of crowns of non-standard sizes.
  • Allow multiple recovery. If the crown has a potential for multiple recovery, this can significantly reduce costs, since it is sufficient to restore instead of buying a new bit old.

Only a small fraction of the diamond tool suppliers meet all the criteria, requirements for quality diamond drill bits. This is because the, that diamond tools producer in Russia is not so much, only manufacturers can perform a custom or a rush order and provide a guarantee for its products. Known manufacturers of diamond tools in Russia no more than five, confidently guarantee the fulfillment of all the conditions listed above.

Алмазная установка с коронкой

Experts advise to pay attention to the diameter of the diamond crown. Typically, developers use the crown diameter 52 mm. It is a common mistake, since the diameter of the drilled holes is obtained substantially equal to the diameter of the pipe, in which the cable is laid. But it is worth considering the fact, that in the process of a gradual attrition of crowns of concrete or brick, over time, the drilled hole diameter decreases, and it becomes too close to the pipe. To prevent such problems, and the effective long-term operation tool, should choose the crown diameter 56 – 58 mm.

It should also pay attention to the length of the crown, experts recommend the length 450 mm. This crown can be subject to up to five times the restoration, which significantly reduces costs. And when selecting a professional quality tools, eg, drill with a diamond crown "Adele", you can drill up 50 intermediate floors, the average thickness of which is about 25 cm.

The technology of diamond drilling and drilling continues to evolve. Today, to perform tasks, Telecommunications standing in the field, and above all, to ensure availability of the Internet to any Russian citizen, apply only the most advanced high-performance methods, including, Diamond drilling technology.

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One comment on the record "Diamond drilling technology, drilling

  1. Not bad napisano.Escho plus one diamond drilling is that unlike punchers such installation is not strong vibrations and does not violate the integrity of the material. Accordingly, there is no selection dust. We are now working replace equipment more modern so the acquisition of such equipment, we just need to. Because now comes to the fore the quality of the work done.

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