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The clean sewer drain in the bathroom and clean the pipes in the apartment

The question of, how to clear the blockage in the bathroom there is almost everyone. Face it is a master of all trades, and ordinary housewife - it is normal. If the water does not go away, or worse - lashed back, izdavaya stench, use the bathroom is not only not nice, but it is impossible in principle.

This article contains comprehensive information on, how to remove the blockage in the bathroom, what means a better use, as well as how to prevent the recurrence of trouble in the future.

The reasons, which could become clogged bathtub

First you need to determine, causing clogged drains, and what options have to clean the tube or siphon. Most likely, the reason is found in the process of eliminating the problem. but, If you know, that the decoration fell into the sink, hairpin or other necessary thing, not all funds from blockages in the bathroom would be nice. For example, Some chemicals may damage the product dropped by embarrassing.

so, the cause of the blockage in the trap:

  • hair, animal dander;
  • participation, pile, threads from clothing;
  • trifle;
  • mud;
  • small parts, findings, ornamentation.

All of the above components form a dense clump in a tube, which prevents the passage of water, if not impede its. Remove a blockage in the bathroom or maybe a pair of tweezers or a thin wire.

Effective methods of elimination of clogging sewer

The good old air eliminator and wire. These two things are practically in every home.

Plunger - this is a stick with a rubber tip in the form of a large sucker, able to suck or push the garbage.

Using this uncomplicated invention can obtain the following results:

  1. Perform blockage prevention education.
  2. Eliminate the causes of the slow draining.
  3. Assess the extent of contamination.

Usually effective plunger, when the pipe is clogged slightly - sudden flow of water and air pulled across snag.

Guidelines for the Use plunger:

  1. Install the device in such a way, to its rubber part blocked drainer.
  2. To dial a small amount of water in the bath (dry efficiency decreases).
  3. Make a few strokes, moving the handle up and down.
  4. Check whether the water is drained.
  5. Wash off the recovered waste.

If this does not work, and blockage in the bathroom and did not disappear, then what to do? use a rope:

  1. Insert it into the drain hole.
  2. To push forward into the pipes and scroll simultaneously.
  3. When the voltage drops (obstruction passed), gently move the rope up and down.
  4. Extract and wash the product.


Modern chemical industry has taken care of, to make the process of removing blockages as fast and comfortable.

Almost all of them are equally effective, but the choice of the means necessary to take into account the fact, it is not any remedy for blockage in the bathroom suitable for the type of pipe, which is installed in your home.

Manufacturers producing means vying for pipe cleaning of debris and sediment. Composition can be varied:

  • powder;
  • gel;
  • liquid.

The most common and inexpensive means of a mole - domestic product, which perfectly eliminates odors, food residues and grease, and cleaves the fiber (hair, wool, etc.. d). Produced by different companies and may differ slightly:

  • composition;
  • price;
  • time action.

Compatible with the type of pipes, usually, It is listed on the packaging. This is not a complete list of effective drugs:

  1. Mister muscle.
  2. bugs.
  3. Pothana.
  4. Hyphen.
  5. Flup.
  6. mole.

It is important to carefully read the instructions for use and follow all safety precautions, so as not to get a chemical burn and spoil the plumbing.

People cleaning method clogging: soda and vinegar

If at hand no plumbing, or plunger, no cable, no funds purchased and clogged tub - worth a try national method. This will require:

  • ½ cup baking soda;
  • ½ cup vinegar;
  • 1 a liter of boiling water.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Wipe dry bathroom and drain metal ring.
  2. Pour soda into the drain.
  3. Pour vinegar to.
  4. Pour boiling water over 1 minute.
  5. Through 2-3 minute turn on the water - it must flow freely.

Cleaning the siphon

If you still have confidence in the, that the reason for the slow draining become necessary or valuable thing - worth knowing, how to clean the siphon in the bathroom. Thus it will be possible to remove the, that fell into the sink and caused a blockage.

siphon Cleaning Technology:

  1. Lay a trap fabric, supply basin, or bucket.
  2. Slowly unscrew the bolt nut, to avoid gushing fluid.
  3. Remove the flask and drain dirty water.
  4. remove the trash, small parts or lumps, cause a problem.
  5. Rinse the siphon and remove plaque.
  6. Install a siphon in place.
  7. Check for leaks.

Now, in the case of, if suddenly clogged bathtub, you will know, what to do.

It should also be remembered, that prophylaxis with plunger and cleaning the siphon once a month - a pledge of quality and comfortable use of the bath. Expensive chemical agents may not be needed in this case,!

Also worth seeing the video on this topic:

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