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How to lay linoleum correctly

Укладка линолеума своими руками фото

For many people, the linoleum was, It is and will be the best flooring. Rarely repair costs of the material without the use of. There are many reasons, however it is necessary to highlight the most basic benefits:

  • stability of linoleum to external changes - whether it is decrease or increase in humidity, temperature, etc.;
  • its functionality - allows you to quickly and effectively clean the surface from contamination;
  • simplicity in operation - after laying linoleum any maintenance does not require, besides cleaning;
  • quite difficult to find any cheaper flooring, than linoleum;
  • Easy to install - allows stacking without the involvement of experts.

Stages laying linoleum with his own hands

Not surprising, that linoleum, With such a set of qualities, widespread. After that, linoleum selected, must, of course, start with planning. At this stage, the main determine the coverage area, and the amount of material. The most important thing is not to make a mistake in the calculation of the area, regardless of, which has a complex shape or a rectangular room. All the walls have to be measured on the perimeter.

Этапы укладки линолеума своими руками фотоThe thing is, that vysokoetazhnyh homes even opposing walls may well be of different lengths. Blame around negligent builders. As a result of the linoleum on the one hand it can be a perfect fit, and on the other it can not be missed. To such unfortunate blunders to avoid, better to measure seven times, and only then cut. When the size of all the removed linoleum, and bought, begin preparatory steps.

Technology laying linoleum with his hands very easy to learn, in the video below are good examples. If you understand everything, then do it yourself will not make the big work. However, you do not have to dally. To linoleum long and well lay down, base necessary to prepare well. undoubtedly, this is the most crucial and important part of the work. If it is made qualitatively, then consider that half the job done already.

Preparing the subfloor before laying

In the room, Where wooden floor, Flooring should be securely fastened. movable, fragile base ever lead to deformation of the coating. Therefore it is necessary to take precautions in advance. on doshtatыy the floor is laid plywood, which are screwed screws. The resulting substrate must be perfectly flat. It is necessary to pay attention to what, not given to the cap screws.

Подготовка основания перед укладкой линолеума фотоundoubtedly, laying linoleum best base is concrete. However, the present process is less time consuming does not become. Armed with building level, You need to check for irregularities and tilt. If this is found, it will be necessary to do screed of sand-cement mixture. The base will be enough to fill seven centimeter thick. Thereafter, a mixture of self-leveling screed is recommended to make the finish.

In such a case, be sure, that the base will perfectly flat, and this issue greater return, never have. Besides, strong and smooth concrete floor in handy in the event of, if after some time a desire to replace linoleum any other floor coverings.

How to lay linoleum correctly

Surprisingly, but the main stage of laying linoleum is parallel and finishing. If the room is not scheduled to obscure one blade, and multiple segments, the main thing, to linoleum pattern match is completed to. After cutting out fabric, it should be spread out in the room, leave to rest in bed and about two days at normal room temperature. This will help prevent wrinkles and dents.

It should be remembered, that the styling will be easier, if the cloth and the surface will be very smooth. Linoleum should be cut so, so that the edges do not reach to the walls of a centimeter.

There are three main ways of styling:

  • without the use of adhesives;
  • with cold mastics;
  • with adhesive.

In a domestic environment it is more convenient course to use double sided tape or glue for linoleum. These are the simplest ways of laying, that plus everything else, financially the least expensive.

Naturally, the most reliable and durable manner considered laying the linoleum with his own hands with the help of glue. Until the mid linoleum folded one side and with a spatula on it is applied a layer of adhesive. Then he has to pass some time in the air. After that linoleum is laid in its place, and special burlap or trowelled extruded from the air under it. A similar operation is performed and the second half.

If we talk about the process of self-adhesive laying linoleum, this method should be used very carefully. The canvas is entirely glued bilateral adhesive tape on the perimeter and is fixed on the basis of. The most important thing is complete and correct to smooth wrinkles and other irregularities, that after not had to redo all the work again. In conclusion set wooden or plastic moldings. In this installation of linoleum is considered ended. Now check out the video tutorials for visual information secure. successful repair!

A selection of videos laying linoleum with his own hands




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3 Comments to the post "How to lay linoleum correctly

  1. When I was in the nursery Linoleum stele, I put him on the glue. The next day of the linoleum, one that is closer to the window was swollen and covered irregularities. What did we do wrong? Why such an effect?

  2. The reason is, that linoleum front label should lie down at room temperature for at least a night and at the same time it necessarily need to cut around the perimeter komnaty.Prichina swelling linoleum after the stickers can be properly selected adhesive.

  3. Linoleum is the best and cheapest option for the floor. If we compare it with other floor coverings, the linoleum is cheaper all. Truth and putting it hardest. You need to know the exact measurements of the room, even a few millimeters can make a big difference. Still it is very important to choose the right glue for all your efforts go down the drain. The washing and the use of linoleum not fussy, so if you decide to lay it his, especially in the kitchen, great budget option!

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