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How to choose a warm floor right

Today many people think about the fact, how to make your home the most comfortable. To do this, not only a beautiful layout and design of the room, but cozy atmosphere of warmth, which provides insulation and heating. The most important factor is the floor covering. That it causes most of the comfort. This is because, which is often not the floor is made of warm materials and remains cold. Because you need to fix this problem, in particular, good solution becomes warm floor. And now we will consider, how to choose a warm floor is right for yourself.

how to choose a warm floor

Types of floor heating

The first thing to be determined with the selection system of the form. This depends on certain factors. Total possible to note two types of floor heating systems:

  1. Electric underfloor heating systems.
  2. Water.

And that's why, to understand, what type of suit you best, should consider them all.

water system

To begin with we shall understand, that generally represents such a system. As the name implies, for heat transfer in this system uses water.

With the help of special equipment tserkuliruetsya water through the pipes, giving heat to the floor covering. The system can be represented in two variants:

  1. With natural circulation.
  2. With forced circulation.

Needless connection can be formed both from the central heating system, and from a separate riser. Quite an important factor in this case becomes the activation of pump, which will be fully circulate the coolant flows.

Radiant Floor

also note, what is possible and the connection of the riser battery, but in this case it is necessary to provide adherence to the bypass pipe and pipe loop length. because water sexes system It can be installed only when the providence of capital works in the apartment.

Now let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of such a system, and start with the main advantages:

  1. Among all types of coatings, such a system the most budget. As for the cost of materials, and price of installation.
  2. And the second advantage is low cost coolant, when used in gas boilers system.

Among the main advantages - it all. We now turn to the system disadvantages:

  1. The first and foremost disadvantage is becoming the risk of damage to the pipeline, and subsequently having to disassemble the floor covering and replace the entire system or its individual parts.
  2. In the case of low pressure in the system, water floor can not function without forced circulation.
  3. Such a system is not possible for installation in apartment buildings, since in this case there is a falling heating efficiency of other apartments. Because to make such connecting to the central heating will not give permission to the administration. If such a system is initially provided
  4. Anyway, This connection requires a special permit from the relevant authorities.

ABOUT mounting can be found in a separate article.

Electrical design of the system

The second type of electrical system becomes Heated floor. Considering a total of two variants, largely, issue decision, how to choose the right floor heating installation it gets this kind of heating.

The very appearance alone is divided into three categories

  1. Cable.
  2. infrared film.

And now look at each of the species separately in more detail, paying attention to the advantages and disadvantages.

how to choose a warm floor

Cable floor heating

At the base of such a system is well-designed cable network, which are produced from multicomponent alloys. The object of such wiring is converting electric energy into heat. The very operation of the system is governed, by a special thermostat, which is a mandatory component of the network.

Among the advantages of the system is noted:

  1. Long life, which greatly exceeds the durability aqueous floor.
  2. network energy consumption is equivalent to an ordinary household appliances (standard heater, for example, convector).

And now, some of the shortcomings:

  1. installation of the system rather expensive.
  2. Besides, network itself during operation emits electromagnetic waves, that little harm health (insignificantly, that can become noticeable after ten years of operation, but the disadvantage is worth mentioning).

features underfloor heating cable

In solving the arrangement of such a system should take a responsible approach to the choice of the basic material - cable. It must be certified in accordance with ISO standard 14000, in addition to have a certificate of products KIMA.

film floor

The next type of coating film becomes. It is an integral heating carbon film with numerous functional. The principle of operation is based on the floor long enough radiation of infrared rays, and negative ions.

The role of the transmitter is activated carboxylic paste, which is applied to the curved bars on the material. The expensive models emitter carried vsploshnuyu applying across the film surface.

The power supply is carried out by copper wires soldered to infrared polyester film. Also, the network is accompanied by a temperature controller, and to which there is a connection.

Film warm floor

It should be noted, that the producers of such products a lot, but in choosing to be as carefully and with the advice of experts, after assessment tasks, to be performed by heating.

