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LED strip in the interior space

Modern interior is impossible to imagine without the use of lighting elements. And if more recently the appointment of a variety of lighting fixtures was just lighting apartment or house, but now the light acts as the designer and creator of the unique appearance and atmosphere of the room.

As the light source for the setup of lighting in the apartment uses LED Strip, cords Duralight, fluorescent lamps. The best choice in this case is the use of LED tape.

The advantages of using LED strip:

  • they are flexible, thin, can be cut. This allows you to securely hide the tape from the eyes in almost any design;
  • often tapes are available Adhesive, which makes them extremely simple installation;
  • you can use tapes with special controllers for mixing colors and creating virtually any shade;
  • the light intensity can be adjusted with a dimmer;
  • along with the usual ribbons available moisture-proof options, which can be used for lighting equipment by the pool or hot tub;
  • LED's inherent low power consumption, so you can leave the backlight turned on for a long time;
  • maintenance-free due to long life.


Why do we need light in the interior

LED Strip are used in the interior of the apartment in order to achieve a variety of purposes:

  • selection using the defined area of ​​light in the room or design element, eg, flashing lights in the kitchen area;
  • decoration or ornament, eg, mirrors or furniture;
  • imparting additional volume of the room, height due to backlighting. So, installation of LED strip to the ceiling visually make the room above;
  • creating the necessary atmosphere in the house: holiday, romantic, etc..

Backlighting helps to create a unique interior, realize interesting design ideas, hide flaws and plan to focus on the merits. Abandon the decorative lighting in the room - hence deprive him of a fair share of the attractiveness and functionality.


COUNCIL!When installing the lighting necessary to pay attention on the harmonious combination of colors and materials tape, present in the interior. So, blue, cold white and other colors are well suited to products made of metal, but the wooden surfaces advantageous to look in warm lighting colors.


Major uses of illumination

LED strips have been applied to highlight different elements of the interior. This can be cabinets, Shelves of different materials, design of the pool area in a country house, installation of light-emitting diodes on the wall behind the TV, internal illumination luminous boxes or creating a child compositions. Among the main uses of LED tape is worth noting the stairs and walls, piece of furniture, kitchen curtains and decoration zone.


Backlight LED stair belt is not only an ornament, but also ensures the safety of movement in the dark. Install LED tape in several ways: the rock, the side of the steps; at each step through one or; the entire length of stage or, eg, Only in the middle part; built into the railing. Turning on and off the stairs illumination can be performed by a standard switch, and by means of movement sensors. If you use the latter option essentially saves energy, because the light is switched on only if the person is suitable for the stairs.


It is important to direct the flow of light on the stairs. Otherwise, the steps may be distorted shape, that is unsafe when driving on them.


Illumination of the walls allows you to visually change the dimensions of the room, add interior "airiness", allocate different designs of plasterboard, eg, niche, column, arches. With the help of LED strip can be illuminated picture or photo, to focus on the Mural or panels, emphasize the texture of the material for the walls, eg, artificial stone.


In addition to the LED strip to illuminate the walls, you can use the LED wallpaper. They are a panel with pattern, between which the LEDs are fixed. These wallpapers do not require gluing, they are fixed to the wall with adhesive tape. Produce similar innovations company OLEDi Philips. Products are safe, easy to clean and allow you to create a unique and cozy interior.



Modern design method - the use of LED strip lighting in the curtains. It allows you to achieve the effect of the penetration of sunlight through the curtains, to emphasize the structure of tissues and visually "break" room boundaries. The best effect is achieved when placing the tape in a niche for cornice.



Find use in any room can be for furniture LED backlight LED tape. It can be used to illuminate the bed in the bedroom, create a romantic or, conversely, passionate atmosphere. Highlighted in the living room sofa or chair will be a kind of "float" in the air, which would give the interior a lightness and mystery. glass shelves, how to open, and in lockers, combined with LED ribbon will create a sparkling play of colors and add an attractive subjects, they placed.



In the kitchen, for the following LEDs apply lighting scenarios:

  • illumination of the working area by means of LED strip, installed under the upper cupboards of kitchen units;
  • highlighting kitchen apron from the inside. If the apron is made of glass or other transparent material, it turns into a self-illuminating device. It looks very impressive;
  • lighting inside cabinets with glass doors;
  • creating steaming effect by installing kitchen furniture cabinets tape LEDpod;
  • separation of the individual light elements, eg, Holders for glasses.


Recommendations for the use of the backlight

When planning for decorative lighting in the room should definitely take into account the type to create an interior. Use of color LED strips in apartments, decorated in a classic style, ethnics or country is unlikely to be relevant. The most advantageous will look fixtures here, emitting light warm yellow.

in front of, minimalist interiors, with elements of futuristic and hi-tech, you can unleash the imagination and experiment with different combinations of colors. Although, it should be noted, that the more successful of all the cold and the beauty of metal emphasize the white LEDs.

The most important rule when creating a lighting scheme - a sense of proportion. Do not make the apartment a Christmas tree and highlight all, what is possible. During the planning phase you need to analyze all the possible lighting scenarios, understand, what is really needed, from what can be waived without prejudice to the shape of the room, and that will generally interfere with rest and relaxation.

COUNCIL! To optimize the operation of the lighting scheme can take advantage of special devices - time switch. With their help, the backlight is switched on and off at a predetermined time.

The use of LED strips in the apartment allows you to create an exclusive look of the room, rasshiritego border, create the necessary atmosphere and mood. The possibility of its use in decorative interior lighting are virtually limitless. A simple installation, the variety of colors and durability are left far behind all the competitors.



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