the main / Floor / The choice of waterproofing for bathrooms

The choice of waterproofing for bathrooms

The complexity of repair bathroom largely depends on, how well and one of the main technological operations correctly executed - unit bathroom waterproofing. A well-chosen materials, compliance technology works and the features of the products will successfully solve the problem of sealing the room at the lowest cost.

Repairs in the bathroom as opposed to other premises private house or apartment requires a slightly different approach in view of the features of the room destination. High humidity, water vapor, water is in one way or another will be present in the room regardless of how it is equipped with - steel or plastic bathtub or modern shower. View of this technology and repair bathroom has its differences, because the repair is done with the expectation of long-term operation.


Why waterproofing?

Planning for repairs in the bathroom, Besides the usual compiled estimates and priority plan of operations is necessary to pay attention to the important from the point of view of the functioning characteristics of the premises:

  • state of load-bearing structures of the walls, ceiling, gender;
  • piping systems water and sewage, heating systems;
  • ventilation;
  • wiring.

And if the pipes and wiring can solve the problem quickly - simply replace outdated structures, then the walls and the floor will have to spend a lot more time and effort.

For rooms with high humidity and constant temperature changes, the state of the walls, floor and ceiling acts as a major repair problems, as incorrectly arranged waterproofing of the premises necessarily leads to a much more dangerous problems. fungal colonies, destruction of the concrete base and brickwork, Peel ceramic tiles all of which are consequences of incorrectly arranged waterproofing and especially the floor in the bathroom waterproofing.


Preparation to the ground

For a correct waterproofing floor bathroom, using only modern materials and technologies need to truly Herculean effort - you need to completely clean the floor and walls of old tiles, otslayvayuscheysya plaster, remove and clean out the crumbled concrete. The use of such radical methods allow in the future to significantly reduce the cost of materials and significantly speed up the process of work.

Bathroom waterproofing technology includes several stages:

  • the initial phase - the removal of the old tiles and plaster, cleaning and cleaning of all the problem areas of plaster and crumbled concrete;
  • base training stage - a primer and restoring surfaces of the walls and floor;
  • basic - the primer and the floor in the bathroom waterproofing.

After cleaning all the peeling should carefully remove dust and any remaining debris, for greater effect, you can use a vacuum cleaner.

Household vacuum cleaner is not suitable for construction works, but in extreme cases can install a disposable filter bag and further enhance motor filter in multiple layers of the folded fabric.

The first layer of waterproofing bath at this stage will play primer deep penetration, which is applied with a brush. After the primer has dried to carry out reconstruction work - closed up the gap, holes, eliminates the problem of plaster and place a concrete floor. For this phase of work is recommended to use dry plaster mixtures Knauf, Polifarʙ, Master. Particular attention is paid to the joints of floor slabs, seam panels, corners, sewer inlets. As a result, the work should get a smooth surface without flaws, and take into account the requirements of the project in relation to the angle of flow.

Leveling the floor surface sealing in the bathroom without fail should take into account the flow direction of the hole ladder. Failure to do so will require correction in the subsequent laying of tile, by applying more layers of adhesive mixture, which negatively affects the quality of coatings.

The completion of the preparatory stage waterproofing bathroom reprocessing involves deep penetration primer for final surface preparation application waterproofing layer.


Waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom - how to choose the best

New technology of repair and construction offer a large selection of both the materials, and methods of their application.

Floor waterproofing technology in the bathroom, despite differences in methods and materials for the work is characterized by a general purpose solution - the establishment of a lasting layer, preventing infiltration of moisture into the basic structure of a building.

technology works depend on the material bathroom waterproofing:

  • device through the liner material;
  • Obmazochnaya kind of waterproofing;
  • device using spraying waterproofing material.

For self-floor waterproofing in the room most suitable method of coating acts as waterproofing coating. For back-lining method, when the surface via mastic stacked layer film requires specific skills such materials, and polyurethane spraying requires special equipment.

Surface waterproofing the floor in the bathroom is presented on the market in the form as a ready-mix, and in the form of semi-finished products, the preparation of which does not take long.

Ready-bituminous mastic mixtures are viscous mastic mass is formed by applying a layer on the surface to a thickness of 2 mm. Bituminous mastic are marketed in the form ready for use in the packaging of mixtures 5 to 50 kg.

mastics, based on polymer resin composition have a two - mastic and the solvent. Mixing is conducted immediately prior to use by mixing the required amount of mastic and solvent. Packing mastic held in tanks 5,10, 20, 50 kg, solvent has a nominal 1,2,5,10 liters.

Obmazochnaya waterproofing bath from a dry blend is prepared by adding according to the instructions for using the necessary quantity of water. The dry mixture is packed in bags of 10 kg or 25 kg.

surface waterproofing
surface waterproofing

applying lubricative Materials Technology

The floor surface before applying the mastic must be cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner. The prepared paste is first applied to the surface of the wall, to a height 15-20 cm from the floor and at the same distance on the floor.

The treated portion is adhered strip of waterproofing material. Bonding is carried out around the perimeter of the floor bathroom. This technique allows you to further enhance the most vulnerable places of the room, and thus further protect the walls and floor structure of the building.

Application of surface waterproofing bathroom held a spatula or a brush. Works begin with the most distant corner of the room from the entrance. Mastic is uniformly applied to the surface, with as much effort it is possible for a better adhesion of material to the surface.

Depending on the material of the surface layer of mastic polymerization time at normal temperature and humidity is 30-45 minutes. Finally, the process completes through 24-36 hours.

Getting Started Installation of tiles, on waterproofing mastic it is recommended not earlier, than 48 hours, thus it is necessary, primarily to inspect the floor surface to detect defects and eliminate recoating layer mystique.

How much does the surface waterproofing

The desire to reduce the cost of building materials in the embodiment of the device the bathroom surface waterproofing to significant savings will not lead, but the quality, usually, suffer greatly. Substitution mastic for interior roof mastic or a mixture for waterproofing building foundation in this case only add trouble due to the specificity of application technology and significant increase in the period of repair.

For an accurate picture of the cost of materials is enough to compare the cost of the main types of coating for waterproofing mastics:

name mastic type mastic packing amount price
Knauf FLÉHENDIHT Acrylic ready to use mass 5 l 850-1350 rub.
"IVSIL VODOSTOP" waterproofing mixture 20 kg 700-810 rub.
"IVSIL ELASTICA" Elastic 2 component waterproofing 20kg + 10l from 2100 rub.
Osnovyt T-63 HARDSKRYN waterproofing rigid 20kg 700-810 rub.
Topkolor, gray waterproofing mastics 7 l 2550-2800 rub
MAPEGUM WPS. elastic liquid waterproofing membrane 5 l from 2000 rub

Estimating repair will not do without calculating the cost of the work of professional builders. for companies, working on the construction market cost of the project, in general, and its individual components and operations on waterproofing the bathroom floor to the customer's material is calculated on the basis of floor space.

for new buildings, offers are more democratic price due to the small amount of preparatory work, for the old building houses the price will be much higher. So, Device for the protective layer of reinforced concrete slab with a device screed works cost per square meter is equal to 3000 rubles. When the device protective layer of the walls of the cost of works will be 70-110 rubles per square meter, and when the floor waterproofing, without the preparatory work the same amount of work is estimated at 90-150 rubles.

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