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Laying plywood on the floor, installation, alignment, device

Укладка фанеры на пол фото. МонтажPlywood - the best foundation for rough sex. it is strong, not susceptible strain, always warm. Made of wood, it is able to maintain a comfortable indoor climate and healthy. Site renovated apartment with his hands Today will tell you how to do packing plywood on the floor, installation and alignment technology. As a result, you will learn all the apparatus of the present method.

How to lay the plywood on the floor. The glue, strengthen

Attach to the bottom of the plywood needed with dowels and glue. Water-based adhesive is almost odorless, but it dries a few days, which can cause undesirable slowing construction.

Glue solvent-based dry much faster, but fills the room a sharp unpleasant odor. Although with good ventilation the smell disappears, Many artists do not like this part of. Therefore, the third embodiment can select: plywood fastening to the base using a bicomponent glue. Most often, this method is used, If the screed dry inconclusive, and in the concrete have communication.

Begin work on plywood laying on the floor with the right screed. Dry or wet screed is made - no matter, the main thing, that it is perfectly horizontal, and the work was done qualitatively. If the tie is done right, waterproofing, thermal insulation made in accordance with the technological requirements, substrate moisture content does not exceed 1%, you can count on, that the finished floor will last for many years, will warm, dry, comfortable.

The basis for parquet Plywood sheets are generally FC 4/4 or higher. Typically the thickness is chosen in 1 centimeter, sometimes 12 millimeters. It is this thickness makes the material durable to the extent, but, in the same time, moderately flexible, It is very important: because the laminated sheets are subjected to heavy loads, when people walk on the floor, arranged the furniture. Thickness over 12 mm impractical, tk. It does not affect the properties, but it is more expensive.

Since plywood - laminate, it may delaminate at elevated humidity. Before starting her deck need to check, how wet concrete floors. It is simple. During repairs, removed the old topcoat. During the construction of a freed ceiling.

On peeled old plate covering sheet is spread high waterproof film (polyethylene). Its edges are pressed tightly and carefully load to the floor so, that the center remained free. If after a week on polyethylene did not appear condensate, means can be laid on wooden substrates. The emergence of moisture suggests, that the room is too damp, and require additional waterproofing floors.

Installation of the floor made of plywood with their hands

Монтаж пола из фанеры своими руками фтоFirst carried out a preliminary cutting of sheets of pre-filmed standards premises. When cutting is necessary to consider, that the damping joints between the bunting should be about a centimeter, and at the walls - one and a half or two centimeters. Flooring should not come into contact with the walls. A distance necessary for, to change the size of the change of humidity or heat level is not "vspuchilis" ready floor. Besides, small-format blanks reliable, stable, than larger.

When the cutting is over, should check, Do the ends in place of cut are not stratified. Such blanks can not be used. After that the adjustment of the panels to the floor. Sheets laid out on the floor so, both will be attached to it. Important: do not put a joint in one place four sheets! Therefore, the cloth is laid with shift, as in masonry.

When fitted plywood, All parts are numbered, drawn their locations, workpiece removed from the device floor. The base under the floor first carefully aligned: traces are removed from the solution, paint stains, Other traces of construction work. Then overlap dedusted. This is best done a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. If dusting, debris conducted in a conventional broom, that it absolutely can not be wet - moisture will spoil the wood material.

Now you need to cover the base primer. This type of primer is prepared from the same composition, which will be glued plywood, but heavily diluted with an appropriate solvent. Problems in several primer. is he, deeply penetrating into the pores of the base, adheres to it remaining microscopic dust particles and provides a solid surface for bonding. Such dedusting enhances adhesive property, adhesive and plywood, greatly increases the adhesion of various materials. The primer strengthens the concrete surface, prevents it to collapse, to form a new dust. In a large room, where the flooring will be carried out in parts, primer also applied parts. In a small room you can prime the entire base. In any case, the processing performed immediately before laying plywood, you can not walk on the primer.

Flooring plywood

Настил пола фанерой фотоIn the primed substrate with a notched trowel to apply preselected mastic. The thickness of the layer required is indicated on the package, but usually no more than two centimeters. On mastic is laid Enumerated list, which by means of screws with plastic plugs attached to osnovaniyu.Vazhno: The connection is performed on the diagonal and perimeter. The distance between the dowels - 20 cm, distance from the edge to the dowels - 2 cm, the screw length - three times more end plywood sheet.

In order not to split the workpiece by the hammer blows, attachment carried out in the. Directly across the base of the tree is first drilled drill, which corresponds to the diameter of dowel, and then countersink drill a larger diameter. The resulting hole is easy to hide the cap screws.

Fixed deck left to prepare for parquet. This requires resurfacing. It is best to carry it out with a special grinding machine, but if it is not, We have to work first major, then fine sandpaper. The resulting surface must be perfectly smooth, without chipping, zausenic, roughness, height differences in the joints.

Cover correctly laid wooden base parketom or other material will not be difficult. Such plywood floors will not "walk", They act as insulation, keep in the room is excellent and favorable microclimate.

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2 Comments to the post "Laying plywood on the floor, installation, alignment, device

  1. Great detail describes the technology works on parquet laying. One question – the same technology is required when laying the floorboard? plywood need for meaning.

  2. If minor defects, you can use a special substrate, which compensates for any minor irregularities. Directly laying often performed on large sheets of plywood. They are attached to the unfinished base using self-tapping screws or dowels in p'o-t'ai.

    Under the plywood it is necessary to put a vapor barrier. For this ideal paperboard sheets, impregnated and covered with a special mixture of cork. At the same time she flooring is laid on the polyurethane foam substrate.

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