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Ways to create sliding doors in the home

There are different systems of doors opening, One of the most convenient is the retractable. Such a system is able to save space in the room, because it does not require a large area to open, It may well fit into any decor. Production of sliding doors with their hands - an interesting exercise, able to save money on buying a finished product.

The advantages of a sliding design

  • Sliding doors have many advantages, basic is the ability to save space.
  • Installation of such doors does not cause difficulties even for a beginner, he does not need to carry a sophisticated tool or have special knowledge.
  • Installation of such doors take much less time, than installing the usual; box to collect much easier for her.
  • Create Sliding doors with their hands can, by purchasing any suitable hardware and door panels, which will send you to taste.

Mechanisms for sliding doors with their hands

Where do you start work?

Before buying building materials, accessories, instruments, You need to arm themselves with the usual tape. Using it is necessary to measure the width and height of the doorway. If the door is already, you can measure it. It is worth noting, which is usually hinged door may well be converted into a sliding design, Use old cloth from her.

Dimensions standard door leaf generally following: height - 2 m, width - 80 cm, rarer paintings 60 or 70 cm, sometimes you can find a non-standard door 90 cm.

The main element, you need to create a door, a sliding mechanism. Reinvent it completely optional: buy ready-made design can be in any store, which sells door panels and accessories for them.

Production of sliding doors

should know: the selection of the slide mechanism is necessary to know exactly the length of the door (eg, 80 cm). Mechanism of its length should exceed twice. Nothing wrong, if you buy a longer movement - it can be easily shortened, but with the short product may cause problems. Lengthen it will be impossible, but when there is insufficient length of the door will not open until the end of.

Sliding door with your hands, you can install any. If you want to, so that the door could not be opened just a start, You can install it on the handle with special lock. Such a device can be useful, if you want to, so that the door can be locked or that it could not open the pets and children.

By means of these mechanisms, any door leaf can turn into a sliding door. For a more aesthetic appearance of design can make a new door frame, It is specially equipped for sliding design.

What is required to create the door of the box?

Buy a box for the door leaf does not necessarily. Enough to buy the following materials in order, to collect it yourself. you will need:

  • 5 m rail; the thickness is selected in accordance with the thickness of partition doorway.
  • plat
  • Strap, used to conceal the opening mechanism of the eye.
  • Needless door leaf. It can be used as a new, and stood before.

novoe fabric will not have traces of installation of standard fasteners, so the look will be more attractive.

Sliding doors with their hands much cheaper, than buying a ready-assembled door. This applies even to the most expensive fittings: Installation does not require hiring specialists, so how to deal with it the power of amateur.

Sliding doors with their hands

Preparations for doors assembly

In order to prepare the door leaf, You need the following tools:

  • Manual frezer; if it is not, you can get the tools, below.
  • Stameska.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Drill.

For work can use any tool, but if there is a manual mill operation is faster and more accurate. Preparing the fabric includes the following items:

  • Begin work required from the lower end of the door leaf. Clearly need to cut through the middle of the flat groove, the depth of which should be 3 mm. This depression is necessary for, could work to lower track. It will serve as a stop doors, it will not allow in the operation to swing the blade. Cut through the groove is possible with a hand mill or grinder, for which specific terms for working with wood to be installed: it should have a fine tooth.
  • Included sliding mechanism are rollers, brackets. They need to connect with each other. This is done easily with the help of nuts. Elements have special holes for connection.
  • After fixing elements need to put to the top of the door leaf at the end face. Fasten them immediately is not necessary: It needs to cut around the, then measure the thickness of metal, of which the elements, and make grooves, This equal thickness.
  • After that you can tie clips to the web.
  • Production of sliding doors can be a bit easier, without bumping bracket in the door itself. The rollers can be simply bolted to it. This will affect the future performance of external doors, but if you have little experience, and in the hands of only a chisel and a hammer, slots for the rollers should not do at all.
  • Once the mechanism is almost ready, You can proceed to the assembly of the door lock. This structural element is optional, placed exclusively on the personal discretion.
  • It will be easy to use design, if you set the knob. If you put a regular, the door will not open until the end of, beating handles of doorway. In order to avoid this, You need to embed a special set of pens. For them, doing the grooves on both sides, then drilled through hole. Contour pen is required to designate in advance. It's best to cut out space for them using the jigsaw.

Sliding doors with their hands

Setting the slide mechanism

Scheme sliding door, as you can see, It does not have much difficulty. Once the fabric is ready for installation, you can proceed to further action.

Before you can install the web in the doorway, you need to mount the door opener. To do this, you need to properly fix the guide profile: it should be positioned horizontally. When installing it is necessary to use level; guide placed on the floor. If it is uneven, We have to spend work on leveling the surface. If the profile is curved, the door can not easily open, If the slope is large, possibly, fabric generally will not be able to move along the rail.

Mounting rail Features

Guides for sliding doors with their hands must be installed in accordance with certain rules, otherwise it can not be expected to work properly design.

  • TEN track, to the edge of the guide spoke at 50 mm from one side of the opening. On the other side, which will be rolled back door, profile should not protrude. Its length should clearly coincide with the dimensions of the door leaf. If the mechanism is too long, it is always possible to shorten the grinder.
  • It is necessary to calculate the correct height, to which the door mechanism will be raised. Calculate it can, taking into account the following factors: gap under the door, the resulting height of the blade, given the already installed on the rollers (clearance may be from 10 to 20 mm, it depends on, as a flat floor).

Production of sliding doors with their hands

Before you make the sliding doors with their hands, worth checking out, how smooth your wall. If they are too curves, will have to solve this problem. On a flat wall of the guide is easy to attach, it will require only a drill hole in the wall under it. If the walls are very curves, You can use a wooden rail; have several push the guide wall.

In order to deliver the finished fabric with the guide rollers, You need to have a side rollers. After installing the fabric on the door put a special emphasis, not allowing her to move to the side. To this end, all the way to the bottom of the canvas and saw through a groove.

To the internal guides are not flying, they need to be fixed with screws. To do this will need to open the door completely. Fasten the first cushion rubber case: it is used as a delimiter, then a bottom groove will need to start the web stop. It is secured with dowels. You can then close the door, secure lower stop definitively. If you watch the video, It is clearer, How to make a sliding door.

In order for the installation was completed, you need to install the door trim and the bar, which will close the opening mechanism. It is attached to a wall-mounted rail. Gap can be closed with foam or sealant.

WITHnaya, how to make a sliding door, you can not only significantly save on materials, but also to create a unique room design. You can use any fabric, that sell in stores or an old door, hanging on its hinges.



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