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TOP overview of the most popular manual tile

Tile called construction tools, for changing the dimensions of the ceramic tiles to a thickness 1,5 see it by cutting or splitting.

All Tile for the application process for power divided into two types: mechanical and electrical. Mechanical tile cutters do only manual, but the electrical components shared by another manual or Machine type.

In our review, we will not cover all types of, and just try to answer the question: a manual tile cutter is better to buy.


Advantages and disadvantages of manual mechanical Tile

Resolve now, that the manual tile cutters, inherently, do not cut, and do with a special roller or sharp cutting head groove in the upper layer of ceramic tiles, after, then by applying even pressure on both sides of the groove, due to the physical properties of ceramics, tile comes chopping exactly made slots.

From here we have one of the significant shortcomings of, even good, Mechanical hand Tile , which is less than the size of the complexity of cutting edge ceramic tiles 3 centimeters. To do this, it is best to use any other kind of electric tile, as due to the lack of experience in working with ceramic tiles can be obtained, in this case, a lot of "extra" fight or many mosaic.

The general advantages inherent in manual plitkarezam include:

  • absolute mobility,
  • compact design,
  • low weight,
  • independence from the electricity.
  • complete safety at work.

But, perhaps, this category of performance capability building tool yet we refer to purely subjective factors, which will depend directly on the professionalism particular master.

What to look for when choosing

so, to buy a good manual tile cutter it is imperative to pay attention:

  • On the exterior structure. The substrate must be visually tough and durable, while still having sufficient thickness and area of ​​the supporting part. This is necessary in order, so that during operation could freely without too much fear of applying a large enough force to cut ceramic tiles.
  • On the handle structure and guide, because the more the lever, the less effort we will need to apply. This can be useful especially when working with tiles of granite.
  • The length of the working zone of the tool. Here it is necessary to select the cut length, Guided by the maximum length of the diagonal tiles, with which you have to work. To "growth" tool is not worth buying, as this will not only unnecessary spending, but any inconvenience when working in small spaces bathrooms and toilets.
  • On the smooth running of the carriage along the guide rails. It should not be "stuck" when moving forward or backward, and not to carry absolutely no backlash. The presence of bearings in the carriage structure is a significant advantage, but it is not a prerequisite for a good tool.
  • The cutting roller. It should rotate smoothly with no apparent clearance and be able to simple replacement in case his bluntness. For the reason that, that the cutting rollers are made only from certain brands of hard-alloy steels, visual quality is not possible to check, so here you have to take the seller's word.

Pay attention to the possibility of replacing the cutting wheel and the availability of its complete.


model Overview

Our review of the top Tile conditionally divide into two blocks so, to advise you in the first part of the selection, first of all, cheap models for purely domestic use. But in the second of our review unit to provide the most popular model for the manual cutting of ceramic tiles for professional work.

Models for home

so, cheapest manual tile cutter - a roller, for which you will have to pay only 100 rubles, in the case of a simple model. But, Professional specialized roller Tile with additional devices will cost already 300 rubles.

roller Tile

It has a fully all the benefits manual tile, but it has the disadvantage in terms of compulsory and you must have the experience and skill when cutting tiles of small size with the help of.

Tile Matrix rail 300 x 12 MTX is designed for use with ceramic tiles of small size. It has a simple and lightweight construction, consisting of a base and brackets, manufactured by stamping from sheet metal is not very thick, coated, in turn, simple red paint. On two brackets fixed tubular guide, which act as rails for a carriage with the cutting roller and the handle.

rail Tile

As producer declares, guides are made of high quality steel with anticorrosive treatment, which is a thin layer of nickel-plating, but for the price you should not expect a miracle.


The advantages of this model is, price, which starts at just 700 rubles and lightweight design in 1,5 kg, not having nothing extra for full mobility.

By cons, first of all, we put the small size of the working area only 300 mm, that does not allow a party to the tile in the 250 mm to make a diagonal cut, as well as the fragility of the structure and apparent cheapness of its parts. Here you can add a small diameter size of the cutting wheel all 6 mm, which can quickly blunt.

To make the repair in a small bathroom and toilet, model MATRIX 300 x 12 MTX will be enough.

Standart Plytkorez 330 although configured for the same two-rail circuit with stamped base, it also fits into the price range starting with prices in 700 rubles, but has let a small, yet unlike classmates.

Just one touch to the design Tile Standart 330, which is stronger for the guide bracket, It begins to distinguish it for the better in this price category goods. Hence, the added advantages of a permissible for the thickness of the tiles already in 16 mm and a small plus sign in the additional measuring scale, with additional additives in weight to 1,56 kilogram.

The disadvantages are all the same flimsy structure with cheap parts, small cutter wheel, small length of the working zone, which also makes it possible to cut diagonally across a square tile with a party in the 250 mm.

Plytkorez STAYER Standart 400 is an inexpensive model capable to work with ceramic tiles with dimensions up 400 mm, that immediately reflected in the total weight of the tool 1,67 kg. Made this model, the entire lineup of cheaper standard two-rail scheme, that certainly, It gives ample stability and accuracy when working with ceramic thickness of only 12 mm.

The advantages we assign:

  • large working length 400 mm, what, Unfortunately, not enough for a diagonal cut to 300 mm square tiles, but it is sufficient for 250 mm side;
  • mobile structure.

