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Species profile for LED tapes

Profile for LED strip, LED or profile, is a structure made of aluminum or PVC, where fixed lighting strip. The main purpose is to securely mount LED lamp and exhaust heat from it. Scoop under LED tape has a different shape (angular, rounded, rectangular) and sizes, which allows its use in the construction of any complex configuration.

classification LEDprofiley

classify LED profiles for set of parameters can be: the presence of additional functions, sectional shape, design assignment. But the main are still a material of manufacture and method of assembly.

The classification of the material manufacturing

The box may be made of aluminum or plastic.

  1. Aluminum LED profile very durable, it can be installed, eg, to overlap, and not to be afraid of damage. It is a reliable and hermetic protection for the luminaire. It is well suited for installation with their own hands. Supplied, usually, with diffuser - screen, protecting tape and alters the light path. The diffuser may be frosted or semigloss, and transparent.
  2. Plastic box for LED strip is used much less frequently. The main reason, by which it is selected, an affordable price. Although the plastic profile does not differ strength, he copes with the security tape from dust and moisture function. It can be sold complete with screen.

If the choice fell on the PVC profile, not worth saving. You need to buy a high quality plastic, which is not deformed by the heat from the light source.

Classification by way of installation

By the method of installation profiles can be divided into the following types:

  • overhead;
  • corner;
  • recessed;
  • false.

Surface mounted aluminum profile for LED strips mounted directly on the wall or on a surface other structures. Usually, It has a rectangular cross section. Fixing is effected by means of adhesive or screws. The advantage of this type of profile is the easy installation. However, the location of the profile for all to see is not always acceptable in terms of design space.


A variety of surface-profile can be considered as a corner box for installation of LED tape loops in the corners, on the stairs, indoor furniture, eg, cabinets. It can be used instead of the ceiling moldings, as well as in structures with complex geometry, where it is impossible to establish the invoice or embedded option.


Recessed or mortise profiles differ flush-mounted inside the wall, ceiling, any other surfaces, eg, kitchen cabinets. They have a high degree of protection against moisture damage and the, therefore, can be mounted on street lighting tracks or facades.


If necessary, to illuminate a large area of ​​space used suspension systems. Their installation avoids dead zones in your environment and to achieve uniform dispersion of light around the perimeter.


Advantages of using LED profiles

Aluminum profile under LED strip It has a number of advantages in comparison with the embodiment of fastening tape without additional devices:

  • with the advent of the profiles have expanded the possibility of using the tape as a design element. If earlier it hidden from the prying eyes of the lowly species, in combination with a duct, it becomes an independent piece of furniture, sometimes even his zest;
  • profile has an important protective function: It protects the tape from dust and moisture, as well as from mechanical damage. This is especially important when installing in bathrooms or outdoors;
  • LED box plays the role of a radiator, withdrawal of excess heat from the tape and thereby prolonging its life;
  • via LED profiles can be adjusted luminous flux. So, LED Strip Light, laid in profile, having a matte screen, will give a diffused light. in front of, if you use a screen with built-in optical lens, light from the tape will be directed. Such an effect may be useful, eg, the jewelry store;
  • Using Profiles simplifies the installation of lighting systems, especially if it is done on its own.


The main producers and prices are approximate

among the companies, engaged in the production of profiles for LED strip, They deserve special attention KLUS, ARLIGHT и LEDs-ON. They produce high quality products, confirmed customer testimonials.

Manufacturer of LED profiles ARLIGHT holds a leading position in the Russian market, thanks to the impeccable quality of the models and, in some ways, innovativeness. The company offers boxes of various shapes and sizes: angular and overhead, curly, screens with varying degrees of transparency, as well as optical lenses. The products meet stringent European requirements for quality.

Advantages ARLIGHT profiles can be regarded as: Compact and light weight, absence of noticeable flicker in luminous flux, high thermal conductivity, possibility to choose the glow hue depending on the design solution. Price range from 200 rub. for the simplest version of the profile length 2 m to 11000 rub. for with the screen set.

Profiles TOP also available now ARLIGHT. They are chosen for their high levels of dust- moisture protection, an affordable price and a variety of shapes and sizes, allowing you to set them in any confined space. Just TOP box have a high thermal conductivity, which positively influences the level of fire resistance life of the light sources. The price range on the profile of the brand is in the range 110 – 3400 rub. for long 2 m.

LEDs-ON - another manufacturer of LED aluminum profiles, including flexible. they are light, have unlimited use, thanks to many forms produced. Profiles LEDs-ON come complete with screens of varying degrees of transparency. The cost ranges from 1300 rub. to 10000 rub.


KLUS company known in the market thanks to its LED luminaires. But in its range also offers a wide range of different types of profiles. They are light weight and are durable, that allows you to install them on any surface. Standard profile length 2 m. Prices are within 280 – 3500 rub. depending on product characteristics.

All of the above manufacturers also offer a wide range of mounting accessories and accessories for LED boxes.

Be sure to pay attention, for a specified price yardage Profile. Often, this information is written in small print footnotes, which could mislead the consumer.

Installation of LED Profile

installation trunking LED tape is available, even for people without special knowledge and the availability of professional tools. Initially produced to the surface mount Profile. To do this, use a special glue or fasteners, produced by manufacturers for different types of profiles. Thereafter, in box keeps lighting device using double sided adhesive tape fasteners or, installed in the profile. In the next step to connect additional lighting elements, eg, dimmer, and close the lens profile. Do not forget about caps, which are installed in the hollow holes on the sides of the box.

COUNCIL! Note the sections already built ribbons. This will save time during installation and much more convenient.

The choice of LED profile affects many factors: the required size, task lighting, project's budget, Operating conditions. However, the result of competent approach to the issue will be convenient and comfortable lighting system, in harmony with the interior space.




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