the main / Floor / What is self-leveling floor epoxy and how it is done

What is self-leveling floor epoxy and how it is done

such material, like epoxy self-leveling floor, ideal for closed premises, with a constant excess of the average level of humidity values, with high probability Strait chemically aggressive substances (alkalis, acid, household chemicals):

  • production and storage facilities;
  • laboratory for various purposes;
  • premises for (repairs, service) with appliances;
  • premises public, high traffic (educational and medical institutions, catering, shopping malls, etc.. P.);
  • houses, cottages, etc.. P.


application technology

Epoxy self-leveling floors are settling in several stages:

  • Preparing a surface having a base.
  • It then puttied and primed.
  • After drying the removed dust.
  • performed the foundation, which will be applied to the actual self-leveling floors (NP).
  • created pattern.
  • is applied to the top (finishing) layer.



Substrate preparation, which will continue to settle filling epoxy floor, It is the first step in the preparatory work. From the quality of the structural element is largely dependent outcome.

NP is allowed to equip for any reason, whether concrete, tile or wood, etc.. The differences are only in the number of technological operations performed.

When applied to the wooden base should be considered, that the self-leveling floors are very sensitive to the initial stage, to the presence of moisture.

Therefore, the maximum allowable rate is wood humidity, not exceeding 10%. Since the surface is required to remove oil stains, other fats and eliminate the presence of dust.

Further, it is required to perform grinding and sanded. If the wood surface is originally rough, it can not be primed.

The downside of such bases is low strength.

If the self-leveling floor epoxy is poured on the substrate, lined with ceramic tiles, the previously required to check the quality of its styling.

In identifying places, where the tile is "breathes", it must be removed, and the resulting aperture zashpatlevat. Further work is performed in the same sequence: degrease, remove dirt and dust, primed and begin to fill.

concrete foundation. The ideal moisture indicator value is similar to the base in 4%.

dust off, identified defects (cracks, chipped), are sealed. For this purpose, self-leveling Self-leveling floors. After drying their chemical required to perform polishing surface.

If desired,, eliminate the detected defects base, where developing are self-leveling epoxy flooring, technology to eliminate them may be different, more convenient for you. In those cases,, when the humidity of the concrete base, for one reason or another, above optimal, requires the prior application of two-component epoxy primer - Enamel.



The primer base can improve adhesion with Polymer Flooring. In addition to the concrete ground surface isolates having pores, that in the future will save floor fillers from possible air bubbles. In some brands of primer added neat and fine dry quartz sand in order to improve adhesion and leveling small surface defects.


If the first coat of primer is quickly absorbed Damage, it should be re-primed surface.

The base layer leveling floors

This stage can begin no earlier, than 6h - 12h, counting from the end of primer, or through 12h - 18h, if developing are self-leveling epoxy flooring.


The base layer is a continuous layer, caused by filling, followed by a leveling layer (performed squeegee or trowel in the usual). When large surface poured floors recommended to perform portions (squares or stripes, depending on the geometry of space). Adjacent sections merge into a single monolithic base due to the plasticity of the material (spreading), until it is completely dry.

Move around the room, without damage inflicted layer, can, using special kraskostupy, worn on the shoes. After pouring and leveling the layer to the desired thickness, must walk across the surface of studded roll special, contributing to the removal of material from air bubbles.

Epoxy floors may be applied two or more layers. Thus the color tone of only the upper layer gives him. Separately, about 3D technology sexes.uzor-the-fountain-sheets

The next step is to apply to the surface of the selected pattern (optional) and lacquer based on polyurethane.

finishing layer

Apply a similar basic, but not earlier, than a day - two after the completion of the previous phase of work. The thickness of the finishing layer, usually, less than 3 mm. Improve the quality and visual perception of the coating facilitates the use of a polyurethane varnish.

Sam polymer flooring thermal shrinkage does not falls down. However, contraction joints near the entrance gate (the front door) and the walls should be left without fail.

The average time arrangement of self-leveling floors up 5 – 7 day.


How to choose a contractor

The best choice is to conclude a contract with the company, that meets the following requirements:

  • This construction company, whose specialty is the arrangement of self-leveling floor, with the performance of the complete cycle of works: everything from ties to the finished floor of putting the customer.
  • Availability of modern high-tech equipment and skilled workers.
  • The company's ability to perform at the agreed time in a row.
  • The company should be able to work not only with their own brands of self-leveling floor, but also topics, which offers the customer.
  • Your future contractor must have a valid license for construction works.
  • At the customer's request he shall provide facilities address, where the company is already doing similar work.

The main advantages of epoxy self-leveling floor

polymer flooring, one of the varieties which are self-leveling epoxy flooring, They have the following properties, which can be attributed to no exaggeration to their advantages in comparison with other flooring materials:

  • solidity. The surface of the floor is seamless, which increases their service life.
  • High resistance to chemically active materials (alkaline and acidic).
  • The high vibration resistance and impact resistance, caused considerable elasticity mentioned sexes. This property makes them indispensable in the production halls and warehouses.
  • Resistance to alternating mechanical stress.
  • On the surface of such floors practically no dust accumulates, due to the presence of surface films, preventing the formation and accumulation of dust. Very serious plus for decorating floors in laboratories and operating.
  • Wide operating temperature range, which allows to equip such coatings in open storage areas, etc.. in almost any region of Russia.
  • Epoxy flooring has high fire and safety. Polymer floors are not subject to burning, so they can equip, eg, welder working place.
  • High hygienic properties. easily cleaned, possible formation of bacteria and mold, other pathogenic microflora.
  • decorative appeal. Perfectly complement any decor. A used lately decorative flooring with images, made in 3D, make the room totally unique and memorable.
  • Durability. The period of operation of such floors as much adverse conditions is not less than 15 years old. They are easy to upgrade and repair.

Choosing such materials, it should be remembered, that epoxy floors, the price of which is significantly lower than the average for similar products, can not be a quality product. Acquiring them is not recommended.

Leading manufacturers of self-leveling floor

The most widely represented by such products in the Russian market, recognized worldwide, producers, как LITOKOL, IVSIL, BERGAUF and Russian goods brands Basics, GUARDIANS, 'TeoKhim'

Producing epoxy flooring manufacturers offer their products in a number of advantages performance, but achieve this due to the simultaneous reduction of other. Therefore, each brand has its own advantages and disadvantages.



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