Minuses: fragile stamping base, rails with holders made of tin, which may eventually become loose with the ensuing consequences, as well as a cutting roller small.

We conclude the review of inexpensive models enhanced manual tile model STAYER MASTER 500, which according to the manufacturer, able to make a smooth and precise cut as the tile, and porcelain for wall or floor coverings.

A distinctive aspect of this model is reinforced base, made of thicker metal, durable cast brackets under the rails with all of the same two-rail scheme, which is reflected directly in the tool weight, which is already 4,13 kg.

The undoubted advantage of Tile STAYER MASTER 500, which you can buy 1000 -1200 rubles, are:

  • a working zone length 500 mm, that allows you to work with virtually any ceramic tiles;
  • strong design, enabling easy cutting ceramics with thickness 16 mm;
  • More gradirovochnaya line.

By cons include:

  • increased overall dimensions 700 x 170 x 110 mm;
  • small cutter wheel diameter 16 mm, that such technical features several little.

Top popular models or how to choose a good Tile

Let's start this review unit also with Tile Matrix firms, but PROFESSIONAL model 500 MTX. This is one of the latest developments of the company Matrix, deservedly enjoys good popularity.

Enhanced Tile Design, constructed according to the scheme with one guide rail, which is made of special steel I-profile. Hence the modified device working carriage structure, who has done so, guide that covers both sides of, using to move the ball bearings. For maximum stability of the position of the handle and light travel at the carriage, Presser girth is in the design of special adjustment screws.

The base frame is made of a special aluminum profile, which largely makes the design easier and mobile, and weighs a little more than 7 kilogram.

Cost Tile PROFESSIONAL 500 MTX starts with 3500 rubles, that for an instrument model with professional manners is not so expensive.

The advantages of this model as a whole can be attributed reliability, wear resistance and durability in the work, and:

  • the length of the working zone 500 mm,
  • high structural strength,
  • convenient form of the handle,
  • possibility of adjusting the backlash of the carriage,
  • smooth running ball bearing mechanism.

The most significant disadvantages include:

  • Overall dimensions 1000 x 300 x 200 mm;
  • several large weight;
  • Periodically there are clearance on the cutting disk, that can have an error when working with large tiles to 5 mm;
  • inadequate design of the rubber bump stop slide, which wear out quickly and allows the cutting disc on the beat ruler measuring scale.

Handmade Tile RUBI STAR MAX-51, formed by two-rail circuit proven. Spanish company RUBI, specializing in building tools release, brought traditional construction Tile to perfection.

Base Tile is made of a special aluminum alloy and has a relatively narrow profile, wherein the strength of the assembly is not in doubt, and two retractable metal holders are provided for the horizontal stability. Add the ease of design guides durable plastic holders, that, in turn, made of a thick-walled steel profile, coated with a rust inhibitor.

Manual tile cutter STAR MAX-51 is able to cut a tile thickness 12 mm at a length of the working zone 510 mm or with a maximum side of the square in 360 mm diagonal.

The main advantages of this model is the simplicity and strength of the structure with a relatively small weight of just 3,4 kg. These costs add as the availability of branded bags for carrying the tool capabilities, which is very practical.

The disadvantages, first of all: ease of design, which does not allow to work with a tile thickness 12 mm and a small size cutting wheel only 6 mm. Plastic sleeve carriage though made of durable plastic, but over time, due to the constant presence of ceramic crumbs on the guides will wear, that will affect the smooth running. And at a cost of 6000 RUB Tile RUBI STAR MAX-51 will still be considered a bit overpriced.

And here is not to present a good and inexpensive Tile Anchor MT124 Russian production.

With a retail price, starting about 3000 rubles, offers a tool with a cutting length 600 mm at a thickness of the ceramic tiles in 12 mm. With a relatively small size in 850 x 200 x 140 mm and weighs in 5,75 kg, this model, configured for reliable two-rail circuit on the solid metal base. The manufacturer did not save on the material in the manufacture of reinforced brackets, and used under the guidance nickel plated steel tube slightly larger diameter, than comparable models.

This affected not only the overall strength of the structure plitkareza Anchor MT124 as a whole, but also allowed to place the gauge limiters for re-cutting with movable protractor, and complement additional device for cutting circular holes in ceramic tile thickness up 6 mm. All this is to some extent the advantages of this model.

By cons plitkorera Anchor MT124 include imperfect work tools for cutting round holes, namely a few weak cutter and the need to first train, before starting their work really.

In conclusion, we consider one of the branded models - manual tile cutter rail Eurotex 500 mm, which is formed on one circuit with improved I-beam rail, made of high-strength steel profile, coated with anticorrosive and a special design of the carriage mechanism, Moves the profile by means of bearings.

Aluminum base instrument is provided with an additional rotary mechanism for changing the angle of cutting and the dimensional line, and also has a special device for the possibility of fixing tiles. Tool weight is about 5 kg.

Tile tiles can be cut to a maximum length of 500 mm and not more than a thickness 12 mm. The cost of this model starts at 4500 rubles, which is quite comparable with the technical capabilities of this instrument.

Tile manual rail Eurotex 500 mm at its extravagant appearance has no special advantages and disadvantages, to be significantly different from similar models in design and price.

As a result of this review it is difficult to recommend one or another specific model manual tile, without knowing exactly all the criteria of your choice, but we sincerely hope, that the best hand-Tile is still the one that you gain.



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