Now, about the benefits of:

  1. The system is universal in the selection of floor coverings. In particular, on such a surface can be installed any facing material, ranging from flooring and linoleum, and ending with tiles.
  2. There is also the possibility of creating a mobile heating, that will settle under the carpet, which will remove the heated floor in the summer, and laid back in the winter.

among the shortcomings:

  1. In the network there is a huge number of contacts, which may be damaged, because before laying it is necessary to fully test the entire network. Besides, directly in the regeneration of a floor covering must perform work very carefully, to avoid damage.
  2. For full operation of the system is necessary to use a special connector, which promotes the connection with the web wire.

Important! If you plan to tile laying, It requires the use of special additional substances, and in addition the adhesive layer should have a thickness of at least 1,5 cm.

heating rod

And the last view is marked a new type of innovative heating - rod floor. This design maximizes reliability and environmental friendliness. Specialists gave her the name of the intellectual cover. In the role of the main coolant rods protrude from the Carboniferous. Each of them is initially connected to each other, the latter connects the power supply from the thermostat.

core floor heating


  1. The design assumes that self-regulation function. Because you can not worry to arrange furniture, the risk of overheating and failure of parts is completely absent.
  2. Such a floor can be installed in any room, cover any material, fill screed, In addition to use as a room, and in open areas (balcony, terrace).
  3. Material maximum harmless, in comparison with other types of heating.


  1. The most important thing becomes a big purchase and installation costs.
  2. also note, that the market for goods can often find a lot of fakes.

It should be noted, that before you choose electric floor heating is important to get acquainted with the technical innovations. Species have significant differences, but mostly the same mounting technology. In a nutshell, on a prepared foundation is laid substrate, coolant itself, and on top of the settling topcoat floor. More details about the arrangement of floor heating in a separate article.

For more information on choice of types of electrical in a separate article.

What else you need to know when choosing and installing underfloor heating

Now a few facts, which necessarily need to know:

  1. Do not run the cable under the furniture and tight-fitting to the floor.
  2. Over the entire area of ​​the room laying step should be the same, contact, crossed cables should not.
  3. It is impossible to cable took place in areas with a risk of fracture, through movable joints, near fireplaces and stoves.
  4. The same system can not be used in areas with different conditions.
  5. Very carefully to do the installation of the topcoat, so as not to damage the cable.
  6. Flooringsa low thermal conductivity must breathe, therefore it is necessary to leave a small gap under the baseboard, coatings on the edges of the air outlet.
  7. More economical option, is uniquely radiant floor heating, it can be used as the primary means of home heating.

Heated floor system features

What to choose heating?

And now we conclude our discussion of, how to choose a warm floor, and still give recommendations on the choice, since all species are known, still weigh the "pros" and "cons".

And it must be said, the final decision depends on many factors, among which:

  1. area (particularly important for water heating).
  2. Location rooms.
  3. Installation is planned to be carried out in a house or apartment?
  4. Tasks, to be performed by heating.

And now a few tips, which should help determine the choice of a:

  1. In the case of installation in a private house in small areas, economical option would be water heating.
  2. When constructing the best option warm floor is pivotal in apartment (although the most expensive).
  3. If the budget for heating is not great, then a good choice would be the cable.
  4. When selecting the type and the model takes into account the problem, if the goal is worth only floor heating, then you can choose the model weaker, when, when the task is complete room heating, should give priority to more powerful models.
  5. When selecting the electrical system, pay attention to the placement of furniture, as it can occur under overheating and failure of (as previously). This paragraph applies to all types except rod.

And of course the main thing is a correct choice of the manufacturer, as well as a lot of it depends on th, we offer a number of companies, which in the opinion of our experts are noteworthy.

Well-established manufacturers of water sexes:

  1. Wirsbo.
  2. Rehau.
  3. Nereus.

Manufacturers of cable underfloor heating systems:

  1. Devi.
  2. Nexans.
  3. Teplolux.

We also offer you to make calculation of cable underfloor heating online calculator. Thus you will save yourself a lot of work with calculations.

And in the end, We offer a few videos about, how to select and install a warm floor.

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